40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 552: 70 Dark Crusade (Four, Extreme Warriors Very Many)

Chapter 552 70. Dark Crusade (four, extremely large number of extreme warriors)

Idaios walked out of the elevator door with hurried steps, put on a brand new uniform, and neatly wore his military medals.

He planned to leave directly, but unexpectedly, the machinery that was still in the maintenance stage made some kind of overwhelmed sound behind him.

The fourth company commander's footsteps stagnated. He turned around and glanced at the elevator that he had temporarily commandeered. The latter responded to his observation with the whine of the motor.

Idaos sighed, walked back into the elevator, pressed the check button on the operation panel, and then wrote a short article to report the situation.

It will explain the specific situation to the maintenance workers after they arrive. It is foreseeable that these people will probably have to stay up all night because of this elevator.

After dealing with this small problem, the fourth company commander continued on his way to the Primarch Executive Yuan.

However, the Primarch Council was actually a coinage used to refer to a separate room where Robert Guilliman and various Captains within the Ultramarines held meetings.

Therefore, this title is actually quite misleading. But it has been used for many years. Some traditions probably expanded from such a small place. Time always has the ability to turn many things into the opposite of what they originally were.

Idaos continued walking, and it took him thirty precious minutes to finally reach the Primarch Executive Council on the thirteenth deck.

The victorious soldiers in shining armor lined up and stood silently in front of the door, carrying out their duties.

The Chapter's servants lined up in a long line to go in and out of the two steel gates from the inside to the outside, sending documents one after another into them, passing these tall giants in awe.

Their faces were all young, and they were all children of the void born in Macragge's Glory. Unless there are accidents, they usually only serve the group for about ten years. After that, those who have accumulated enough experience will be arranged to disembark one by one.

Their personality and abilities will become important criteria in determining which planet they will eventually go to to become local officials. Enlightened people will be sent to the barbaric world or the feudal world, while conservative people will be sent to hive cities or even precious forges. world.

There are also some people with extra abilities or outstanding performance who will be paid attention to in advance. Basically, as soon as the time comes, the administrative department of that planet will send an invitation to ask them to leave.

Idaos is very happy to see such a thing. The bond between the people of Ultramar and the world is continuously created by generations of people like this. Of course, where these people can go in the end can only rely on their own ability.

Macragge's Glory will not issue any special treatment, or allow others to give them special treatment. In fact, the people who came from this ship, the Queen of Glory, were even forced to take on many responsibilities that did not originally belong to them because of this incident.

In other words, it is quite common among this group to become sick due to overwork and even die from overwork.

Idaos stood in front of the door and breathed a sigh of relief - since the documents were still being sent in, it meant that the original body had not arrived yet. Guilliman was always punctual, but he often did not choose to arrive early.

Every day of his life was fully arranged by a staff of hundreds of people, who would even keep track of the original body's daily itinerary down to the minute.

This means that Robert Guilliman was probably still working on the documents in his office while the Chapter servants were busy delivering them to the correct desks.

"Idaos." A voice said from behind him.

The fourth company commander turned around and saw a familiar face. A broad forehead, a strong jaw line, a hooked nose and a pair of light blue eyes, he looks tenacious and stubborn - this is the first impression that Sol Invictus gives people.

He is the first company commander and a veteran who has served for more than three hundred years. Experienced in hundreds of battles is the best way to describe him.

Idaos smiled at his brother, but instead of calling him by name directly, he called out another title in a special language.

"Hello, unconquerable blazing sun."

The company commander's face suddenly fell.

The language Idaos just spoke is called Latin. It comes from the ancient Terra period and is an extremely ancient language. Only those who are interested in studying ancient books in libraries and learning the wisdom of their predecessors speak this language.

Idaos is naturally one of them. As for the title he just mentioned, in fact, if the name Sol Invictus is translated into Latin, this is what it means.

