100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 806 Zombies in the End Times (32)


A leader who is a little bit genuine and knowledgeable will not show his complacent look so obviously.

"You saw us fighting?"

Yu Chu asked.

Because of the coveting of Mo Li, the woman did not pay attention, and Yu Chu did not address herself by honorific titles.

She waved her hand impatiently. "Of course I saw you, didn't I tell you, it's better to take you away in time, otherwise you will be taken away by the inspector team! Does the inspector team know, that's not a joke, if you're not careful, you can Was thrown out to feed the zombies!"

She moved to the fifth-level area by accident today, but she saw such an exciting and beautiful young man. Of course, she could see that the other party had a girlfriend, but it didn't matter. Both of them lived in the fifth-level area. The bottom of the bully.

But when she saw the youth's power, she was completely stunned again, realizing that these two people might not be simple. But at the same time, there was another thought that controlled her—that is, to use this incident to threaten and intimidate the other party, forcing the other party to obey obediently.

This thought excited her, and she couldn't even think about the possible backgrounds of these two people, so she couldn't wait, and they were called immediately.

At this moment, staring at the two people opposite, a smile appeared on the face of the middle-aged woman, she squinted at the slender boy, then turned to the girl and said, "But, of course, it's not a big deal. Yes, as long as you promise me one condition, I can protect you and live a good life here."

The other party stared at him closely, Yu Chu couldn't help hooking his lips with interest, "What conditions?"

Chen Ling pointed to the young man behind her, and said directly, without fussing around, "Give him to me, you can ask for money or anything else, you can do whatever you want, just give him to me."

Yu Chu couldn't help laughing, looked back at the ignorant young man, and raised his lips slightly, "In this case, please let Chen Ling report the crimes of the two of us, and take us to feed the zombies."

Chen Ling was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this girl was still unmoved by coercion and temptation. Feeding zombies? Could it be that she would rather feed the zombies than accept the arrangement that everyone is happy with?

Her eyes flickered. Seeing that the peace talks could not be done, she turned cold, closed the document in her hand, and stared at Yu Chu coldly: "Since I gave you a good solution and you don't agree, why don't I give you a bad one. ?"

She said, sneered softly, turned back to the door and said, "Come on, arrest this woman, she violated the regulations of the fifth-level area, she was put in jail first, and then she was thrown out of the base to feed the zombies—— "

She deliberately spoke in detail, as if she had already painted a tragic future for the girl.

As she spoke, she stared greedily at the boy, closed the document, stood up, walked over, and reached out to grab the boy behind the girl.

"Your name is Mo Li, right?" She stretched out her hand to grab him, but she still had a kind smile on her face.

However, before her fingers touched the young man, her entire expression became stunned. It seemed that something in the air was grabbing her neck, making her unable to breathe. She kicked her legs desperately, grabbing her fingers on her neck, But he couldn't catch the air.

"Spiritual Department..."

Chen Ling squeezed these people out of his teeth and stared at the girl in front of him in horror.

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