A Female Forensic Doctor Transmigrates into a Book as the Female Supporting Character

The female forensic doctor wore a book and had sex with the male partner_October Sea【Complete】(58)

Li Ke thought thoughtfully, "Oh... Brigade Tan deliberately gave Lei Guang a slip of the tongue just now. If they were guilty of committing crimes, they might transfer the stolen money. Eh? No, Lei Guang has an injury on his leg. It can't be him! The door of Lei's house There was no sign of being pried, and the leather shoes were missing, so Team Tan suspected that Miao Xiaohong took the key to Lei's house and gave it to Miao Dachun, and that Miao Dachun deliberately put on Lei Yan's shoes and made footprints to confuse us. "

As expected of someone who studied criminal investigation, his reaction is quick and he can put the case together with just a few clues.

"I understand." Li Ke turned around and winked at Xie Qing proudly, "What about Qingqing? Is she with us?"

Xie Qing said: "Since we are on guard, there is no need for the police car to go. I will be responsible for driving the car back to the police station."

Tan Yi smiled, she was such a smart little girl, she understood everything clearly without fighting or grabbing.

Li Ke was surprised again, "You dare to hit the road now?" After receiving a positive reply from Xie Qing, he added, "I'm fine at school, but I get nervous when I come out."

Xie Qing leaned back on the chair and said, "It's okay. You have a solid foundation. Just practice a few more times and you'll be fine."

Tan Yi brought the topic back, "Did Lei Miao add anything this time?"

"No, the little girl is just too busy to cry." Li Ke said, "I think it's not that she's not strong, it's that she really only cares about studying and doesn't know anything about her family. The less she knows, the more guilty she feels. The more guilt you feel, the harder it will be to extricate yourself.”

Tan Yi asked again: "Did the Lei family's neighbors have anything to add?"

Li Kedao: "She said that Lei Miao's mother has a very good relationship with her parents-in-law. She rarely talks about the rights and wrongs of her parents-in-law. She knows only a limited amount about the Lei family's private affairs. She knows that after Lei Miao's mother's demolition money is coming soon, Lei Guang's family will come frequently. ”

Tan Yi glanced at her and said, "You said it in front of Miao Xiaohong?"

Li Ke said: "That's not true. Her original words were, 'Oh, brothers and sisters, haven't you come here often these days? Haven't you noticed anything wrong? They haven't told you anything?' Then Miao Xiaohong said, 'Sister, Don’t you know, my sister-in-law is very tight-lipped. If something hadn’t happened, we wouldn’t have known about the demolition money.”

Like a master, she imitated the speaking tones of the two women, which was cute and interesting.

Xie Qing said: "It's good. I have a sense of the picture, and Li Ke's middle-aged image comes to mind."

Li Ke said: "Go away, I won't do that when I'm old."

Tan Yi laughed again.

It's probably because the case has come to light, and everyone is in a better mood.


, to discuss the case near Leijia Community.

Tan Yi got out of the car, but did not leave immediately. He carefully observed the butt of the police car for a while.

Li Keqi asked: "What are Team Tan waiting for?"

Tan Yi said: "I remember you just said that Xiao Xie hasn't been on the road much."

"Yeah..." Li Ke stuck out his tongue, "It's okay, she's driving quite steadily, right?"

Xie Qing saw the two of them motionless through the rearview mirror, and felt a little strange at first, but after considering Xie Xun's reaction, she understood.

After returning to the police station, I was busy all afternoon. When I went to the cafeteria to eat in the evening, I didn't see Li Ke and the others coming back.

Du Zhun murmured in a low voice at the table next to him, "Hey, what did Feng'an District say about our guy being surprised?"

Wang Zheng said: "Brother Du, please stop listening to their nonsense. How many hours have you been squatting here? There is a lot of bullshit."

Du Zhun said: "That's true! If you don't squat for three days and three nights, you'd be embarrassed to say you've done it."

Xie Qing shook her head helplessly, this is Du Zhun.

They squatted for half the night, and it wasn't until midnight that Xie Qing saw Li Ke who had been replaced.

The little girl walked into the office with a slumped head and pouted, "I will never go on a mission with Team Tan again."

Xie Qing poured her a cup of hot water and gave her a bag of milk biscuits, "What's wrong?"

Li Ke tore open the package and took a bite bitterly, "Boring, nerdy, and critical."

Xie Qing: "..."

Li Ke said: "I just said a few words, and he told me to pay attention to discipline when lurking. He also asked me how my university teacher taught me? Humph, I asked him to control it. My teacher taught me well."

Xie Qing: "..."

Li Ke took a sip of water, "Isn't it just that he looks handsome? What's the big deal? I've been squatting for a day, but I still haven't achieved anything?"

Xie Qing: "..."

Xie Qing had heard of Tan Yi's name in the provincial department, nicknamed Holmes Tan. After seven years of work, he had never had a backlog of cases (cases that could not be solved).

In the case of the Lei family, she also agreed with Tan Yi's opinions and the criminal investigation method of "catching the grass and alerting the snake", which allowed the murderer to deliver the evidence to the door.

However, she felt that Li Ke's self-esteem was frustrated. His anger was not genuine, and his scolding was not sincere. He just treated her as a trash can and emptied it out.

This is indeed the case. After drinking the water and finishing the biscuits, the little girl is also sleepy.

Li Ke yawned and said, "I feel much better after saying this. Do you want me to accompany you? If so, I will stay here for one night."

Xie Qing said: "No, there are people on duty in the Second Brigade and the First Brigade. I'm not afraid. You can go to sleep."

Li Ke left, and Xie Qing also got on the camp bed.

A calm night.

The next morning, Xie Qing met Tan Yi while eating in the cafeteria.

For the first time, Tan Yi sat down in front of her. On his plate were two eggs, a glass of milk, four slices of fried steamed buns, and a portion of boiled wontons.

Xie Qing greeted politely, "Good morning, Team Tan."

"Good morning." Tan Yi went straight to the point, "So far, there has been no movement from both sides. I suspect there is an oversight somewhere."

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