40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 548 66 Intervals: Kaos at this moment (Additional update 45)

Chapter 548 66. Interlude: Kaos at this moment (Additional update 4/5)

Yago Severtarion slowly raised the chain halberd, and the radiation dust blew past, completely solidifying the blood on his armor.

The surroundings were littered with corpses, hundreds in number, all belonging to a common tribe of barbarians. But now, this tribe has been completely destroyed, and Sevatar personally killed them one by one in the dark.

There are countless such tribes on Kaos, large and small. They usually conquer each other and use people from rival tribes as slaves, food or sacrifices for sacrifices.

However, if they find a certain fortress, these mutants who don't even have the ability to speak will unite together like never before and attack the fortress together until they break it.

As for whether they continue to kill each other after that, or whether they choose to smear every corner of the fortress with feces. No one cares.

It's like Sevatar doesn't care which tribe these people come from.

He held a flag in his hand, made of human skin as expected. The polished thigh bone formed a flagpole, with many small skulls wrapped around the end.

A minute and a half ago, this flag was held by a mutant from this tribe, and it is now separated from its head.

Sevatar turned his head and glanced at it. The sound of breathing was deliberately amplified by the helmet and spread very far in the darkness.

The surface of Calth where he was was completely plunged into darkness. There were many dangerous beasts lurking in the cold and deadly radiation dust, waiting hungrily all around.

Although they are hungry, they are still very sharp, even sharp enough to detect some essence of Sevatar in the strong smell of blood. This saved them from certain death.

Sevatar turned and left.

Running, jumping and climbing. He quickly arrived at the intended strike location at an inhuman speed, where Sheikh Lenghun had been waiting with his people for a long time.

The cold wind howled by, and the dark clouds were stirred by the strong wind in the sky, forming a very bad and weird oil painting. Under the sky, on this acquired sandstone mountain, the Children of the Night have revealed their fangs and claws.

"You're a little late, Lord Sevatar." The Supreme Leader spoke in a tone that was half-smiling, with ridicule evident in his words.

Sevatar glanced at him, but did not answer the gentle ridicule. The scarlet eyepiece quickly directed his attention to the foot of the mountain.

There, many stacked tents and caves were revealed under the dim light of the fire. According to preliminary investigation results, this is the largest barbarian tribe within thousands of miles.

But if that's all, it's not enough for them to come and kill these bastards. The real reason that drives them to come here and get blood on their hands lies in one of the tents.

"Are you sure there is no problem with the signal?" Savita asked coldly.

"The Sons of Calth have confirmed it again and again. There is no problem. The source of the signal is here."

"Very good," said Sevita. "Tell them they can close the net."

"No problem," Shehir replied with a low smile, which was very cold.

He quickly contacted the transit station set up on the surface by the Sons of Calth through a dedicated communication channel. This matter should have been done by Savita, but for some reason his power armor was not compatible with the separate communication channel of the transfer station.

Fortunately, Scheher has no objection to this - in fact, this is not the first time he has held a job similar to a communications center. Cooperating with the Inquisition means having to deal with other war groups frequently.

Looking at the entire galaxy, definitely not every chapter is willing to communicate with the Inquisitor.

"They said they were going to attack in five minutes."

"Understood," Sevatar said. "Well, Sheikh, let us take advantage of these five minutes to discuss another issue."

He turned his head and looked at the Supreme Commander.

"I think the fact that the instructor ran away again must have something to do with the hunter." He said in a determined tone. "what you think?"

"I don't think this matter has anything to do with him. When the instructor teleported away, he was still listening to your story in the conference room with us, sir."

"No, this matter has something to do with him - think about it, Sheikh, who gave that damn book to the instructor?"

"I don't think it can be settled that way."

"Damn it." Sevatar looked at him angrily and stopped talking.

Five minutes flew by. When the countdown on the eyepiece reached zero, a flickering spark suddenly lit up at the far end of the gathering place at the foot of the mountain. At first it was only the size of a speck of dust, but soon grew to the size of a human head.

At the end, as the distance quickly shortened, the true appearance of the spark was completely exposed, as big as a corner of the city wall, lighting up most of the night sky below the mountain.

Savita couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

He has read the relevant information. In essence, this weapon, which has not yet been officially named, was jointly developed by Cauthians, technical sergeants and the Adeptus Mechanicus. It is actually similar to the catapult in the wild world.

They all throw a heavy object of great mass in a certain way to kill the enemy. The only difference is that this experimental weapon can gradually accelerate during launch and absorb radioactive dust in the surrounding air.

In other words, if there is no upper limit, its power will only become stronger and stronger.

The power of science is always endless.

Sevatar smiled as he watched the dust shell crash to the ground. The mountain peaks trembled. The edges of the barbarian tribe were completely destroyed by this blow. The already troubled land began to burn, and howls were heard in the firelight.

The seeds of chaos have been sown, and on the far horizon, the Sons of Calth are speeding in in their troop carriers.

Sevatar and Scheherr Cold Soul stood up together in tacit agreement. Behind them, the ninety-nine Terminator veterans of the Judgment Blade also stood up.

What happened next was familiar to them, and the children of the night would experience such scenes many times in their short or long lives - that is, the enemy roared, the enemy screamed, the enemy wailed, the enemy cried.

Fear can be applied to anyone without discrimination. When seeing one's own kind being slaughtered cleanly in seconds, no matter how brave the person is, they will fall into temporary confusion.

What's more, these barbarians are actually not brave, and their cruelty only comes from ignorance and ignorance. If they knew who they were killed by, they would probably have fallen into deeper despair.

The massacre lasted eleven minutes, and no mutant survived. There were only two choices before them, one was to be killed by the Sons of Calth with guns, the other was to be killed by the Nightborne with fist blades, lightning claws or other melee weapons.

