100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 703 Why is the disciple so obedient (26)


"Where is Master going? Can't... can't you take me?" The boy's voice dropped.

Yu Chu thought for a while, then shook his head and smiled: "Just wait for me here, but I'll be back soon after a few months."

Xuan Ling lowered his eyes and pursed his thin lips.

Seeing that the little devil looked unhappy, Yu Chu touched his chin and suddenly said:

"Come here a little."

The young man raised his eyes to look at her before bowing his head obediently.

Yu Chu raised his hand around his slender neck, stood on tiptoe gently, took off his mask with one hand, and put his lips on the thin lips under the boy's mask.

Xuan Ling opened his eyes.

The fragrance lingered on his body, and the slender figure of the young man leaned over, half of the silver mask outlined the beautiful shape of the eyes, and the bridge of the nose was high.

The soft and thin lips were sealed, and the white clothed Immortal Venerable bit his mouth lightly, and the young man was able to react.

After being bitten, the tender tongue slid lightly between his lips, and Xuan Ling's pupils were slightly bloody. Under the mask, the snow lotus between his brows darkened slightly.

He lightly clasped the waist of the person in front of him.

Yu Chu pulled the man down and kissed him for a while before leaving slightly, and asked in his ear, "Wait for me?"

"Yeah." The boy with red earlobes hugged her, his forehead lowered between Immortal Venerable, and he responded softly.

Sure enough, there's nothing that kisses can't solve.

Yu Chu smiled and touched his head, and he hugged him tightly around his waist again. The boy's voice is soft and obedient:

"But Master... come back early."

"Yeah." Yu Chu nodded.

However, she really didn't expect that this time she left to find something, and she left for a year.

Mo Shen Xuan Ling is about to turn eighteen, and before that, she needs to find a rare treasure to suppress her magic power.

The scary part of magic is not only power, but also emotional transmission that can affect personality.

Cold, cruel, violent negative emotions.

This kind of evil thought is not impossible to suppress, but it requires a very rare treasure.

Yu Chu brought the little devil to the world because he wanted to leave, and he was worried that he would stay in Xianshan.

——Place the Demon God on the Immortal Mountain, this combination is a bit scary. Still a little safer.

Yu Chu expected that it would take a few months, but she did not expect that it would take a year before she successfully brought back the rare treasure.


In the bamboo house in the mountains, the boy waited alone.

After a year, the eighteen-year-old boy became more slender and beautiful, and his expression was always quiet.

Aiming at this increasingly amazing beauty, Princess Linlang did not give up for a whole year.

But she came here I don't know how many times, and she has never been given a good face.

The matchmakers at the bottom of the mountain occasionally come here, but they are politely sent off every time. They come again and again, but only bring back news that breaks the hearts of the girls at the bottom of the mountain.

The fairy-like little brother, but inexplicably ignored him, and the women felt pity and puzzled.

until a year later.

The festival of lights after a year.

The young man carried a lamp by himself, slowly walked through the night market, lowered his eyes slightly, turned a blind eye to the shy glances of the women, and walked past indifferently.

No one dared to speak.

The women lowered their heads and whispered, and looked at the man's profile with vague blushing.

"He participated in the festival of lights..."

"But he's still alone..."

"I heard that I am eighteen this year... Although I am still young, why haven't I been married..."

"That's right……"

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