80s Taoism

Chapter 101 Hitting the Wrong Person

"No, no one can stop him today." Liu Qiaoye raised his stick and beat him down.

Liu Biao blocked his body, and the stick hit Liu Biao with a snap.

"Oh, sister, are you really fighting?" Liu Biao said aggrievedly.

"Who told you to stop in front? Hurry up and get out of the way. Otherwise, don't blame me if I hit you." Liu Qiaoye said angrily.

"Oh!" Liu Biao was hit by a stick again, grinning his teeth in pain.

Zhao Lanying was in a hurry, "Sister, can you just say no? Why are you beating the child? Beggar, why don't you admit your mistake quickly."

"That's right, beggar, admit your mistake quickly. Uncle can't stand it anymore." Liu Biao almost burst into tears of pain.

Liu Qiaoye hit Liu Biao again with a stick, which was really hard. If he hit him, there would be a bloodstain on his body immediately.

Liu Biao finally couldn't help but burst into tears, "Sister, if you hit me again, I'll go back and tell my parents." Liu Qiaoye couldn't help but chuckle, "It's worthless."

Liu Qiaoye didn't plan to hit her again, she hit her younger brother and hurt her sister's heart. Liu Qiaoye put the stick back on the shrine.

Liu Biao came back to his senses, "Okay, sister, you deliberately hit me by begging."

"I hit you on purpose, what's the matter? You are an uncle, you don't look like an adult at all, you just make a bad appearance for children. If I don't hit you, do you really hit you?" Liu Qiaoye said angrily.

"Good fight." Zhao Lanying had already seen it, and felt relieved at this moment. In fact, she was quite distressed just now.

"Lan Ying. He said he was ignoring a certain person. Just now I saw a certain person being beaten by me with family law, and I still feel very distressed." Liu Qiaoye said with a smile.

"I don't feel bad. Some people deserve to be beaten. They will never grow up without a lesson. Well beaten!" Zhao Lanying was a well-cooked old duck with a hard mouth.

Liu Biao grinned in pain, took off his clothes and looked at it, and sure enough there were three red marks on his body. But it didn't break the skin. The strength Liu Qiaoye used was just right. It hurts a lot, but it doesn't leave sequelae. Looking at the three red marks, Zhang Jiaohua couldn't help sticking out her tongue. In fact, he didn't know much about the taste of the killing stick. He didn't expect his uncle to protect him from disaster again today.

"Smelly boy, give uncle a bowl of water to relieve pain. Uncle took these three sticks today for you." Liu Biao said to Zhang Jiaohua in pain, and his expression actually had a lot of acting elements. Although the three sticks are indeed painful, but to the people in the countryside, what are the three sticks?

Zhang Jiaohua didn't dare to act without authorization this time, and turned to look at Liu Qiaoye.

Liu Qiaoye's eyes turned to one side, and she didn't give Zhang Jiaohua a good look, but she didn't explicitly stop Zhang Jiaohua from giving his uncle water. It shows that she doesn't really want to make Liu Biao suffer a lot.

Zhang Jiaohua hurried to the kitchen to get a bowl, and scooped a bowl of water from the water tank.

"One pain lives in the immortal master of pain, and the water passes through the pavilion of the immortal master. Li Jingtian king Yang Jian and Prince Nezha come to live in pain. A little universe is big, Hengdan's sun and moon are long, and the surrounding area is ten thousand zhang. The pain goes away and hides... Urgently like a law!"

After a bowl of pain-relieving water had been dissolved, Zhang Jiaohua quickly brought it to his uncle, dipped his finger in some water, and flicked Liu Biao's wound a few times.

This pain-relieving water is also really miraculous, wherever the water is sprinkled, the pain will disappear immediately. It really works.

"Hey, it really doesn't hurt anymore. Beggar, the water you melted works really well. Uncle's plan is not for nothing." Liu Biao couldn't help exclaiming.

"Since we didn't suffer in vain, let's hit some more sticks." Liu Qiaoye pretended to get the sticks.

"Sister, you really want to hit me. How can I say that I came to your house as a guest. Is this how you treat me?" Liu Biao quickly pulled his sister back.

"If you and Lan Ying came to my house to be our guests, how could I beat you with a stick? I told you, I just beat you by beggars. Your parents brought you up and got you a wife. When you two quarreled, you put your parents on the fire. Now I don't have a family to watch over you, so you dare to do something wrong. I tell you, you are my younger brother. If you are an asshole, I won't beat you to death." Liu Qiaoye was really angry about this.

"Sister, I know I was wrong, can't I? I will never do such a stupid thing again." Liu Biao quickly admitted his mistake.

"Sister, I'm actually responsible for this matter. I shouldn't have talked to a few bums in the village. I didn't know they were so bad." At this point, Zhao Lanying glanced at Liu Biao, "He didn't know how to tell me well. Actually, after I knew that those people turned out to be bums in the village, I regretted it. But I just said a few words to them. Someone shouldn't have spoken so badly."

"Aren't I in a hurry at the time? I wish I wasn't as good at fighting as my brother-in-law, otherwise I would beat up those bastards." Liu Biao was also very annoyed.

"Forget it. You all have cubs. Some things, you and your wife can talk about it on the bedside. Don't make the family restless. This time, you got into a quarrel, so hurry back tomorrow so that your parents won't be worried at home. Xizi finally came to her aunt's house, and she will stay for a few more days. When the time comes, you can come and pick her up again." Liu Qiaoye also took the opportunity to teach her a lesson.

Seeing that Zhang Jiaohua didn't go out for a long time, Xizi ran in, "Brother Hua, why didn't you come out for a long time. Let's go, let's go pick persimmons."

Several wild persimmon trees grew in the grove of the back mountain. Now the persimmons have turned red, the color is very bright, it looks like a tree full of red lanterns. However, wild persimmons are relatively small in size, and no matter how ripe they are, they will always have a bit of astringent taste. Although wild persimmons have turned red and are close to maturity, they cannot be eaten directly after they are picked off. Because persimmons need to be ripened later, people in Meiziao usually pick the persimmons and cover them with millet in the house for a period of time. After the persimmons are completely soft, they can be eaten.

Autumn is the harvest season, and nature will give rich gifts to hardworking farmers. Persimmons, oranges, chestnuts... Many kinds of fruits ripen in this season.

"Don't go. I've covered a lot in the barn. I'll take you to pick oranges and eat them." Zhang Jiaohua said.

In fact, the oranges are not yet fully ripe, only the oranges under the shade of the tree are beginning to turn yellow. But the oranges under the shade of the tree are generally small and very sour. The flavor is naturally not as good as the oranges near the canopy. But the oranges in these locations have thin skins and ripen early. In July and August, the fart children began to patronize the orange grove. Steal these little oranges from the bottom of the tree.

Although oranges are very sour, in this era, for these fart children in the countryside, this is also a very good fruit.

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