Apart from this, there is no other way to go, and even resistance seems futile.

In the past, they could still cause chaos many times by taking advantage of their geographical location and numbers, and even relied on their familiarity with the deadly surface to escape the pursuing Sons of Calth.

But now, after all the information has been thoroughly explored by a group of enemies who come and go without a trace, they no longer have any advantage. The Astartes deserved victory, but they were not excited.

They did not come to exterminate a barbaric primitive tribe.

After another three minutes, the real focus of their trip was found.

"Entity key." Calgio sighed. "It turned out to be like this."

In his hand he held a scepter that was a little too small for him, made of jet black stone. The top of the scepter is inlaid with a round metal ball, which is emitting a bright white light.

Even after so long, the radiation dust has not damaged its surface, which is one of the advantages of fine gold. Normally, this metal cannot wear away, even after 10,000 years.

Not to mention that in the past ten thousand years, it has only been worshiped by a group of ignorant mutants as some kind of divine object, and even used as a symbol of authority to protect it.

Calgio reached out and took off the metal ball and handed it over to a technical sergeant, who carefully held it with both hands and quickly left the place.

He will start testing the stability of the physical key on the spot. If all readings are normal and match every detail in the database, then they no longer need to spend time unpacking the data package of the orbital weapons platform. .

Just log into it and use the physical key to gain access.

"I have to say, Chapter Master of Sevita, your psychic talents are really helpful." Calgio looked at him sincerely and said. "I really didn't expect that the physical key that we ourselves had given up hope for actually still existed."

Savita nodded indifferently. He didn't think there was anything worthy of praise in this matter.

If he hadn't read about the physical key from the information of the Sons of Calth, he wouldn't have really thought of using his prophecy ability to confirm whether the key still existed on Calth.

Furthermore, the instruments that could determine its location were developed by the Sons of Calth themselves.

Their technical sergeants were unable to go to Mars for further training, but they had a very good relationship with the local members of the Mechanicus who remained, and they had a considerable degree of talent in machinery and manufacturing.

Passed down from generation to generation, this talent has allowed them to complete many scientific and technological researches, and also allowed them to develop many strange weapons.

To be honest, Sevatar really believed that they should communicate with the descendants of Ferrus Manus, or simply go to Mars for further training, otherwise it would be too wasteful.

"It's good if it helps," Savita said. "But I'm actually more concerned about another thing right now."

"Twelve hours," Calgio said firmly. "It will only take another twelve hours for our shuttle to pass its final tests."

Savita nodded slightly and made a gesture.

Calgio naturally understood what he was referring to. This idea had already been deeply rooted in his mind when Khalil Lohars crossed the galaxy in front of them and arrived at Macragge's Glory in an instant. .

However, this idea did not come suddenly. Long before him, countless people of Calth had had similar dreams. About regaining control of the sky, about completely clearing the sky of haze, radiation and threats

Now, Calgio is making it happen.

However, the ultimate goal of this Calthian has changed slightly, and it has become a prerequisite in a huge plan.

The plan is called Supporting Macragge's Glory.

The first step is to reboard the orbital weapons platform, restart various facilities in the remaining space station, and send an emergency call to the surrounding galaxies.

The second step is to perform maintenance during this period, check the condition of the weapon platform, perform maintenance, and be ready to fire. If an Imperial force responded to their call and actually sent ships, these weapons would come in handy.

The sun of Calth has been cancerous for ten thousand years. It has not yet been destroyed, but it should be. Sunshine was once the mother of countless lives and nature, but now this mother is terminally ill and in great pain.

The people of Calth will give it rest and let those deadly electromagnetic storms dissipate, allowing incoming rescue ships to reach low-Earth orbit smoothly.

However, if no one responds, then Jago Savitarion will activate a backup plan.

Calgio didn't know what his backup plan was, but he wasn't going to ask. He was a good listener of advice, which was one of his few good qualities.

He really didn't care what secrets the Nightborne hid - really, what secret could compare to the true identity of Khalil Lohars?

This man knew Robert Guilliman and even called the Primarch by his first name. He looks like a mortal on the outside, but he can fight with the Astartes in hand-to-hand combat and even gain the upper hand.

He served as an instructor of the Eighth Legion ten thousand years ago, and just one day ago, Calgio learned from Yago Severtarion that Khalil Lohars was on the Emperor's Dream Own a room.

No one could joke about this kind of thing, not to mention that Sevita didn't look like he was joking at that time.

All kinds of factors were added up, and the Chapter Master of the Sons of Calth was no longer too lazy to care about what was secret or not. He may not be very smart, but he is definitely not stupid enough to suddenly get into trouble at this juncture.

All he wanted now was to rush to the Primarch as soon as possible so that he could participate in this war and spread the news of the return of the Calthians to the five hundred worlds and every planet in the Empire.

He wants people to know that they cannot be defeated. He also wanted to let the traitors know that Calth could not be destroyed.

Yes, you can come to Calth again and again, summoning Chaos, or shaping the conspiracy in the dark. Just like the Word Bearers did to the Pearl ten thousand years ago, but Calth will not give in. .

It didn't happen in the past, it doesn't happen now, and it won't happen in the future.

Hector Calgio slowly clenched his fists.

Sooner or later, he will crush all those people to ashes.

"Let us return home, Chapter Master Calgio."

The voice of Yago Severtarion came from beside him, the legend of legends staring thoughtfully at the night sky of Calth.

Following his line of sight, Calgio looked up and happened to see the dispersing dark clouds and the huge metal creation that was vaguely visible behind the dark clouds. That was their destination twelve hours later.

The Chapter Master stared at him seriously, his eyes burning behind the eyepieces.

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