100 Ways to Get the Male God

#292 future holographic game (19)


Another day she has to ask the man if he can drink this kind of nutrient solution, and if he can, consider raising him.

But I have to say that this thing is very good. After drinking one, Yu Chu logged into the game forum and concentrated on studying the game rules and skill characteristics.

In the game, if you want to make money, the best way is undoubtedly to sell potions. This also has advantages for Yu Chu. She got the title of warrior. According to the official website of the forum, the title can add attributes. If it is added to refining medicine, it will undoubtedly be of great help to refining medicine.

There are many rich people in the game. Taking advantage of the fact that there is no second person to get the title of warrior, seize the opportunity first, and how can you make a small profit.

After browsing some information on Interstellar, Yu Chu glanced at the time, and the limit just passed.

She put on the game bracelet again.

After the game is loaded, ask if the login location is the location where you logged off last time, or if you are going back to the city.

Yu Chu thought for a while, thinking that the others must have left Binghu long ago, so he chose to go back to the city.

"Di, about to enter the game-"

The eyes slowly brightened, and the noisy human voices entered his ears for a moment - but the next second, Yu Chu regretted choosing to go back to the city.

The resurrection point in the city is equivalent to a transfer station. Those who are resurrected and those who log in to the game will be teleported again here, and it will be overcrowded.

And the little witch was too conspicuous in the crowd. Almost as soon as she appeared, the crowd was obviously boiling, and many people began to gesture in mid-air, looking for the angle of the screenshot.


Yu Chu was speechless for a second, then glanced at his wallet, it was really not enough to buy a teleportation scroll, so he had to face everyone's eyes and walked away quickly.

"That's her?"

"Yes, ice dragon kill..."

"My God..."

"Witch Crispy, how did she do it..."

Listening to the whispers around, Yu Chu felt a little helpless. The situation at that time was actually because [Eleven] cooperated with her to complete the killing.

Whether it was Mitsurugi, or the sword formation that trapped the ice dragon and made it impossible to attack, he did it all.

At best, Yu Chu just used that magic wand to complete the final blow to death.

But the honor of killing, in addition to the killing team, is to the person who finally kills the boss.

So the title came to her.

However, for these melon eaters, a witch is still a Lolita witch, it is really incredible to get killed.

She hurried through the crowd.

But there were people everywhere in the city, and there were people chasing and watching, Yu Chu was helpless, and called up the team channel as he walked. Seeing that several people seemed to be online, he asked:

"Are any of you in town?"

Outsiders naturally cannot hear the voice in the team channel. Yu Chu only heard [Spicy Chicken] subconsciously answer: "I..."

However, before the sound of almost a word fell, he suddenly stopped, listening to the sound, as if someone next to him was covering his mouth very quickly.

Then, the voice of "I'm the most handsome in the world" sounded, with a hint of whitewashing peace, "Haha, the spicy chicken is in the city, but he has something to do..."

[Never kills] said: "Boss, boss is here, I will send you a scroll."

Yu Chu opened his mouth, but before he could speak, he received a teleportation scroll in the mailbox.

Helpless, she opened it and saw that the location was on the outskirts of the city.

More and more people were watching, Yu Chu touched his nose and used the scroll.

The little witch disappeared in an instant.

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