40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 82 80 Step by Step (3k)

Chapter 82 80. Step by step (3k)

After a few brief meetings and discussions, Konrad Curze happily appointed five hundred Ultramarines from Macragge.

Their positions were created by a temporary system created by Coates himself, called the Executive Corps. In other words, a team of five hundred men, headed by Lucretius Corvo, temporarily ran the planet in place of the future native officials of Nostramo.

After all, although there are officials assigned by the Ministry of Government in the logistics fleet, there are still not many experienced people, and many of them were even in charge of logistics in the past. Completely ignorant of the planning and policies required for a planet that is in dire need of development.

In this case, the experience of the Ultramarines has become a very valuable thing. It can even be said to be a plan and direction for the future in a sense.

But if you think the Eighth Legion has no problem with this, that's impossible.

"But what can we do?" Siani from Terra punched the specially made punching bag in anger. "No one knows how to govern a planet!"

"In the past, we were judges, specializing in the purification of sins. It is normal that no one knows how to govern the planet." His company commander Van Cleef said this with a calm expression, even a little too calm.

The First Company Commander was currently wearing the training armor in a hurry. It could provide the most basic level of protection during daily sparring. In a sense, he is indeed wearing armor.

But, wearing training armor and looking murderous, is this normal?

"But we can at least learn!" Siani said reluctantly. "Is it difficult to learn from now on? Do you really want to hand over the original body's home planet to those guys who like to hold parties?"

"They are our cousins, helpers who have traveled thousands of miles to help. Watch your words, Siani."

The first company commander glared at him with a very serious expression: "Furthermore, Lucretius Corvo has made it clear that they will not bring any Macragge characteristics or customs to Nostramo. At best, it’s just good urban planning.”

"City planning?" Siani stopped beating the sandbags blankly and looked at his company commander. "Plan what?"

".Do you still want those blood-stained buildings to remain on the new Nostramo? The upper and lower nests all need to be redone. Residential buildings, living areas, industrial areas, and outside the city Planning for the Wilderness.”

The expression of the first company commander became more and more gloomy as he spoke. In the end, his expression even looked a bit like some kind of gloomy monster baring its teeth.

"I have read the relevant knowledge all morning today, but I still feel almost unable to start. There is still a week left for the environmental transformation to be completed, and Lucretius Corvo has already started planning how to divide the city, Siani. Although We can indeed learn, but by the time we finish learning, it will be too late.”

"Is it so difficult to just learn some knowledge about architecture?" Siani asked relentlessly.

"Do you think it's just that simple? There are also all the subsequent things, such as the assignment of manpower for management, management regulations, safety measures in industrial areas, and the breeding activities of those sawtooth beasts in the wilderness. Damn it."

The company commander gave a rare sigh. "I never thought that one day I would find it difficult for the Ultramarines."

"In other words, we can only watch them help?"

"It would be nice to have someone to help!" The company commander buttoned up his breastplate angrily. "No one in the entire legion of 20,000 people knows the relevant knowledge in this area. Do you dare to tell the original body that you are confident in this area and think you can do it?"

"No." Siani said honestly. "I haven't even read any relevant books."

"So - yes, Siani." Van Cleef shook his head reluctantly. "We just have to ask them to help."


Lucretius Corvo was thinking—more accurately, thinking uneasily.

Before coming, they had vaguely realized some of the purpose of their trip.

After arriving, they saw Nostramo with their own eyes. Although they still didn't go down to experience it for themselves, they still saw it.

But now, after really seeing the current situation of Nostramo, he had to admit one thing.

Even for the Ultramarines, this is not an easy task.

Nostramo is a planet that you won't believe until you see it with your own eyes, and all descriptions pale in comparison to its actual condition.

The most terrifying thing is that almost all the existing Nostramo civilians have been infiltrated by that kind of twisted values.

Lucretius Corvo knows one thing very well: it takes people to change the status quo of a planet. In other words, if people can't do it, this planet can't do it.

"I think we should start with the most basic food security. Although food supplies are only once every two years and can still pass through Macragge, if we are not self-sufficient, many problems will still arise."

His adjutant Maximus said this, his expression calm as always, except that the corners of his eyes seemed to be twitching.

"You put it quite simply."

