1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 358: Black Gloves

It must be said that Pinkerton was very efficient. In just one week, Pinkerton gathered all the black people in California into San Francisco.

This is also related to the fact that all major residential settlements in California are connected to railways. Pinkerton and his CIA agents can reach any residential settlement in California within 24 hours.

"Your Excellency, what should we do with these black people? Here is the list of these black people. There are 1,368 people in total."

Pinkerton submitted the black list to Liang Yao.

Liang Yao looked at the list. Among the 1,368 blacks, 715 had escaped from Texas, more than half of the total number.

There were also 150 black people who refused to tell where they came to California.

In addition to place of origin, the crude list also includes black gender and age.

Liang Yao roughly estimates that more than 90% of black people are strong men between the ages of 16 and 35.

This is also expected. If the black slaves in the east want to reach California, they need to cross New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada on land.

The current level of development in this quasi-state area is very low, and the natural conditions are relatively harsh. The physical fitness of the black slaves who were able to pass through these areas and reach California is certainly not good.

This is not to say that there were no female black slaves, old black slaves, and young black slaves who escaped, but these weaker escaped slaves generally died on the way to escape and failed to reach their destination smoothly.

“Are all the black people in California here?”

After checking the list, Liang Yaosui put down the list in his hand.

"I cannot guarantee that the CIA has found all the black people in California, but I can guarantee that more than 98% of the black people in California have been concentrated in San Francisco. It is only a matter of time before individual fish that have slipped through the net are found." Pinker Dun said truthfully.

California is either big or small, and Pinkerton cannot guarantee that there are no more black people in California.

What's more, the problem of escaped slaves in the southern slave states is so serious now, who knows if new black people will flow into California.

"Very good. From now on, if the CIA and local police officers find black people, they will immediately send them to San Francisco for centralized management." Liang Yao is quite satisfied with this result.

"Issue a reward order to all settlements in California. Once a person is found hiding black people, the fine is $300 for each person hiding. The whistleblower will be rewarded with a reward of $300. Those who are directly transferred to the police station will be rewarded with a reward of $500. The CIA this time The task has been completed very well, and I will apply for a bonus from the Ministry of Finance.”

"Without the assistance of the Loyalty Society, and without the accurate information they provide, we would not have been able to complete the task you gave me in such a short period of time," Pinkerton said.

All the black people in California have been concentrated in San Francisco. The next question is how to deal with these black people.

It is obviously inappropriate for Liang Yao to deal with these black people by himself. He is a respected figure now, so he cannot do the dirty work by himself.

Liang Yao asked Coney to go to the telegraph room to write a telegram to Stanford, asking Stanford to come and listen to Taoyuan.

After receiving the telegram, Stanford quickly rushed to Tingtao Garden to see Liang Yao.

Stanford is Liang Yao's black glove. Basically, all the dirty work that Liang Yao doesn't want to do is left to Stanford.

Of course, Stanford also did a good job in the work assigned to him, which is why Liang Yao still retains Stanford.

It was dirty work that Liang Yao handed over to Stanford, but it was definitely not tiring work. Many people who wanted to take this job couldn't get it.

"Sir, are you looking for me?"

Stanford was wearing a suit and tie, with a slicked back hair and a well-cut beard. After seeing Liang Yao, Stanford took off his hat and bowed deeply to Liang Yao.

"How much is an adult black slave worth in US dollars?" Liang Yao motioned for Stanford to sit down.

Liang Yao had promised Bell that he would return the 715 black escaped slaves in Texas free of charge.

As for the remaining 653 black slaves, Liang Yao planned to entrust Stanford to deal with them, and use the money to pay the CIA's bonus and the bonus for subsequent whistleblowers.

California does not owe black people, has no obligation to be a safe haven for black people, and has no obligation to spend California taxpayers’ money to solve black problems.

"It's very high. Currently, a strong and healthy black slave can be sold for about 1,300 US dollars in the slave market. Of course, the market conditions and prices may be different in different states." Stanford said carefully.

Obviously, he is very familiar with the current situation of black slaves in the American market.

Black slaves in the United States have never been cheap. Around 1800, the price of a young and healthy male black slave was 400 to 500 US dollars. By now, the price has increased by about three times.

However, this is not the highest peak of the price of black slaves. The highest peak of the price of black slaves occurred on the eve of the Civil War. The price of a young and healthy male black slave reached an astonishing US$1,800, but there was still no market for it.

You must know that the monthly salary of an ordinary American worker during this period was just over 10 US dollars.

"If I ask you to secretly dispose of 653 black slaves, can you do it?" Liang Yao handed the list of black slaves to Stanford, who was sitting in front of him.

Stanford was a smart man and knew that Liang Yao was only looking for him to do some shameful things. He also knew that this was also the reason why he was able to settle down in California despite his many misdeeds.

Stanford was very happy and did not bargain with Liang Yao. After some thinking, he said: "Yes, black slaves are currently valuable but not marketable in the slave states, but if you want to leave no trace, you need to give up a little more profit. To the slave traders.

But no matter what, we can at least earn 700 to 800 US dollars from each black slave. "

Each black slave can guarantee a profit of 700 to 800 US dollars, which can ensure that the subsequent handling of the problem of escaped black slaves does not require the use of California's finances. Liang Yao is satisfied with such profits.

"Very good, you will be responsible for this matter. You must do it cleanly and leave no traces." Liang Yao nodded and said.

He felt more at ease letting Stanford do these things.

At the beginning of the year, the garment factory received an order for 30,000 military uniforms from France more than a month ahead of schedule.

Legoff was surprised when he heard that all 30,000 sets of military uniforms had been sewn and could be delivered ahead of schedule.

After all, this is 30,000 sets of military uniforms. He has never seen any company that can complete the sewing of 30,000 sets of military uniforms within half a year.

Legoff's first reaction was to wonder if the garment factory was cutting corners in order to rush the work. It wasn't until he went to the garment factory in person to inspect and accept the goods that he realized that he was judging a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart.

The military uniforms are made of solid materials, using qualified facial and wool materials. The stitching is also strict and orderly, and there is no sign of any rush.

The quality of the uniforms was excellent and exceeded Legoff's expectations. Even if the quality is a little lower, it can still pass the French military's acceptance standards.


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