40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 97 95 Drama (Follow-up)

Chapter 97 95. Drama (Follow-up)

It's actually much more than that. Guilliman thought.

But he did not say these words, and he maintained an appropriate and necessary silence. Some words are not suitable to be said, at least not right now.

"I don't think this is difficult for you to understand," he said.

Khalil raised an eyebrow.

"Is that a compliment?" He shook his head. "But you should know that I won't accept it, right?"

"Which thing? This compliment, or my proposal?"

"I would like to answer two, but you have given a choice within a given range, which is very cunning, my friend. So, I will choose the former, Robert." Khalil smiled slightly. "I personally don't like politics very much."

Robert Guilliman sighed slowly.

There seemed to be a storm sweeping through those calm blue eyes, fleeting and disappearing without a trace in an instant, leaving only a kind of calm relief.

He put down some things and picked up some things, and now, the giant sitting directly opposite Khalil looked like a man who had been tired for a long, long time.

What a similarity. Khalil thought thoughtfully.

"I don't like it either," Robert Guilliman said quietly. “But it’s the foundation that keeps a lot of things running, so I have to learn it and become familiar with it and then use it.”


Guilliman frowned slowly. After these words, he realized that Khalil Roharus was observing him with that deadly gaze again. For a politician, having someone dig into his heart It's much scarier than having a hundred bolt guns pointed at it at the same time.

At least all the latter can do is kill you, and they can't force you to spit out your true thoughts.

He groaned in pain.

"You are like a skilled digger," Guilliman whispered. "What exactly do you want to do? Pry into all the secrets in my heart?"

"I can accept this compliment." Khalil chuckled. "But, relax, Robert. I will only know what I want to know, such as the true meaning behind the invitation. I will not reveal some things, such as that you actually need such a responsibility to prove yourself."


After a long silence, Robert Guilliman chose to be honest. He had to be honest.

He spoke slowly.

"There are still many places in the Ultra Star Territory that have not been fully explored. The Emperor has given me autonomy. I can do many things in this vast star territory and will hardly be hindered by Imperial laws. For example, give away two stars Agricultural Planet to one of my brothers.”

"No merit, no reward," said Khalil. "One of the ancient words of Terra."

"The value of adamantine is beyond your imagination, Khalil. Most of the time, it is the hard currency of hard currency." Guilliman said seriously.

"It's not just that we need it. If the fine gold production on Nostramo is really as sufficient as Conrad said, then I can do many things with this fine gold, such as making deals with the Mechanicus. "

"Now, the main content of this soon-to-be-opened trading route is fine gold."

"Nostramo is in desperate need now and needs everything including food. I can trade with you, but this is by no means a reason for me to take advantage of the situation. I cannot ignore the value of fine gold and simply In exchange for material and personnel assistance, I must make compensation.”

"So you're going to use two agricultural planets as compensation?"

"Yes, this is why I invite you to participate in this exploration. The 'selection' with the instructors of the Eighth Legion can make some people shut their mouths to a greater extent."

His voice was firm when he said this, and Khalil couldn't help but laugh - it was obvious that Robert Guilliman was annoyed by those who were talking about him behind his back. He didn't say it explicitly, but his words were enough to reveal it.

"How?" Robert Guilliman asked expectantly.

"I can't think of a reason to say no," Khalil said. "If you don't consider that alliance, I will reject your proposal. But if you include it, I have no reason to reject it."

"In other words, you agree?"

"Just like I said"

Khalil stood up with a smile and stretched out his right hand towards him: "I can't think of a reason to refuse."

Guilliman did not immediately complete this ancient etiquette. He stood up and was silent for a while before speaking.

"Can we do this in another way?" he asked slightly unnaturally.


The instruments were ticking, and the smell of disinfectant was pungent, but it was not a problem for Van Cleef, after all, he could only smell a vague smell now that was not so clear. His nose has not been completely reshaped, nor has his tongue, which relies on them for his full sense of smell.

From his throat, he made a little breathy sound, hissing, but it was no different from the usual greeting of the Nostramos. However, he did this not because he wanted to greet anyone, but because his voice was recovering bit by bit.

The tingling feeling was too strong, and he needed to use this method to make himself feel better.

After doing this, he raised his right hand with difficulty. The beating nerves and muscles on the thick bones are being reshaped at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blood is rushing to the unobservable interior.

Van Cleef stared at this horrific scene and moved the five fingers of his right hand thoughtfully. They were now able to fully move, and the nerves and muscles at the front of the forearm also moved together.

Seeing this scene, a smile finally appeared on his pale and weak face.

"I promised I would fix you, VanCleef," said a giant sitting beside him. "And as you can see now, your body is recovering bit by bit - so, don't you really want to inject a little sedative and sleep?"

Van Cleef opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but he pushed it a few times with his broken tongue and spit out a few blackened teeth. He held them in the palm of his right hand and spoke only after that. His voice was weird, but at least he could make a sound.

"I'm sure," he said with difficulty. "The dose of sedative will allow me to sleep for at least eight hours. The Ultramarines' medical officers will not skimp on medication."

The reason he gave made Khalil laugh. He wasn't sure whether Van Cleef was joking, but it was indeed humorous.

"It will take another four hours before you are fully recovered," Khalil said. "So, I guess your plan is to go back to the station without wasting a single second?"

"Yes," Van Cleef hissed.

Don't get me wrong, of course he wasn't speaking Nostramo, it was just the sound in his throat that caused this result. Frankly speaking, the way he speaks now is quite uncomfortable.

But Khalil didn't care.

"So, how are you going to explain this to them?"

Van Cleef shook his head, and white and red flesh intertwined and spread on his neck.

"They won't ask," he said. "At least, no one except Siani will ask."

"Just because they can't ask, doesn't mean they don't have questions."

"I'll take care of it," Van Cleef said firmly. "You don't have to worry about that."

Staring at him, Khalil said nothing.

Van Cleef's two hearts beat endlessly between the plate-like bones, making a monotonous and interlaced sound. The bed was still covered in blood, but it was no longer a sticky mixture of flesh and blood, but the traces of what was left destroyed as the new flesh healed.

"I'm sorry," Khalil said lowly.

"You don't have to apologize," Van Cleef replied calmly. "You are not the only one who has failed in your duty."

I'm stuck - this part is so difficult to write, so I'm going to fast forward anyway.

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