2052, Thirty Years Of Sleep

Chapter 542 Oriental Quliu


Linda enthusiastically hugged a middle-aged man in a gray tuxedo, and their faces touched lightly.

Yan Muyun stood behind her, looking at her rounded curves that were raised due to her bending over with great interest.

The McCool family sat in the front row and center of the venue, closest to the podium, but there were only three of them.

Apart from Linda and her father, there was only a little boy on the other side of the table who was looking him over.

The boy is also blond and blue-eyed. He looks to be less than 10 years old. He has fair skin and delicate facial features. He looks like the child of a prince and princess in a fairy tale. Wearing a burgundy custom-made dress, her words and demeanor exuded an air of maturity that was beyond her age.

Generally speaking, when children imitate the actions of adults, it usually reflects the cuteness of a kid. But Yan Muyun felt uncomfortable looking at him. He always felt that there was something inconsistent about this boy.

Soon, Linda's actions answered the questions in his mind.

"Brother." The woman smiled and waved to the boy.

The boy just glanced at her, then turned his gaze to Yan Muyun, and said calmly: "Won't you introduce her to us?"

"His name is Steven, and I met him at Director Mike's party some time ago." Linda came over and hugged Yan Muyun's arm affectionately, crossing one leg lively: "He is very cute, isn't he? "

The boy looked straight at Yan Muyun, nodded slightly after a moment, and looked away.

"This is my father, Conrad McCool, and my brother Richard." Linda introduced Yan Muyun in a low voice, and then pulled him to sit on the side of the table: " Let’s just sit here.”

"I listen to you." Yan Muyun smiled softly.

There were not many people in the venue, but everyone deliberately lowered their voices when talking, so that the melodious piano tune was still the main theme here.

Suddenly at a certain moment, the lights in the entire venue dimmed, and then two spotlights hit the center of the stage. An East Asian man wearing a royal blue dress and holding a platinum crutch stood there as if he appeared out of thin air.

Looking at the man's unnatural left leg, Yan Muyun found the other person's figure from the chaotic memory.

Priest, Dongfang Quliu.

On the stage, the man was smiling and his voice was magnetic and low: "Dear guests, good evening. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this dinner..."

After the slightly clichéd opening remarks, there were more clichéd little jokes to liven up the atmosphere, as well as a brief introduction to some of the highest-status people present.

Yan Muyun remembered the names of three people. One was Kofi Marshall, a member of the Democratic United States' current upper house. One is the leader of the "breeding" sect of unknown origin, Maurice Benson. Another one is naturally the current chairman of McCool Heavy Industries, Conrad McCool, who is sitting not far away from him.

To be honest, Yan Muyun himself was confused about so many foreign names. Fortunately, the appearance characteristics of these three people are relatively obvious, a bald man wearing a purple open-breasted suit, a fat man wrapped in a black robe with only his eyes exposed, and Conrad, the most normal-looking gentleman old man.

"Today, I am very honored to stand here and share an important moment with you. I, Dongfang Quliu, on behalf of the Shengyao Order, would like to establish a foundation here. This foundation aims to invest in the future of mankind, and Promote the progress of human civilization..."

After hearing these words, Yan Muyun subconsciously sat up straight and looked around, only to find that the venue was orderly and not a single person acted strangely.

He knew that this dinner could not be ordinary, but he thought that there would be at least some veneer to cover up the undercurrents surging under the table.

You know, when the Order first appeared in the public eye, it was listed as an anti-human terrorist organization by all countries in the world that must be resolutely combated. It stands to reason that it should be like a rat crossing the street no matter where it is.

But at such a high-end dinner party where the upper class gathered, someone mentioned it openly and openly.

"What's wrong?" At this moment, Yan Muyun felt his hand being held by someone, and Linda looked over with some concern.

He smiled slightly, held the other person's hand as if nothing had happened, and lowered his voice: "Is this the official meaning of Minmei?"

Linda tilted her head, as if she couldn't understand what he said: "This is just an ordinary dinner."

"An ordinary dinner?" Yan Muyun smiled and repeated this sentence.

"Yes." Linda nodded matter-of-factly: "In Minmei, anyone can express their opinions in public. This is freedom of speech."

"Ha." Yan Muyun sneered: "It's been so many years and it's still the same thing. The so-called freedom of speech just doesn't touch your real pain points."

Linda curled her lips in disbelief and turned her gaze to the stage again.

Dongfang Quliu continued to speak, with a calm posture and a high voice: "...Nowadays, almost all countries in the world want to push the religious order to be the opposite of mankind. I promise you here, no, it is not . In fact, the sect is the one who truly considers the well-being of mankind now and the development of the world in the future..."

"I would like to ask everyone here a question. If there were a primitive tribe in the world today, they would drink hair and blood, cannibalize themselves, and have barbaric rules left over from thousands of years ago. The average life expectancy would be less than 30 years. Years old...what will you do?"

"Some people may turn a blind eye and think it's good to just let them fend for themselves. Some people may want to use them for personal gain, such as catching them and throwing them into factories as labor force, or using them as novelty products to display to young men and ladies in the city... ….In fact, that’s what you did to the people of Africa hundreds of years ago.”

Dongfang Quliu pointed to the audience with his brisk tone, causing quite a bit of laughter from the audience.

To be honest, Yan Muyun didn't know what was so funny about this joke.

But he quite liked it.

"However, we have to admit that there is another kind of person in this world."

Dongfang Quliu's voice suddenly rose, and he raised his platinum cane gently and pointed at the people in the audience: "They are a group of kind, just, and moral people. They want to bring this primitive tribe to the civilized world and give them a solid foundation." Housing, healthy and delicious food, and a sound medical system.”

"Supposedly this is a great thing, but the only problem is that some people don't like it."

"Who is the one?"

Dongfang Quliu seemed to be listening. After a moment, he suddenly raised his voice and said passionately: "That's right, the chief of that tribe won't like this!"

"When civilization sets foot in the desert, the primitive social system will collapse. When everyone no longer worries about survival and begins to pursue dignity and fairness, they will no longer have awe of the original power system! This primitive tribe , will begin to awaken from now on and truly become a part of modern civilization. And those heavy oppressions and decadent rules will be swept into the garbage heap of history!"

"Humanity has been closed off to itself for too long. For tens of thousands of years, we have not had any communication with life other than this planet. It was not until more than thirty years ago that the great Holy Lord set his sights on this inconspicuous corner of the universe. He felt pity and wanted to help mankind achieve glorious evolution. But what he gained for his good intentions was the bloody resistance of the so-called gods and the human authorities."

"When blindly obedient people brutally kill the messengers of the civilized world, what you get in return is anger and revenge. Just like when you are targeted by a group of barbarians with spears and bows and arrows, what comes to mind is definitely not the milk and honey in your backpack. But a pistol hanging on the waist.”

"And the Holy Glory Order is the leader of civilization! We will eventually expose the lies of the hypocritical gods and overturn the oppression of those in power who are lying on our bodies to suck our blood."

"We will eventually lead mankind to the stars, connect with the real civilized world in the universe, and become part of this big family!"

"So, are you willing to contribute your own strength to help mankind take the first step out of the wilderness?"

After Dongfang Quliu said the last words, he extended his right hand affectionately towards the bottom of the stage with a compassionate and solemn expression.

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