1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 360: Order from France

Nicholas I did not wait for Mecid to surrender. Mecid not only did not surrender, but also dared to ask the Russian army to withdraw from the two Danubian principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia with the support of Britain and France.

On October 16, 1853, the furious Nicholas I declared war on the Ottoman Empire, and the Crimean War officially broke out.

Russia's declaration of war on the Ottomans delighted Napoleon III in Paris.

The French Empire, as well as Napoleon III, who had just ascended the throne as emperor, urgently needed to win a foreign war.

France needed a war to break the shackles of the Vienna System on France and re-establish the prestige of the French Empire on the European continent.

Napoleon III himself needed to win a foreign war, win the support of the French people, and re-establish his family's prestige among the European royal families.

However, Napoleon also knew that it was not the best time for France to enter the war.

First of all, the enthusiasm of the French people to participate in the war has not yet been ignited.

Secondly, the French army, which had been depleted for many years, was not ready.

On the outskirts of Paris, a group of generals from the Second French Empire tested the new guns James brought back from the United States.

"Generals, how do you think the American rifles are?"

After the test firing, Napoleon III asked his generals expressionlessly.

Before these French generals tested America's new gun, Napoleon III himself had been playing with it.

He already had the answer in his mind as to the performance of this new American gun.

Napoleon III had mixed feelings in his heart. The young country on the other side of the ocean still needed assistance and blood transfusions from France when it became independent.

Now that they are able to produce such advanced weapons themselves, France has fallen far behind in the past half century.

"It's better than the rifled gun that the British just replaced, and it's about the same as the Dresser needle gun equipped by the Prussians." Bokes said, putting down the Walter 1851E rifle in his hand.

"Compared to our own firearms as the French?" Napoleon III asked unceremoniously.

All the French generals were speechless. Currently, the French army is still equipped with four gun types: MLE1842, MLE1853, and MLE184LE1853 carbines.

These four types of guns are all serious smoothbore guns. Not to mention compared with the American breech-loading Minie gun, there is a huge gap compared with the British 1851 front-loading Minie gun.

Some of France’s military products have been overtaken by the United States.

Although the French generals present, including Napoleon III himself, were unwilling to accept this, they still had to admit the fact before them.

"There is no comparison between these two weapons." After pondering for a long time, Boques mustered up the courage to say, "Your Majesty, if our French army can equip this kind of weapon, we can save the lives of many French men!"

Beaukes is well aware of the current status of the French Army.

Napoleon III also revealed to these generals that France was about to participate in the war against the Russians.

The French army urgently needs an advanced and reliable light weapon, and this weapon of the Yankees is very suitable for them.

"Mr. James, order 50,000 rifles and 50,000 sets of military uniforms from the Americans and ask them to deliver them as soon as possible." Napoleon III sighed and said to James with his hands behind his back.


The war that took place on the other side of the ocean had a great impact on Liang Yao, but a very small impact on him.

The great impact is that he can use this opportunity to win some military industry orders for California and make a huge war fortune.

The small impact is that he cannot directly intervene in this conflict and can only be a bystander.

In the Tingtao Garden, after making love with Aoki Ling, Liang Yao patted Aoki Ling's tight buttocks, put on his nightgown and took out a bookmarked "Code Napoleon" from the bookshelf and went to the fireplace to warm up.

Compared with Napoleon's great achievements in sweeping Europe, he believed that this code was the most valuable asset Napoleon left to future generations.

It's a pity that he doesn't know French and can't read the original "Code Napoleon", but can only read the English translation of "Code Napoleon".

It was already November in California and there was already a slight chill. Even though he was sitting next to the fireplace, Liang Yao couldn't help but yawn.

Seeing this, Aoki Ling hurriedly took a cloak and put it on Liang Yao.

Before Liang Yao could turn over a few pages of the book in his hand, he heard Hu Jinchen announcing Frillegov and August's visit outside the door.

Liang Yao had no choice but to close the book, put it back in its place, then changed his clothes and came to the living room to meet Le Goff and Auguste.

"General Liang."

Seeing Liang Yao come to the drawing room, Le Goff and Auguste, who had been waiting in the drawing room for a long time, stood up, took off their hats, and bowed majestically to Liang Yao.

After visiting California, the Rothschild family felt that California was a place with great business prospects, so they left August in California. Specialized in Rothschild Bank, as well as the family's kerosene business.

Rothschild Bank became the third foreign bank in California after Barings Bank and Banque de France.

"You two don't come to the Three Treasures Palace for anything. If you have anything to say, just tell them." Liang Yao motioned Legoff and August to sit down and took the hot tea handed to them by the Mexican maid.

"The loan provided to you by the Rothschild family has been fully paid. My boss, Mr. James, asked me to remind you that I hope you will fulfill your promise next year and provide 2 million to the Rothschild family every month. Liters of kerosene,” August said.

James urged the goods, presumably because the sales of kerosene in the European market were very good.

Compared with the huge market in Europe, the monthly supply of 2 million liters of kerosene can only be said to be a drop in the bucket.

The current pitiful production capacity of kerosene in Los Angeles is difficult to supply to the American market, let alone Europe.

Fan Daze also often sent telegrams to Liang Yao complaining that the supply of kerosene was too low, and the kerosene store in Crystal Palace was out of stock for a long time.

It is also time for California capital other than Americas Group to enter the oil refining industry in Los Angeles.

Standard Oil's refining capacity as a company was, after all, limited.

Deng Wenshun also often complained to him that Los Angeles's crude oil refining capacity could not keep up with the crude oil production capacity, and there was already a serious excess of crude oil.

"Please call Mr. James, Standard Oil Company will provide 2 million liters of kerosene every month as scheduled." Liang Yao said.

"With your words, I feel relieved." August nodded and said, "Kerosene is very popular in Paris and London. Sir James asked me to tell you that if you need more funds to expand production capacity, you can always Apply to Rothschild Bank for a loan and Rothschild Bank’s doors are always open for you.”

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