100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 721 The Golden Emperor in the Jungle (1)


seventeenth plane

The golden emperor in the jungle


Yu Chu's consciousness gradually became clear, and he heard the voices of several people talking. The atmosphere was depressing.

"Just leave her alone..." someone asked.

Yu Chu knew he was talking about her. Those people were sitting around her.

"Otherwise, what else can you do, do you carry her?"

"Forget it, there's not much food left anyway."

"It's not good for the smell of blood to attract beasts."

"That's right. There's no way out. And she's been poisoned by snake venom, so she won't be able to live much longer."


The voice of the conversation gradually became smaller, and then there was a rustling sound, the grass blades of the jungle were moved, and the footsteps gradually drifted away...

Those people are gone.

Yu Chu was lying on the ground, the slender blade of grass swept across her face, causing a burst of itchiness.

The wound on the thigh involved nerves, but under the numbness brought by the snake venom, the pain was eliminated.

The land under him is damp and soft, covered with tender grass leaves, and when the wind blows, the leaves of the verdant trees rustle.

The sound of water ding-dong was heard in the distance.

Everything indicated to Yu Chu that she was in a moist and warm forest.

Under the snake's venom, his consciousness struggled, and after a while, Yu Chu slowly opened his eyes.

What catches the eye is the lush tree, which grows very tall, the leaves swaying and shedding sunlight.

...the wound must be treated as soon as possible.

Those few people who left the original owner and left have some truth in what they said. There are dangers everywhere in the forest, and the smell of blood can easily attract large predatory beasts.

Although there is a system, there is no need to panic, but this weak situation is still very uncomfortable.

Yu Chu struggled to sit up and saw the hideous wound on his thigh at a glance. A blur of blood stains the color of the clothes.

Just on the calf, some distance below the knee, blood was still pouring out of the wound. Although the blood hole was not big, the toxicity was obviously not small.

Yu Chu tried to lift her leg—the poison paralyzed her perception, and she couldn't use this leg.

so tricky...

Yu Chu sighed slightly.

Through the original owner's memory, she learned that the original owner, Lin Chu, was an adventure lover and joined a team of explorers, ready to go to a forest to explore.

It is a forest known as the most mysterious, and almost all explorers have gone to nowhere.

This time, it was also funded by a large consortium, which gathered a group of explorers who came for huge rewards.

But they got lost.

The original owner came because of her own interest, but on the way, she was accidentally bitten by a poisonous snake, and the other members of the expedition left her alone, so she died in this forest without any accident.

As for the wish... This time the wish is very simple, as long as you go out alive.

Yu Chu glanced down at the wound on his leg, because it was paralyzed by snake venom, so it didn't hurt.

She supported the ground, moved slowly under the big tree, and sat down against the tree.

She surveyed the jungle.

If you ignore the dangers lurking in it, the scenery of the forest is undoubtedly beautiful. The lake in the distance is hidden in the emerald green, the water is sparkling and the sun is shining.

The little flowers in the grass are blooming beautifully, and the crystal water droplets on the grass blades are flickering and sparkling.

Yu Chu pursed his lips and moved his gaze to the dense grass half a person high, thinking silently in his heart.

If it is an ordinary jungle, it may be possible to simply judge the direction by the position of the sun.

But here...

Not the earth.


Not Earth!

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