1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 483: The first Chinese governor

"Ok City is so beautiful."

It is now mid-to-late April, and Oklahoma City is a typical Mediterranean climate city. The temperature of about 20 degrees gives people a very comfortable feeling.

Oklahoma City has mountains, streams, valleys, and dense forests. The natural scenery alone is pleasing to the eye.

"Now is not the most beautiful time in Oklahoma City." Xu Zicai pointed at the mountains and forests behind him.

"When it snows in winter, the mountains and forests behind us look like a fairyland in a painting. It's so beautiful."

"I came at the wrong time." Liang Yao said with a smile.

"No, no," Xu Zicai said, "Every season in Oklahoma City has its own benefits. It's more suitable to go to the beach in the west to catch up on the sea, swim, and invite a few friends to eat seafood and drink. A little wine, tsk tsk tsk.”

"Your life is like a fairy life." Liang Yao was a little envious of Xu Zicai's life. This little life was much more comfortable than his. exposed

"After coming to Oklahoma City, I realized what a human life is." Xu Zicai said with emotion, "Now that I think about the days I spent in the Qing Dynasty in the first half of my life, it was not a human life at all. It was just like an animal life. days."

The four-year experience of coming to the United States gave Xu Zicai a lot of insights. He became rich and was elected as the mayor of a locality. This was something he never dared to dream about before, and now he has realized it one by one.

"Then be a good mayor and let more people live the life they should live." Liang Yao patted Xu Zicai on the shoulder and said sincerely.

"Don't betray the trust of the people of Oklahoma City."

After visiting the industrial areas and lumber mills in Oklahoma City, Liang Yao had a rough idea of ​​the situation in Oklahoma City and the entire state of Oregon.

Oregon is also developing in the direction of industrialization, but limited by funding and population size, Oregon's industrialization process is not as fast as California's.

Oregon's economic structure relies on California, and the state's politicians are inextricably linked to the California consortium and are even directly members of the California consortium. exposed

Oregon has effectively become a satellite state of California.

In the evening, Xu Zicai and local dignitaries from Oklahoma City invited Liang Yao and others to have a meal of local river seafood. These river seafood were basically caught from nearby streams and lakes, which showed the richness of local products.

Salem, the capital of Oregon, is just over 100 kilometers away from Oklahoma City. It only takes less than four hours to reach Salem by train, which is very convenient.

When Liang Yao first came to Salem, Oregon was undergoing the final round of the gubernatorial election.

The results for Senators, Representatives, State Speakers, and Secretary of State are out, and now the final gubernatorial election is underway.

The two candidates are Wu Yuanhua and Thomas.

Local reporters in Oregon and reporters from California gathered in front of the humble Capitol building in Oregon, waiting for the final results. exposed

This is an election without any suspense. Oregon has a high proportion of Chinese voters. Wu Yuanhua can win the gubernatorial election as long as he performs normally.

Thomas must also know this, he is just running with Wu Yuanhua as a formality.

An hour later, the election results came out, and Wu Yuanhua was elected governor of Oregon as he wished, becoming the first Chinese governor in the United States.

Wu Yuanhua walked out of the parliament building proudly and accepted interviews from reporters.

"Congratulations to Governor Wu."

After the interview, Liang Yao congratulated Wu Yuanhua.

"Back then, you kept clamoring to buy an official position. Unexpectedly, you ended up becoming a governor today."

"If you hadn't led the Chinese Chamber of Commerce to raise a US$1.5 million settlement fund to encourage Chinese people to settle in Oregon, Oregon wouldn't be where it is today, and neither would I be where I am today," Wu Yuanhua said.

“In the end, this governor was bought with money.”

For Liang Yao, Wu Yuanhua is grateful.

The large-scale reclamation of Oregon by the Chinese began on January 20, 1852.

At that time, Liang Yao published an article "Go to Oregon" in the "California Daily", encouraging some immigrants to go to Oregon for colonization.

At that time, in order to support the reclamation activities of Chinese immigrants in Oregon, Liang Yao not only physically eliminated the fanatical racist Bernat. The company took the lead in setting up a special reclamation fund and raising US$1.5 million to provide material support for the development of Oregon.

You must know that this was in 1852, and California had only been established for two years. California itself also needed a large number of immigrants and funds for large-scale development. exposed

It was under this circumstance that Liang Yao squeezed out some immigrants and valuable development funds for the Oregon region.

"A US$1.5 million settlement fund is worth it in exchange for a governor." Liang Yao said as he walked.

From the beginning of development in 1852 to the present, the value created in Oregon has far exceeded $1.5 million.

Even from a business investment perspective, Liang Yao's investment in Oregon is definitely a very successful investment.

Furthermore, as Oregon is an independent political entity, Liang Yao can also benefit politically. For example, Oregon has two senatorial seats and three representative seats in Congress. These things cannot be measured with a mere $1.5 million.

Oregon's five seats in Congress (two senators and three representatives) plus California's eight seats in Congress (two senators and six representatives), the Civic Party representing the western Chinese has more than ten seats in Congress for the first time, reaching ten. Three seats.

With thirteen congressional seats, it is already a political force that cannot be ignored in American politics. exposed

"It's not easy to be an official in the United States. The state of Oregon has just been established, and its five members of Congress have just been elected. The free states in the east sent telegrams to put pressure on us and let us express our stance." Wu Yuanhua said.

"Congress is going to vote on a bill to create the Free State of Kansas, and the Free States are asking us to vote for them on this bill."

Wu Yuanhua has been in the United States for six years, and he has an idea of ​​how American politics is played.

"This vote is not difficult to cast. The South established two new slave states on the newly occupied Mexican land. There is absolutely no reason for free states to establish only Oregon," Liang Yao said.

"How can one country have two systems? If the state structure is uncertain, what's the point of maintaining one country, two systems for a long time? I feel that the issue of slavery or abolition cannot be resolved by the two sides sitting down and discussing it calmly. There must be a war between the north and the south. "

As a political amateur, Wu Yuanhua also feels that it is ridiculous for the United States, as a unified political entity, to tolerate the existence of two political systems for a long time.

"It would be great if we could abstain from the vote. Neither side would be offended. We not only have trade relations with the North, but also with the South. You said this is a support vote. If you vote for it, the Southerners will be unhappy and won't agree with us." We’ve made a deal, but what should we do?” Exposed


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