The arrival of Liang Yao made Bell's manor in Houston lively. Google search reading

Bell's office is in Austin, and he himself lives in Austin. Since he moved to Austin, the estates in the Houston area have not been so lively for a long time.

Early the next morning, Texas political and business celebrities near Houston gathered at Bell's estate.

The last time Texas political and business celebrities gathered in such a large gathering was when they sent troops to New Mexico.

As a state in the United States, Texas is quite young. Texas became the 28th state of the United States on December 29, 1845.

It has been less than five years since Texas was established as a state, and its history of statehood has not yet included the governor of the Lone Star Republic, which lasted for nine years.

This creates an inevitable problem, that is, as a new state, Texas has a very low sense of identity with the United States of America.

Texans prefer to call themselves Texans in public rather than Americans.

Since arriving in Texas, Liang Yao has never seen the Stars and Stripes flying anywhere else except the Stars and Stripes flying on the warships of the escort fleet.

Instead, I saw the flag of the Lone Star Republic, or the state flag of Texas, flying in many places along the way.

In terms of complexity of history and population structure, Texas is probably the most complex state in the United States.

In addition to the flag of the Lone Star Republic, there are still many places where the flags of the Republic of Mexico, the Republic of Spain, and the French Republic are still flying. In short, there is no Stars and Stripes flag.

The population complexity of Texas is no less complex than that of California. There are American immigrants, former Mexicans, Spanish colonial immigrants and even French immigrants.

For example, the current governor, Mr. Bell, is a French immigrant.

Political and business celebrities near Houston were very excited when they learned that Liang Yao wanted to buy Texas cotton, sugar and tobacco.

Due to the sluggish international market, the domestic market in the United States cannot digest these cash crops. Texas plantation owners have squeezed a lot of inventory into their hands and are worried about being unable to sell them.

If Liang Yao is willing to help, their losses will be reduced a lot.

As usual, after lowering the price, Liang Yao and the plantation owners present more or less signed purchase contracts.

"Sir, I have to remind you that California currently only has a population of 200,000 at most, and any of these orders you signed are enough to supply a population of 400,000." Kony reminded Liang Yao cautiously.

"Of course I know that, but for the sake of friendship between Texas and California, I have to sign these orders."

After signing the last order, Liang Yao put away the pen in his hand.

Although Liang Yao signed many orders, cotton, cane sugar, and tobacco were all raw materials and their value was not high.

The total value of these orders signed by Liang Yao is only US$1.34 million.

For these plantation owners, US$1.34 million is a huge amount of money, but for Liang Yao, US$1.34 million is just drizzle.

Furthermore, signing these orders is not a loss-making deal.

The quality of cotton, cane sugar and tobacco in Texas is good, and they are all good raw materials, especially cotton.

Although California currently only has a population of about 200,000, with California’s astonishing population growth rate, this data will soon be refreshed.

After inquiring about the price and converting weights and measures, some Chinese businessmen in the cotton business also signed purchasing contracts with Texas plantation owners on the spot, preparing to transport the cotton back to Qing Dynasty for sale.

Signing orders with Chinese businessmen allowed these planters in Texas to see another possibility. In addition to Europe, there was also a huge market in Asia.

They don’t have to hang themselves on the European single market.

After signing these orders, the Texas plantation owners looked at Liang Yao and the Chinese businessmen more cordially.

Of course, Liang Yao's orders were not signed in vain. After signing these orders, Liang Yao made his demands.

"The relationship between California and Texas is like brothers. I think in order for the friendship and cooperation between the two states to last long, there should be deeper cooperation between the two states." Liang Yao said slowly.

"That's natural. California and Texas are brother states, and it's natural for brothers to cooperate and help each other."

Texas Senator Ron had just sold a large amount of cotton and was in a good mood.

As the saying goes, the mouth that eats people is short, and the hands that take people are short. As long as Liang Yao's cooperation proposal is reasonable, he has no reason to refuse cooperation with Liang Yao and California.

It would be great if the northern states of the United States do not create obstacles for Texas and take away Texas' land, let alone cooperate with Texas and provide assistance to Texas.

As for the various slave states in the South, Texas does have a relatively harmonious relationship with these states, but these slave states are also competitors of Texas, because the pillar industries of these states are almost exactly the same as Texas, which are cotton, cane sugar and tobacco.

When the British came to collect goods, in order to sell the goods in their hands faster, the planters in the southern states lowered the prices of each other, rushed to sell cotton, and were stabbed. This happened not once or twice. .

California's main industry was gold mining, at least that's what the planters in Texas thought.

Although California is a free state, as a new state, there is no old grudge between California and Texas. Last year, the two states had a tacit understanding of cooperation for their respective interests.

Therefore, Ron and other Texas planters generally had a better impression of California, and even felt that California and Texas had a common language.

"My views are consistent with those of Congressman Ron. Texas is willing to cooperate with California as long as it does not harm the interests of Texas." Governor Bell also expressed his attitude.

"Governor Bell was joking. The friendship between California and Texas is like brothers. How could California harm the interests of Texas." Liang Yao immediately made his request.

“California will set up a liaison office in Texas to facilitate communication between the two states. Similarly, if Texas is willing to set up a liaison office in California, California also welcomes it.

Also, the California Telegraph Office has already laid a telegraph line to Los Angeles. I want to lay another telegraph line from Los Angeles to Texas and set up a telegraph branch in Texas. "

Liang Yao had had an idea for a long time to lay a telegraph line from California to the eastern region.

When he left California, all major settlements in California were telegraphed.

His telegraph company had accumulated enough experience in laying telegraph lines in California, and now it was time to expand its business beyond California.

Compared with those orders placed by Liang Yao, Liang Yao's telegraph company laid telegraph lines in Texas and the requirements for setting up a branch were not excessive.

The connection of electricity between California and Texas is indeed conducive to communication between the two states, and the beneficiaries are not only California, but Texas can also benefit from it.

"No problem. The state government will give full support to the telegraph line sections in Texas. However, the line sections passing through Arizona and New Mexico are outside the jurisdiction of the state, and the state government is helpless."

Bell readily agreed to this request.

No other Texas dignitaries present expressed objections.


There will be another update later!

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