1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 323: I want to meet some powerful friends in Europe

"Hiles is waiting to go back to London and get a stick."

August couldn't help but gloated. He realized that his words and deeds were too out of character. He hurriedly adjusted his condition, pulled the corner of his clothes and sat down again.

"I'm sorry, I just lost my temper and made you laugh."

"It's hard for anyone to stay calm in a multi-billion-dollar market."

Liang Yao also expressed his understanding of August's gaffe. Not to mention August, even if his master James in Paris discovered a commercial project worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he would not be able to help but gaffe.

"What do you want? Just ask."

August is not Hills who grew up in a greenhouse. He is a mature and shrewd businessman. He knows that Liang Yao is willing to cooperate with him, and there must be requirements and conditions.

There are indeed requests, and there are many, but Liang Yao believes that the Rothschild family will agree to his requests because they are greedy enough and will not let go of a business cooperation project worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Before the death of Meyer, the patriarch of the Rothschild family, in 1812, his five sons went to different cities to manage the Rothschild family's local properties, known as the Rothschild Five Tigers.

The eldest son Amsiello stayed in Frankfurt, the land of prosperity of the old Luo family, the second son Salomon went to Vienna, the third son Nathan went to London, the fourth son Karl went to Naples, and the younger son James went to Paris.

The five people continued to make the Lao Luo family's industry bigger and stronger in these five cities. The Lao Luo family built the most powerful financial empire in Europe with the power of one family.

It is known as the sixth great power in Europe and is regarded by the public as the sixth great power after Britain, France, Prussia, Austria and Russia.

This statement is somewhat exaggerated. The Lao Luo family is not as exaggerated as the people think. No matter how rich and powerful the Lao Luo family is, they are still dependent on the private capital of major powers.

How can private power compete with these powerful state machines?

However, it is true that the old Luo family can use the huge capital in their hands to influence the success or failure of a war, thereby indirectly affecting the national destiny of a great power.

During the Seventh Anti-French War, the elder Meyer used his financial network in Europe to raise millions of pounds in military expenses for General Wellington of the Anti-French Alliance.

After the war, the Prussian government fell into a financial crisis, and the old Luo family raised another 5 million pounds for the Prussian government to help the Prussian government tide over the crisis.

In order to thank the Rothschild family for their help, Frederick William III specially awarded the old Luo family a knighthood.

Therefore, four of Meyer's five sons have titles in Europe, and the European aristocracy also recognizes the Rothschild family as aristocrats.

Of course, the old Luo family also funded revolutions. For example, the younger son James even secretly funded Spanish revolutionaries.

Among the five sons of Meyer Sr., the one who thrives best is undoubtedly the third son Nathan in London, followed by the youngest son James in Paris and the eldest son Amchero who stays in Frankfurt.

These three teams will also be the backbone of the Lao Luo family in the future.

Auguste was young James serving in Paris.

"I want to meet some powerful friends in Europe." Liang Yao made his first request.

"I think the powerful friends in Europe are also happy to know you, the American gold tycoon." August agreed to Liang Yao's first request very happily.

"You have considerable influence in several nearby states and have extensive connections. I hope you can lobby the big shots in each state to support Lord Fillmore's re-election." Immediately afterwards, Liang Yao made his second request. .

"No problem, I'll take care of it. I know a little bit about the relationship between the political situation in the United States and California. A president who is friendly to California will also help increase California's kerosene production."

August agreed to Liang Yao's second request without much hesitation.

The Democratic Party and the Whig Party are now in a mess. Neither party has a clear governance philosophy. Whether they elect a Whig or Democratic president, it will not have much impact on the interests of the Rothschild family in the United States. .

Furthermore, at this time, the main energy of the Lao Luo family was in Europe, and America was tasteless to them, and it was a pity to abandon it.

Otherwise, Old Meyer would not have sent even one of his children and grandchildren to the Americas. They are also European aristocrats, and they also despise the old haters in the Americas from the bottom of their hearts.

"I want to work with the Rothschild family to develop the sales market of kerosene in Europe." This is Liang Yao's third request.

He wanted to develop his own sales network in cooperation with the Rothschild family.

In the future, the products he wants to sell in Europe will not only be kerosene.

Furthermore, relying too much on the Rothschild family's sales channels will be detrimental to him in the long run.

You still need to have your own sales network to feel at ease, otherwise it will be easy to be controlled by others.

"I can't make the decision on this. I need to go to Paris to ask Mr. James for instructions." August said that this request exceeded his authority.

"The fourth request is that I want to acquire the British Armstrong Company and need your help." Liang Yao said.

At present, California's military industry has begun to take shape, and it can produce guns and guns, especially the self-produced Walter m1851 rifle, which is at the leading level in the world.

However, in terms of cannon casting, it is the shortcomings of the Sacramento Arsenal, and it can also be said to be the shortcomings of the United States in artillery.

America's light weapons are relatively good in Europe, but its performance in heavy weapons is somewhat unsatisfactory.

Of course, this does not mean that the cannon made by the United States is not good, but it just does not meet Liang Yao's psychological expectations.

The Sacramento Arsenal was founded by Liang Yao to dig into the corner of the United States. The level of the Sacramento Arsenal actually represents the level of the military industry in the United States.

Liang Yao had assigned the Sacramento Arsenal the task of developing an advanced breech-loading rifled cannon very early on. However, the R\u0026D team at the Sacramento Arsenal had been tinkering for more than two years and had yet to produce a breech-loading rifled cannon that met Liang Yao's expectations.

Liang Yao has rifled cannons, but they are all front-loaded rifled cannons. That's it. There are also many rifled cannons that are rifled in the barrel of the Napoleon cannon.

