1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 415: The wolf is coming

The Pontianak Sultanate soldiers, who were at the front of the formation as human shields, were the first to face the baptism of bullets.

With only two or three rounds of shooting, the soldiers of the Pontianak Sultanate collapsed and scattered.

Even if the higher-ranking Javanese soldiers behind them opened fire on them and coerced them to continue moving forward, it would be of no avail.

Facing the massive attack by the Dutch and Indian troops, Liang Yao still had a very relaxed expression on his face, and did not regard the Dutch and Indian troops as a powerful enemy at all.

Hong Kong Governor Bonham, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, also expressed his dissatisfaction with Liang Yao's composure and the performance of the Western Brigade.

Wenxian was not born in the military, but he was not a complete amateur in the military either.

He was keenly aware that the Western Brigade's firing speed was very fast, even faster than the British army's firing speed that had just been equipped with the 1851 Migne rifle.

Looking at the Dutch and Indian troops falling in pieces like wheat being harvested in autumn, the Pontianak Sultanate soldiers thought that the accuracy of this strange rifle equipped by the Western Brigade would not be low.

Bonham wondered if there would be different results if he commanded the Dutch and Indian troops.

Unfortunately, his answer was not optimistic.

Maybe he wouldn't underestimate the enemy like Andersen, but if he fought with the Western Brigade, he would be at a disadvantage.

In the face of absolutely advanced technology, clever tactics and strategies can hardly make up for technical disadvantages.

"Dreiser's needle gun?"

Bonham looked at the firearms equipped on guard duty and noticed that the firearms equipped by these soldiers seemed to be the Dresser needle guns equipped by the Prussian army.

"Yes, the California Infantry was armed with Dresser needle guns."

Liang Yao said calmly.

He did not deceive Bonham. The California Infantry Regiment was indeed equipped with Dresser needle guns in active service in the Prussian Army.

But it was only the California Infantry Regiment equipped with the Dresser needle gun currently in service with the Prussian Army.

The remaining infantry regiments, whether long guns or short guns, were equipped with California-made firearms.

As the Walter M1851 rifle matures, Liang Yao is already considering equipping the California Infantry Regiment with the Walter M1851 rifle to reduce logistical pressure.

What's more, these Dresser needle guns have another disadvantage, that is, they can only fire paper shell bullets, not metal ammunition.

It is impossible for Liang Yao to specially develop and open a production line to produce metal ammunition for the three thousand Dresser needle guns on hand.

Firearms engineers in California have thoroughly understood the technology of the Dresser needle gun. As a transitional small weapon purchased by Liang Yao, the Dresser needle gun has completed its mission.

"As far as I know, the Prussian Dresser needle gun is not for sale." Wen Xian said thoughtfully.

"As long as the bid is high enough, nothing is for sale," Liang Yao said.

As he spoke, the Dutch and Indian troops were on the verge of collapse under the attack of the Western Brigade.

After the Pontianak Sultanate's native soldiers who acted as human shields in the front were defeated, the Javanese native soldiers in the Dutch and Indian army had to act as human shields in advance.

This time, it was the turn of the Javanese soldiers to break up, and the European soldiers at the rear acted as supervisors.

Obviously, this trick doesn't work anymore.

The Javanese soldiers also knew that continuing to charge forward would lead to death. They could escape with a chance to save their lives, and they were unwilling to continue to be human shields for the white men.

In the blink of an eye, only white European soldiers were left in the line formation of the Dutch and Indian troops.

These white soldiers symbolically fired a sparse volley of guns in the direction of the trench and then retreated.

At this time, the cavalry company attacked to pursue the remnants of the Dutch and Indian troops to expand the victory.

Unfortunately, Liang Yao only had one cavalry company in his hands, and the results he achieved were relatively limited.

In this battle, the Western Brigade killed and wounded 420 native soldiers of the Pontianak Sultanate, 2 Wa native soldiers, and 87 white soldiers of the Dutch and Indian Army.

340 native soldiers of the Pontianak Sultanate and Javanese soldiers were captured, as well as 41 white soldiers of the Dutch and Indian Army.

Such casualties were not serious enough for the Dutch and Indian troops, but they were still considerable casualties.

