In this case, a slight mistake may lead to death, and there is no such plot as "the general's name" and "why come".

Illidan was determined to kill Gul'dan, and Gul'dan knew that Illidan was going to kill him as soon as he met him. This information was enough. The two of them had no nonsense and no time to talk, and the fierce confrontation began.

Generally speaking, spellcasters are physically weak, but in Azeroth, there are some spellcaster professions that are very good at fighting with their bodies.

Both druids and demon hunters are like this. Although they both use magic to fight, they are basically melee professions.

As for the warlock, it is a pure spellcasting profession, but the orc warlock is not like this. The orc is born with a strong physique, and Gul'dan was a shaman before, and the body that is well maintained by the elements contains strength. The physical quality of the shaman in the game is actually better than that of ordinary orc warriors.

So even if he encounters a melee-based demon hunter and gets close by the demon hunter, Gul'dan can still parry one or two.

Although some advanced spells were useless during the fight, Illidan kept slashing fiercely and didn't use many spells. In most cases, he directly used the flames inspired by the evil energy to attack the old man. Erdan.

Gul'dan also skillfully used the evil energy to defend against the evil energy, and for a while the two could hardly tell the winner.

Generally speaking, at this time, Illidan should start to transform into a demon state, and use the powerful power of the demon state to defeat Gul'dan.

It is a pity that Illidan has not developed this skill at this time, because Illidan has not yet completed demonization. According to the normal history of Warcraft, Illidan should be released by Tyrande many years later, and has not been released by the arcane for a long time. The body moistened with evil energy longed for all energy, so he went to the battlefield in a very bad state.

Going to the battlefield in this state is not much different from direct suicide. That's why Illidan killed a demon, swallowed it, absorbed the evil energy, and started the process of demonization in order to protect himself. In the end, he was complained by Tyrande and the others Can't stand the temptation of strength.

It wasn't until he obtained Gul'dan's head and absorbed the vast evil energy in it that Illidan was considered to be demonized, and this skill was finally perfected.

The current history is different. Illidan was taken away from the seal by Ai Qi, and he was magically sealed immediately after taking it away, unable to absorb energy. Not long after, Ai Qi negotiated with Illidan, removed his seal, and provided a lot of excellent potions and magic crystals. Illidan did not need to worry, and absorbed a lot of pure arcane energy step by step, and his body did not become demonized. status.

The current him is still the same as when he was transformed by Sargeras' magic power. Although he is a little different from ordinary night elves, there are not many traces of demonization. Overall, he looks like a blind night elf with tattoos.

A fight between an elf and an orc is still relatively novel in the current timeline. It was the first time Gul'dan saw an elf, and it was also the first time he saw a demon hunter. He didn't know his opponent very well.

Illidan is different. Don't mention whether Illidan met Saurfang during the War of the Ancients. During this period of time in the territory of Aiqi, Illidan had contact with many orcs, but The orcs of the Ner'zhul tribe have almost no warlocks, but a lot of shamans.

What Illidan lacked was some understanding of orcs, and he was better at melee combat, so the more he fought back, the more he had an advantage.

Gul'dan's side also became more and more frightened, but fortunately, his subordinates also reacted and began to rescue him. Among them, Taron'gor and the two-headed ogre, Cugall, worked hard.

It's not that they are so loyal to Gul'dan. Warlocks are intriguing, even between master and apprentice, they are full of cunning and defensiveness. Gul'dan has always relied on his own strength to rule the entire Shadow Council. , His men also followed Gul'dan in order to gain stronger power.

Right now, in the tomb of Sargeras, there are many enemies and demons emerge. Terongor and others do not have enough confidence to escape safely. For this reason, they need Gul'dan's power, so they will try their best to keep the ancient Erdan.

Seeing the enemy attack more violently, the pandaren master monks couldn't hold back anymore.

Before they left, they had obtained a lot of information about Gul'dan and others. Because the relationship between the panda people and the Ner'zhul tribe is very good, they first waited and watched this group of orcs.

When it was found that these orcs were basically using magic full of evil energy, and there were creatures like the two-headed ogre who looked unfriendly, the pandaren began to feel bad about them.

When the other party fought with Illidan, out of various positions, the panda people also began to join the battle group and fought against the Shadow Council.

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