Now that it is ahead of time, it is necessary to make a second set of plans.

Their chicken farm doesn't have enough chickens, so go out and buy them.

Whether it's retail investors or chicken dealers, as long as there are chickens, they will accept them.

Collect a batch of emergency first, and when the chickens in the free-range chicken farm reach a certain scale, they will be self-sufficient.

Ever since Lan Dazhuang learned that the chickens from the free-range chicken farm will be supplied to his own fried chicken shop, he has become more concerned about raising chickens.

As for the expansion of the free-range chicken farm, he felt that the scale should be larger!

In this way, more chickens can be raised in the future.

So according to the original plan to expand the chicken farm, under Lan Dazhuang's decision, the scale of the expansion was increased by one third.

Five days later, Tianshui Village.

After the expansion of the free-range chicken farm in Houshan was completed, it was time for Lan Shu to leave the village and go to the capital.

Walking with Lan Shu were Xiao Bai and her third brother Lan Sibo.

Lan Sibo's vacation is over, it's time to go back to the research institute.

The research institute is in the suburbs of Kyoto, and Lan Shu was on the same road, so Lan Sibo took a ride this time.

Lan Xiuming had already left the day before yesterday. He was working in the hospital and didn't have so much leave, so he returned to work early.

On the day of leaving, Lan Shu asked her driver to drive her second brother to Linjiang City.

And Lan Xiuming also said that after returning, he will take time to investigate where a fried chicken restaurant is suitable, and will rent the place in advance.

Because it takes time to order a large pressure cooker, Lan Shu told her parents before leaving that they should not worry, and it would not be too late to start making fried chicken after she came back from Kyoto.

Lan Shu set off from Tianshui Village. It was Saturday, and at 7:30 in the morning, the car had already left the village.

Because there is an extra Lan Sibo, the rear seat of the car is no longer Lanshu's alone this time.

Originally, Xiaobai still sat in the passenger seat and let the brothers and sisters of the Lan family sit in the back, but Lan Sibo smiled and shook his head and refused.

"I'll be the co-pilot. The front light is good and you can see far. You sit in the back." Lan Sibo said.


Before, the three brothers thought it would be great to let Xiaobai come to their house as a son-in-law. Although it seems that Xiaomei and Xiaobai are not together now, it doesn't mean that they can't continue to match~

When they were working on the mountain a few days ago, Lan Sibo found that although Xiaobai looked like a fair and clean young master, his work was actually no worse than their brothers, and he was the kind of person who worked all the year round. Only then can he surpass Xiaobai.

Such a man who looks in line with my younger sister's vision, does not alienate them because of his status as a young master, is hardworking and treats his younger sister well, is really rare.

If possible, Lan Sibo still hopes that Xiaobai and his younger sister can become a couple.

In case the younger sister loses her eyes one day and falls in love with the second 'Xu Yunjie' again, those older brothers will definitely be pissed off!

With Lan Sibo's matchmaking, Lan Shu and Xiao Bai sat side by side in the back of the car.

So on the way, when Lan Shu got used to sleeping for a while, for some reason, she tilted her head and leaned on Xiao Bai's shoulder.

When Lan Shu woke up at noon, she found herself sleeping in Xiao Bai's arms.

Lan Shu: ...

She must not sleep in the afternoon!

In the afternoon, Lan Shu really didn't sleep, because Xiao Bai took over from Master Zhang and sat in the driver's seat to drive the car.

At this time Lan Sibo was sitting with his little sister.

Lan Sibo looked at Xiaobai who was driving in front of him, and whispered to his little sister.

"I really didn't expect Xiaobai to be able to drive." As he spoke, he glanced at his little sister.

Seeing that the little girl didn't respond at all, he said, "A man like Xiaobai who is tall, good-looking, can drive, and treats you well, are you really not interested, little girl?"

Lan Shu: ...

Although her third brother didn't speak very loudly, they were in the same car. How could it be possible that the people sitting in front couldn't hear them in such a small space? !

She just discovered that when the third brother asked this question, Xiaobai obviously straightened his back in the driver's seat!

Although he was still looking ahead, from the rearview mirror, Lan Shu could already see that Xiaobai was looking at himself behind through the rearview mirror.

so embarrassing...

But even if Lan Shu felt that there was no need to continue such a topic, Lan Sibo did not ask for an answer, so he would not give up.

"Xiaobai is so good, it would be a pity to miss it..." Lan Sibo sighed.

Lan Shu remained silent.

"Little sister, tell me, what is it about Xiaobai that makes you look down on him?" Lan Sibo was a little anxious.

Lan Shu: ...

"Xiaobai's height, appearance, and background, compared with Xu Yunjie, he can definitely beat Xu Yunjie by eight blocks, right?"

Regarding this sentence, Lan Shu nodded deeply.

Then she found that in the rearview mirror, the corners of Xiaobai's mouth were raised.

Lan Shu was about to remain silent when she heard her third brother ask, "Then what is it about Xiaobai that doesn't meet your criteria for choosing a spouse?"

Lan Shu: ...

Her third brother really wants to break the casserole and ask the end?

If I don't answer and don't give a reasonable explanation, is the third brother planning to ask all the way?

So Lan Shu struggled for a while, then softly uttered three words - "Underage."

That's right, this was the main reason why she rejected Xiao Bai.

And hearing her answer like this, the corners of Xiaobai's raised mouth in the front driver's seat stopped immediately!

Did you think you were young?

At this time, Xiaobai heard the voice of the third brother of the Lan family in the back row——

"Hi~! So, little girl, you want to get married directly, and you hate Xiaobai for not being old enough to receive a certificate~!"

Lan Shu:? ?

Does she mean it?

Before she could answer, the third brother said again, "Xiaobai, how long will it take for you to turn eighteen?"

In the front row, Xiaobai immediately replied, "Almost half a year."

"Then it's easy to handle." Lan Sibo said, then turned to look at his younger sister, "Little sister, wait another half a year, then you will be able to get what you want~!"

Lan Shu: ...

What do you mean she got what she wanted?

Lan Shu was speechless about her third brother's forcibly pulling the red line.

What made her even more speechless was that Xiaobai didn't even have a word of rebuttal, and just followed her third brother's wishes.

So among the few people in the car, I am actually the one who is embarrassed...

At 3:30 in the afternoon, the car had already entered the area of ​​Kyoto.

Lan Shu asked Master Zhang to send her third brother to the research institute first, and then sent Xiao Bai home.

When Lan Sibo got out of the car and waved goodbye to his little sister, Xiao Bai didn't ask the driver, Master Zhang, to take him back.

"Let's go to Chang'an Road first. I'm tired after a day's driving. When you go back to rest, it won't be too late for me to go home."

Listening to Xiaobai's words, Lan Shu found that Xiaobai seemed to be like this every time, putting herself first in everything.

When he was leaving Kyoto, he was afraid that he would have to travel too long in the car, so he asked the driver to pick him up first.

It's the same when he comes back now, he will give priority to how to make himself less tired.

It's really hard not to like such a Xiaobai——

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