Liang Yao believed that after this lesson, Andersen would not organize a large offensive as long as heavy weapons and support troops were not in place.

Liang Yao's current purpose is to attract and hold back Andersen, the main force of the Dutch-Indian army on Borneo Island. After Elvis's army returns to Pontianak, Elvis can take a boat to sneak attack on Kendawangan.

Of course, the Pontianak Sultanate can also continue to exert pressure and inducements.

As long as the Pontianak Sultanate can be brought over, it will be a big blow to the logistics of this Dutch-Indian army.

After the Dutch-Indian army was defeated, the Western Brigade took advantage of the situation and easily regained the trenches abandoned as bait.

After this defeat, Andersen also realized that his loss to Liang Yao and the loss of Pontianak was no accident, but that Liang Yao's Western Brigade really had two tricks.

Although he didn't want to admit it, it was a fact that he lost to Liang Yao one after another.

Andersen, who lost the first battle, gradually calmed down and sobered up. He no longer launched a rash attack on Pontianak City, but decided to wait for support from the Dutch and Indian authorities on the spot.

"What are your plans next? To defeat the Dutch and Indian troops outside Pontianak City in one go?"

Wenxian is now looking forward to Liang Yao's next move.

"I wonder if you have ever heard of an ancient Greek fable."

After the war, Liang Yaozou returned to his residence in Pontianak City.

This city, surrounded by Dutch and Indian troops, still maintained calm.

People were living as usual, and the soldiers of the Three-Faced Sultanate were monitoring the shackled Dutch and Indian Army prisoners of war as they smoothed the streets in the city.

Soon, the new prisoners were shackled and sent over after completing the registration, and became coworkers of these old prisoners.

These shackles were not cast by Liang Yao, but were prepared by the Dutch and Indian authorities for the local natives and Chinese, and the reserves were quite sufficient.

It's just that they didn't expect that one day they would have to wear these shackles.

Seeing the arrival of new workers, the expression on the old prisoner's face gradually became serious.

When the Dutch and Indian troops just surrounded Pontianak City, they were still a little excited, thinking that their prisoner career would soon end.

It now seems that unless the war ends completely or Liang Yao and the Dutch and Indian authorities exchange prisoners, it will be difficult for them to regain their freedom.

Perhaps even exchanging prisoners is a luxury. It seems that so far, the Dutch and Indian authorities have not captured even a soldier from Liang Yaoxi's brigade.

Thinking of this, even the senior officers among the prisoners felt very depressed.

"What fable? I would like to hear the details." Wen Xian said with a smile.

Liang Yao said slowly: "Once upon a time, there was a shepherd boy.

At one point, the shepherd boy felt very bored, so he came up with an idea to tease everyone for fun.

He shouted to the farmers who were farming down the mountain: The wolf is coming! The wolf is coming! Help!

When the farmers heard the shouting, they hurriedly ran up the mountain with hoes and sickles. As they ran, they shouted: Don't be afraid, kid, we are here to help you fight the wolves!

The farmers rushed to the mountain panting and took a look, but there was not even a shadow of the wolf! The shepherd boy laughed at the deceived farmers, and the farmers walked away angrily knowing that they had been tricked.

The next day, the old trick of the shepherd boy was repeated, and the kind-hearted farmers rushed to help him hunt wolves, but there was still no sign of the wolf.

The shepherd boy laughed at the farmers for being fooled again.

Everyone was very angry at the shepherd boy for lying again and again, and never believed his words again.

A few days later, the wolf really came. The shepherd boy was so frightened that he shouted to the farmers desperately: The wolf is coming! The wolf is coming! Help! The wolf is really coming!

But this time, no one wanted to believe this lying shepherd boy. "

Wen Xian nodded: "I have heard of this Greek fable, and China also has similar historical allusions."

"Oh? Do you also know about China's historical allusions?" Liang Yao asked curiously.

"I am very interested in Chinese history and culture." Wen Xian said with a smile, "If I remember correctly, this allusion is called Beacon Fire Playing the Princes. When I was in Hong Kong, I listened to the local bard, which is what you call storytellers told this historical allusion."

Wenxian's brain was quite good. Liang Yao used the fable of the boy who cried wolf as an allusion. He had already thought of what Liang Yao was going to do next.


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