In the huge conference room, five hundred extreme warriors gathered together, frowning and dividing their work to discuss issues.

Lucretius Corvo and his lieutenants were responsible for reviewing the revisions and making the final decision. Although there is still a voting component, they can also influence the final decision to a certain extent. Therefore, he and Maximus felt unprecedented pressure.

Because, after this link, it was time for them to hand over the plan to Conrad Coates for review.

Corvo shook his head: "Self-sufficiency is of course a good thing, but the machines of the Mechanicus can only make the serious chemical pollution in the atmosphere a little better, and will not poison the people who will be born later."

"They can't change the land of Nostramo. Only those wild beasts can eat the plants in the wilderness. It's not like you haven't seen the investigation report submitted by the Eighth Legion. How can they just rely on raising those sawtooth beasts? Guaranteed food supply? Or, normal food supply?”

"You have also seen the sample analysis of the nutritional creams produced locally in Nostramo. They are not so much nutritional creams as they are the most basic and cheapest vitamins."

The adjutant was silent for a moment, and then came up with a new idea.

"There are many planets around Nostramo. The nobles on this planet have records of trade with them. Maybe we can work with the Eighth Legion to recover them. In this way, the food problem can also be solved. level of relief.”

"That will be at least five years later." Corvo said with a frown.

"Not to mention whether it is a good choice to abandon Nostramo now and recover other planets. Even if we succeed, what will happen next? We are short of manpower, how can we divide the responsibilities? Maximus, we are not in the right position now Near Macragge."

The adjutant was silent. He had been in the army twenty-seven years less than Corvo. This twenty-seven-year time difference made him completely unable to compete with Corvo in terms of experience. Therefore, even if he is very reluctant now, he cannot refute Corvo's words.

"Too many questions, Maximus"

Sighing, Lucretius Corvo shook his head.

There is a long road ahead, but as helpers, they will be more attentive than the Eighth Legion. The Ultramarines have sworn an oath, and they will never let that oath expire.

"...I'm going for a walk," Corvo said after a period of silence. "Take a walk in the corridor and be back soon."

He quickly left the vast conference room, the hum of conversation dying as the door closed. The corridors of the Nightmare were extremely quiet and extremely dark.

It does not have as many decorations as the Macragge's Glory or any of the Ultramarines Legion's ships. It is simply not like a Glorious Queen-class battleship.

Leaning against the cold wall, feeling the vibrations of the pipes inside, Lucretius Corvo suddenly missed the huge tapestries they had woven themselves.

He sighed.

And at this moment, a plain greeting sounded in the darkness: "Why sigh, Lucretius Corvo?"

A giant walked out slowly, wearing regular clothes and with a calm expression. Corvo straightened his back suddenly: "Good day, Instructor Khalil!"

"You don't have to call me instructor, you don't belong to the Eighth Legion." The giant smiled. "Don't be too formal. I just happened to pass by your conference room."

"Is it really just a coincidence?" After a brief silence, Corvo asked tentatively.

He didn't know much about the instructor's character, but judging from yesterday, he was obviously not a difficult person to get along with.

Khalil burst into laughter.

"Of course not, you are very perceptive, Lucretius Corvo, or rather, the head of the political department."

"I'm just one of them." Corvo quickly denied. "And it's just a temporary department. In the future, Nostramo will establish its own Ministry of Government Affairs, Ministry of Legal Affairs and even Ministry of Military Affairs."

"That requires a stamp from Terra."

"The Primarch has the authority to deploy directly," Corvo said quickly. "This is the right granted to every Primarch by the Code, my lord."

"Don't call me your lord, Lucretius Corvo, there is no authority relationship between you and me, and you don't have to show me the plan, so there is no need to use honorifics."

Corvo was stunned for a moment, not understanding why the topic suddenly jumped to this point. He nodded after a brief silence, not wanting to refuse.

And Khalil didn't reveal his thoughts, but just mentioned another thing.

"I don't know if you've seen the information, Corvo, but there is a lot of adamantium on Nostramore." Khalil said meaningfully.

Lucretius Corvo's heart trembled.

There is still 7k left, I will finish it tomorrow, and then I will start to update the alliance leader.

These chapters are transitional chapters.

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