According to the Primarch himself, this was a god worshiped by the ancient Roman Empire and was said to be the patron saint of soldiers. The erudite Robert Guilliman naturally had no need to lie, so the title spread like wildfire and became the eternal nickname of the Captain.

It presumably followed him until his death and was then recorded within the company.

"I told you not to call me that again——!" The Unconquerable Sun said slightly angrily.

"I think this nickname is suitable, although it is a bit long. But you are indeed the patron saint of soldiers, aren't you, brother? Do you need me to give you some examples?"

The first company commander pretended to be angry and punched him. The fourth company commander bent his arms to block, then retreated and hit the other person with his elbow just right.

The man let out a cold snort and pushed Idaos back with both hands. He was not wearing an officer's uniform like the other two company commanders present. He was wearing a traditional Macragge robe.

This man was blond and had a long scar on his face, extending from his left lower jaw to his forehead. His name was Aegis Arthamus, he was quite handsome despite his scars, and he was the captain of the 2nd company.

However, although he looks very similar to the original body, he is a very old-fashioned person - this may also have something to do with his family.

His parents came from two noble families with a long history but now destroyed. The history of these two houses dates back to the time before the destruction of Macragge.

As early as that time, they were already famous nobles, and they had always had a tradition of marriage. The ancestors of Aegis produced many extreme warriors or city-state consuls.

However, during the War of Destruction on Macragge, these things led to their death. As great nobles, these two families were used as examples by the Word Bearers, who brutally massacred them after breaking through the city wall.

They did not surrender, but always resisted, even detonating the family's camp to buy more time for the civilians to escape. Their resistance made the Word Bearers even more excited, so in the end, only two servants, a man and a woman, escaped.

They inherited their original family names on the Macragge's Glory, then abandoned them with their own hands, and began to seek honor and revenge with their own hands.

As a result, by the time of Ekis's generation, the family had completely declined.

Their ancestral precepts bear most of the responsibility for this - never show mercy to any traitor. All descendants, regardless of gender, must join the army. Unless they show extraordinary talents from an early age, they will be trained as reserve soldiers of the Ultramarines.

They don't seek power, money, or enjoyment, they just want to join the army and kill the enemy. Now, as time goes by, the Arthamus family sadly only has Aigis left.

He is proud of his family's heritage, so he always wears traditional robes when he doesn't have to wear armor, and even chooses hand-woven slippers to restore the traditional clothing of the Macragge people.

Of course, not many people dress like this anymore, not even the Primarch.

Idaios glanced down, and sure enough, he saw a pair of slippers under the robe. He grinned and nodded to the second company commander as a greeting.

The latter strode forward, shook hands with him and the first company commander one by one, and then spoke.

"My guess is that Razlion will be the last one to arrive."

"Isn't that true?" The Unconquerable Lieyang raised his eyebrows and said. "Although he does tend to be late lately."

Idaos noticed that Echis had no desire to speak, so he took up the conversation.

"His scribe told me that Razlion has had almost no personal time recently. Whenever he can, he teaches the young apprentice and is said to have regarded him as his successor. I think this is probably the case. That’s why he hasn’t been on time lately.”

"He needs to accept punishment." Ekis finally spoke, his tone was very cold. "I don't deny that the apprentice has extraordinary talent, but no matter how strong the talent is, it can't compare to determination and will. Talent needs to be realized after all, but these two are different. They are born with it and are always reliable. He made mistakes because of trivial matters. Something big happened——"

He was silent for a moment, and in the slightly narrow eyes of Invictus and Idaos, he said: "——I will talk to him after the meeting."

"Then, maybe you have to temporarily learn how to persuade." The Unconquerable Lieyang said slowly. "Always use a commanding tone, and that's why you fail every time you try to do anything like lobbying."

"That's why I killed more bugs than you last time," Ekis said.

Idaos hurriedly began to act as peacemaker.

He really didn't think that these two people could really fight. There were many bad-tempered people among the Ultramarines. However, since they had already become company commanders, they would naturally be sure of the situation and situation, and knew when to fight and when not to fight.