Before the expedition to Japan, the dozens of artillery pieces provided to him by the Army Department were basically rifled Napoleon cannons from follow-up vehicles.

This is also a traditional skill of the American army. The first standard rifled gun of the American army was rifled in the barrel of the original Springfield m1842.

The rifled version of the Napoleon cannon can be used as a transitional weapon like the rifled version of the Springfield m1842, but it is obviously insufficient to face the future civil war.

Liang Yao also wants to build warships, advanced warships, and weapon systems are an indispensable part of them. Liang Yao hopes that the warships built by the San Francisco Shipyard in the future will be able to use advanced breech-loading rifled guns.

Without a powerful weapon system, a warship is nothing more than a toothless tiger, no matter how advanced its hull or its design is.

Since there is no way to build it yourself, it would be a shortcut to directly acquire the Amstel Arsenal and take advantage of their technology and production lines.

If some British gun-making technology and military engineering talents can be integrated, it may be possible to develop a breech-loading rifled gun in advance.

The expression on August's face froze for a moment. He had heard what kind of company Amster was. It was an old British military company!

Liang Yao's last two requests can be said to be more outrageous than the last. If it weren't for the sake of kerosene, August would have just thrown away his sleeves and left like Hills.

"Although the Armsted Company is a new company only established in 1847, it has developed very rapidly. The new artillery recently developed is very popular with the British government." August looked very embarrassed.

"The founder of the company, Armstrong, and his family are local celebrities in Newcastle. Armstrong himself is also a member of the Royal Society. The Rothschild family is unable to do anything about this."

This matter is indeed difficult to handle. Although Armstrong's company is not very large at present, it is a military-industrial enterprise, and it is still a military enterprise that the British Empire focuses on. Armstrong himself is also a member of the British upper class.

Whether it is through conventional share acquisition or poaching, it will not work.

If the acquisition were to take place, the British government would definitely block it.

The British are not fools and will not just watch Americans acquire his high-quality military enterprises.

As for poaching the technical talents of Armstrong Company, Armstrong himself is the best technical talent of Armstrong Company. Even if they are not short of money in the UK, what is even more annoying is that they are not short of honors and there is no lack of space to display their talents.

Although Amsterdam is not a high-class aristocrat with a square meter flag, it is also a celebrity with a square meter flag. It is unrealistic for such people to be poached for their own use.

"That's what the Rothschild family should worry about. As long as you can agree to these four requests of mine, we can work together in the kerosene business." Liang Yao said unhurriedly.

Liang Yao is the only kerosene producer in the world, which gives Liang Yao enough confidence.

As long as the Rothschild family wants to make this money, they must obediently agree to his conditions and requirements, even if the conditions and requirements are very harsh.

When he acquired the Nicaragua Shipping Company, the requirements and conditions put forward by the Rothschild family and the Bahrain family were also very harsh.

August fell into thinking and pondered for a long time. August said: "You just want to get advanced artillery technology. If we can get you the design drawings of Armstrong's artillery or even experimental artillery, yes Doesn’t it count as meeting your fourth request?”

"Not counting." Liang Yao immediately shook his head and said, "By acquiring Armstrong Company, I can not only get a full set of technical drawings and development results, but also the company's excellent gun engineers and production lines."

Since August said this, it means that the old Luo family is still very powerful in Europe at this time, and the things they can obtain are not just technical drawings and experimental artillery.

If he relents and agrees at this time, he will definitely suffer a loss. Now is not the time to give up when things are good.

"Do you think this is okay? We will still provide you with the artillery design drawings and experimental cannons of Armstrong Company. Can we find a way to get the artillery engineers and artillery production lines from France for you?" August said.

Liang Yao hesitated for a long time, and finally agreed reluctantly, as if he had suffered a big loss.

Anyway, France was tricked by James not once or twice. They asked them to dig some gun engineers from France and build a cannon production line. France just suffered a small loss from James.

As for what a big loss is, the French bond crisis in 1818 was a big loss.

In 1818, James tricked the French aristocrats who were not very smart into shorting French bonds, making French bonds almost become a wipe-out in Europe overnight.

The plunge in French bonds made Louis XVIII anxious to go to the guillotine to calm down.

Finally, James saw the opportunity and asked the agents in the DPRK to tell Louis XVIII that as a French citizen, it was his duty to save French bonds, and he came to the rescue in a high-profile and righteous manner.

James was extraordinary as soon as he took action, and immediately stopped the plummeting situation of French bonds in Europe.

This self-directed and self-acted show not only made James a hero in France, but even Louis XVIII was grateful to James.

James also took advantage of his reputation and influence in France to reach its peak, and quickly integrated and annexed the French financial market, completely controlling France's financial lifeline. Even the Bank of France has James' shares.

Of course, this kind of operation is just a routine operation for the old Luo family. The Luo Five Tigers basically used similar means to control the economy of their country.

What they did during this period could not be said to be illegal, at most it could only be said to be immoral.

After all, there were not even a few laws on the financial market in the UK during this period, and financial supervision was out of the question. What’s more, the Five Roche Tigers were still operating on a multinational scale, and their backends were very tough.

Even though the governments of various countries know this, they are helpless to deal with the Roche Five who are causing trouble in the financial market.

However, the various unethical business practices of the Rothschild family and many unkind Jewish businessmen in Europe caused their descendants and compatriots to suffer brutal revenge in Europe decades later.

It was during that unprecedented catastrophe in human history that the Rothschild family fell from the altar and became weak. Especially the eldest son Amshelot, who stayed in Germany where he made his fortune, almost lost his descendants, and there was no other family in the world from then on. Six great powers.

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