A Natural Monster, Starting With Dark Fruit

Chapter 148: Hancock’S Excitement After Getting Pure Gold

I have to admit that rule-based abilities are unreasonable.

Xia Yan originally thought that this 'fishing' trip would take a very long time.

I don’t know how many people on the island will be sucked up by Bakara repeatedly.

Unexpectedly, Xia Yan found the lantern fish on the third day before she ran out of luck in the first round.

Just like finding Vanderdyken IX through light, although in the deep sea area below the photic layer, Xia Yan's clairvoyance and clairvoyance can only see darkness.

But if a light source suddenly appears in the deep sea within the range of his clairvoyance and clairvoyance, he can also see it.

In this world, many marine creatures have their own light sources, so it took Xia Yan more than a day to find Vanderdeken IX.

But this time, Xia Yan found the lantern fish just at a glance.

There is no way, the lantern on the head of the lantern fish is too big and too dazzling.

Just the size of the lantern is larger than the Pegasus.

After seeing the lantern fish, Xia Yan immediately asked Baccarat to stop praying, and also asked Carina and the girls to stop ringing the golden bell.

I saw Xia Yan using clairvoyance and clairvoyance to teleport and appear in the body of the lantern fish with the Pegasus.

Unlike other Sea Kings, the lantern fish not only has three stomachs in its body, but also has its own light source because of the lantern. It is a mobile island that exists in the body of the Sea Kings.

"Is this what's inside the lantern fish?"

"I sensed it. It was indeed an incredibly big Sea Kings, and it also had three stomachs."

Hancock's children looked around and patted the lantern fish's stomach.

Carina and Nami released the unique Observation Haki, and after sensing the inside of the lantern fish, they spoke.

Immediately, Nami looked at Xia Yan and said: "Master, I sensed the breath of two living people in other stomach spaces. One of them is dressed as a scientist. Could he be the person who invented pure gold?"

"Just ask him and you'll find out - ROOM!"

Xia Yan opened the surgical field, wrapped all three stomachs in the lantern fish, and then whispered: "Transfer!"

The next second, two people and a golden man appeared in front of Xia Yan and his group out of thin air.

"Ah! You...who are you?!"

"Living... living people, are you also the ones eaten by the lantern fish?"

Looking at Xia Yan's group, Miskina Orojia and Miskina Asier, the father and daughter, who appeared out of thin air, they did not realize that they had teleported.

However, the eyes of Carina and the girls were not on them, but fixed on the pure gold emitting special rays.

"Is this... is this the legendary pure gold?"

"What a special gold. Can it really extend our lives?"

Nami immediately took the floating pure gold and looked at this immortal thing with Carina's children.

Even Hancock, who showed disdain and indifference to people and things other than Xia Yan, now approached Pure Gold with excitement on his face, his face as obsessed as a miser finding a treasure.

Women are the most beautiful creatures. The more beautiful a woman is, the more she cares about her appearance.

There are almost no women who don’t imagine that they can stay young forever and always look their most beautiful.

But they must also accept the reality that no one can always be young, and no one can always be beautiful.

And now, something that can make people live forever appears in front of them. Hancock, who is known as the most beautiful woman in the world, is definitely the most excited and exciting among the girls.

Unlike Carina's children, whose eyes were full of pure gold, Xia Yan looked at the astonished Assier father and daughter and said: "We were not eaten by lantern fish, but people who came here specifically to find you and pure gold. Dr. Asier.”

"You...you know me?"

Miskina Asier was even more shocked, pointing to his fat face and said: "If I remember correctly, more than two hundred years have passed in the outside world, and my appearance has changed greatly.

You don’t know me?”


Xia Yan glanced at Miskina Orojia, who had a sallow complexion and was full of unhealthy aura, and smiled: "Not only do I know you, but I also know that the reason why you made pure gold is to save your terminally ill daughter."

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Xia Yan, I am a user with Paramecia Op-Op Fruit ability."

"Op-Op Fruit?!"

Hearing this, Myskina Asier suddenly looked excited and said: "Really? Are you the legendary Op-Op Fruit user?"


Xia Yan smiled and nodded, saying: "As a reward for taking the pure gold, I will rescue your daughter and take you back to the world on the ground."

"thanks, thanks!"

Miskina Asier immediately burst into tears and even knelt down to thank him: "As long as you are willing to save Orojia, no matter what you want me to do, I will promise you."

Although pure gold can extend human life, it can only extend time and cannot cure diseases.

The reason why Myschina Asier made pure gold is because at that time, except for the legendary Paramecia Op-Op Fruit, there was no technology that could cure Myschina Oroga's disease. It was that era. of incurable disease.

Miskina Orojia's condition is still in the stage of illness, and she has been tortured by the disease for two hundred years.

Therefore, the appearance of Xia Yan is simply a ray of light, which not only allows Miskina Orojia to escape the torture of the disease, but also allows him to return to the world on the ground.

Miskina Orojia, who heard the conversation between his father and Xia Yan, was also stunned.

Obviously, this 200-year-old girl was also stunned by this sudden surprise.

In the past two hundred years, there was not a day when she didn't want to escape from Lord Lantern's belly and return to the world on the ground.

But now, not only has my dream come true, but the disease that has been bothering me for many years will also be cured.

Will I...be able to live like a normal person soon?

When he thought of this, Miskina Orojia's eyes couldn't help but have a layer of mist.

It is conceivable that for some people, immortality is not a good thing, but a painful torture.

If it weren't for the company of family, two hundred years of loneliness would probably make this girl go crazy. .

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