He was only worried that their noise would be too conspicuous. You should know that the servants of the Chapter across the corridor have been looking this way. However, he soon no longer had to worry anymore, because the third captain of the company, Janus Adeas, arrived.

As soon as he arrived, he entered the quarrel between Invictus and Eges forcefully: "Do you two want the servants to pass down the quarrel between the two in the form of a story tonight?"

He looked at the first company commander, then at the second company commander, and then asked again: "I thought that arguing about whose bugs killed more bugs was something only the youngest battle brothers would do."

"Shut up." Aegis Arthamus said in a rare sigh-like tone.

He was now irritated, for it was obvious that the quarrel could not continue without Janus Adeas himself refuting both men speechlessly with his own record.

All Ultramarines know how to fight against the Zerg and aliens, but the warriors of the 3rd Company are the most experienced among them and the ones with the deepest hatred. Therefore, the 3rd Company is often used as the first sword to pierce the hearts of various aliens.

In other words, no matter how brilliant the two of them are, they can't compare to the third company commander in terms of dealing with aliens.

"I'll try my best." Janus said with a smile, and at the same time made a helpless gesture to the servants of the war group, receiving a look of admiration.

He knew very well how much encouragement the four company commanders stood side by side to these loyal people, so he did this deliberately so that they could get more motivation to persevere in the following difficulties and wars.

Although he has been mired in hatred for many years, he has not become extreme because of it. In fact, on the contrary, Janus Adeas' hatred is only directed at aliens and traitors. He always smiles and is very gentle when dealing with others

The next ten minutes passed quite peacefully. The company commanders chatted with each other, talking about the new recruits and the upcoming war, and at the same time, they tacitly kept silent about the terrorist attack that happened not long ago.

During such a pleasant conversation, the captain of the fifth company, Kazir, and the captain of the seventh company, Grostus, also arrived here.

Kazir was a rather taciturn man, and no one knew whether it was his nature, but his gloomy, serious and unsmiling face always made his brief words more convincing.

He and his company will continue to roam the dark reaches of the Ultramarine Sector without being called upon, responding to any distress calls received.

Perhaps that was why he was so silent - being away from the Chapter was not pleasant for any Astartes.

Grostus is an old-timer, and among many company commanders, he is also a legend.

He entered the Chapter in the middle of M39, started serving, and became a company commander in about a hundred years. Then he led his company to support the company commander Kaldas of the Iron Hands Hammonk clan at the edge of the Ultramarine.

They were besieged for several years by a group of Word Bearers warlords and rebels, until the 7th Company received a distress call, breaking the stalemate and winning.

Since then, friendship has developed between the two companies belonging to different founding regiments, and the flag of the 7th Company has also been changed. It has an iron chain to symbolize the friendship between the two companies.

"I thought I would be the last one to arrive," said Grostus, his voice loud and thick, sounding like a block of granite.

He was very old, with gray hair, and he looked sixty-six times similar to the current Robert Guilliman, but he had a beard, so he looked older.

His words aroused a new round of banter, and more stares from the Chapter's servants - even the victorious army cast their eyes inconspicuously. Even for the Primarch Guards, this was a strange sight.

The Primarch Executive Council is not a place that is often used, and the arrival of company commanders in sequence is even more unusual. Usually, they have their own things to be busy with.

Idaos smiled and leaned against the wall, enjoying the pure friendship between the brothers. Such a pleasant atmosphere actually gave him an idea of ​​the upcoming war - all the company commanders who had arrived were tacitly saying The atmosphere became more relaxed, which showed that they all understood what they were going to face next.

And they are ultramarines, they are fearless.

As he was thinking this, a horn sound suddenly sounded in his ears, and then someone shouted loudly. After a long list of titles, Robert Guilliman walked calmly from the end of the corridor.

Idaios's heart skipped a beat - there are still a few company commanders who haven't arrived yet.

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