100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 223 Autistic Teenager (1)


sixth plane

Autistic teenager


"Chuchu, Chuchu?"

His consciousness gradually became clear, and he felt that someone was slapping his back, Yu Chu slowly opened his eyes.

What caught his eye was a mahogany table. Yu Chu straightened up and found himself lying on the table and fell asleep. She looked at the person who called her behind her.

It was a man, in his forties or fifties, his head had been dyed white, and he looked quite old.

Yu Chu followed the original owner's memory, smiled at him, and called out, "Dad."

"Hey," Mo Jianguo carefully took out a paper bag and handed it to her, "Chuchu, you didn't eat last night, Dad brought you some."

Yu Chu looked at the paper bag.

The table on which she slept was of excellent wood, and the room was large and decorated with splendor.

Unfortunately, this is not her home.

The original owner's father worked as a servant in a wealthy family and did not go home often. The original owner sometimes came here to look for him.

Mo Jianguo was often busy until the middle of the night and couldn't take care of his daughter's meal. He only secretly brought some food to his daughter after finishing the work.

There was a roast duck in a paper bag. Although the color and taste are full, it is inevitably a little cold.

The original owner is 18 years old. Because the family is poor and her father is a servant, she is sensitive and inferior. Every time she sees the food her father brought, no matter how good it is, she thinks that it is the leftovers of rich people, so not only does she not receive her father's food Love, always blaming him.

And the original owner's wish was to change his temper and stop hurting his father's heart. After experiencing a tragic fate, she understands that her father is the best person, so she also wants to be good to her father.

At the same time, she longs to escape her tragic fate.

Yu Chu looked down at the paper bag, calmly reached out to take it, and whispered, "Dad, you didn't eat last night, did you? Let's eat together."

Mo Jianguo was stunned for a moment.

So "pleasant"...

How long has it been since my daughter talked to him like this?

He felt sorry for his daughter, so he gave her this food, but every time she got angry at him, she would rather throw the things away than eat them, and said he had no backbone...

After half a lifetime of ups and downs, he doesn't know what backbone is. He just wanted his daughter to be fed.

But she didn't understand.

Mo Jianguo actually knew that his daughter hated this poor family and his poor father.

She hasn't cared about him for a long time...

At this moment, the girl's simple words made the man's eyes wet. He murmured and shook his head: "Dad ate it last night. Dad is not hungry, you can eat it."

How could Yu Chu not see it, so he wrapped his hands in paper, tore off a duck leg, and handed it to him, "Then you can eat more, I can't eat so much."

Mo Jianguo's eyes turned red again after the fragrant meat was stuffed by his daughter, and he lowered his head in disguise: "Okay, okay, let's eat together, Chuchu, you can eat too."

"Yeah." Yu Chu wasn't pretentious at all. He didn't have cutlery, so he just wrapped his hands in a tissue, tore off a piece of meat, and chewed slowly.

Although it was cold, it still tasted good.

Seeing that his daughter not only cared about herself this time, but also really willing to eat, Mo Jianguo was touched.

It seems that my daughter has grown up and is sensible!

The father and daughter ate in a warm atmosphere. Mo Jianguo packed up and said, "Chuchu, you are studying hard in college, don't worry about money, just ask Dad if you don't have enough money. Go out with your classmates more on Saturdays and Sundays. "

Yu Chu nodded: "I see."

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