After Tyrande learned that Illidan had escaped from prison, his first reaction was relief.

Over the years, Tyrande has always felt that he was ashamed of Illidan. From various angles, Tyrande felt a little sorry for Illidan.

But Tyrande's identity cannot be biased toward Illidan because of personal feelings. Every time he thinks of Illidan in these years, Tyrande's heart is tormented.

Malfurion's heart is also very complicated, but an archdruid like Malfurion, who often sleeps in the Emerald Dream, can escape a lot of thinking in reality. Tyrande can't pray to Luna all at once. Decades.

In terms of feeling, Tyrande was more tormented.

So after Illidan escaped from prison, the boredom in Tyrande's heart was reduced by half.

At the meeting of the upper elves of the night elves, Tyrande certainly did not agree to the hunt for Illidan, but Maiev caught up with Illidan as soon as he found out that he had escaped from prison.

Occasionally, some thoughts popped up in Tyrande's mind:

"Where is he now? How is he doing?

Why don't you come and see me before you go?

Why is Maiev willing to guard for ten thousand years? Why go after it desperately?

I wish..."

What she didn't know was that Maiev was on the verge of catching up to Illidan.

Illidan didn't reveal his whereabouts at the beginning, but after getting the help of Ai Qi, Illidan will start to cultivate his own strength and train new demon hunters.

Demon hunters can only be played by elves, and the existing ones are only night elves and high elves.

Illidan himself was born as a night elf. Ten thousand years ago, because of his love for magic, he knew many Highborne elves. However, after thousands of years of the War of the Ancients, the Highborne were exiled and crossed the sea to the east. took over his own kingdom, Quel'Thalas of the high elves.

During this process, the high elves lost the protection of the world tree and the eternal life bestowed by the guardian dragon. Now the lifespan of the high elves is only about three thousand years. The group of high elves that Illidan knew had died of old age for thousands of years. .

Illidan was not so arrogant that as a bare-bones commander, if he went up to find a high elf, he could fool him into becoming a demon hunter.

If the demon hunter has reached a certain scale, or encountered extraordinary losses, then there will be a chance to recruit a large number of high elves.

So Illidan ventured back to the west, resisted the idea of ​​sneaking a peek at Tyrande, secretly contacted his old department, and recruited them as the new demon hunters.

Thousands of years have passed, and Illidan is not sure if everyone's minds have changed. After all, those who are determined to learn magic have gone east with the high-level elves, so how much thought can those left behind have? So Illidan only contacted some old ministries who could confirm their loyalty, and now his team of demon hunters is still very small.

It was during this process that Illidan's whereabouts were exposed, and the watchers discovered that Maiev had the opportunity to lead a large group of people to chase this location.

In the Tomb of Sargeras, all three teams were attacked by demons. Demons are easy to descend in this environment, especially low-level demons.

Warlocks can also summon demons. Low-level demons are very easy to be controlled by warlocks. When encountering high-level demons, warlocks often face the problem of backlash, but low-level demons do not have this worry.

But this time was different. Even the lowly demons were ordered by the very high-level beings in the Twisting Nether to attack Gul'dan with all their might.

Therefore, whether it is the enemies encountered or the demons Illidan summoned with fel energy, they all attacked Gul'dan frantically, because everyone knows that one must not be enslaved by Gul'dan, even if you die, it doesn't matter, because after death, the soul will Returning to the Twisting Nether and resurrecting again, everyone's life is in the hands of the upper echelons of the Burning Legion. This life is not as good as the countless lives in the future, so the demons desperately want to attack Gul'dan.

The other two teams were basically implicated by Gul'dan.

The Burning Legion didn't expect Illidan to chase in with the Demon Hunter and Pandaren, let alone the Watcher who followed Illidan to the Tomb of Sargeras.

The demons also had no way of judging whether the enemy was Gul'dan's subordinate, because of the order, anyway, they would attack as soon as they saw it, so there must be no problem.

The attacking demons are mainly low-level demons. Although they are weak, it is very troublesome to have more, not to mention some high-level monsters appearing from time to time.

During this process, the Overwatch troops were at a disadvantage because they had the smallest number and although they had the highest flexibility, they couldn't give full play to their advantages in front of a large number of demons.

On the contrary, the demon hunters are showing off their power.

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