What follows is some regular mutual introductions.

Ai Qi didn't hide anything, and appropriately revealed that some of his group came from another world.

Gandalf was very surprised, but as Maia, Gandalf knew very well that there might be other worlds in the void beyond Yiya.

Therefore, Gandalf was even more surprised that Aiqi was able to move across the world, and he was not entangled in the identity of the visitor from another world.

Ai Qi looked down on the travelers who told the locals that they came from the far east after traveling to Middle Earth.

In Middle-earth, to the east, or to the far east, is Mordor.

Didn't say anything, this is Sauron's remnant party, beat him up.

Don't tell Middle-Earth that you come from the far east even if you make up your origin.

Gandalf secretly analyzed the good and evil of the person in front of him.

From Outland, which also explains why there are three dragons that were originally only Smaug.

No matter what he said, Gandalf must try his best to understand some Aiqi, and if possible, try to draw Aiqi into his camp.

Ai Qi didn't think it was disobedient, it was exactly what Ai Qi wanted.

In Aiqi's vision, it is the dwarves that Middle-earth needs to win over the most, because Aiqi needs a stable way to import Mithril.

The world of the ancient scrolls, as a good magical world, is a pity that there is no mithril (occasionally there are translation problems with mithril, please don't take it seriously, only after playing a MOD can you have the mithril sword).

Not even Harry Potter and other worlds.

Ai Qi has come into contact with a lot of artifact metals so far, and there are even a lot of metals like vibrating gold, which are miraculous in biology and science.

It's a pity that Ai Qi still lacks metals with a very high degree of fit in magic.

Therefore, this time Ai Qi said that he had to get Mithril.

For Mithril, Ai Qi doesn't need the gold on the Lonely Mountain.

Regardless of the frightening amount of gold on the Lonely Mountain, for Ai Qi who has the resources of several planets, it can be said that he will never lose with gold.

Therefore, even if Aiqi can easily lead the army to occupy the Lonely Mountain, Aiqi will return it to the dwarves and trade Mithril peacefully.

After all, it would be superfluous to send people to mine in high-risk mining areas without the dwarves being such a race suitable for mining.

Generally speaking, Ai Qi is still a peaceful faction.

Aiki, Balthazar, and Gandalf were like confidants at the dinner table, exchanging some knowledge about spells.

Although Gandalf turned into a melee mage by mistake, he still has a lot of magical knowledge after living for tens of thousands of years, which can be used as a reference for Aiki and Balthazar.

The rest of Veronica, Daenerys, Hermione, and Harry joined the Hobbit Bilbo to chat, talking about the customs of Shire.

Only Sorin was left drinking alone.

Although the wine here is very delicious, Sorin is not feeling well.

This is all about what, walking well, suddenly surrounded by dragons, knocked down, tied up, taken away, untied, brought to dinner, but ignored.

Finally, the dwarf king (who claimed to be) couldn't bear it any longer. He slapped the table and said loudly:

"I've had enough, what do you want to do? Why did you kidnap us here? What's your purpose?"

Sorin's sudden slap on the table startled the surrounding guards. Everyone drew their weapons and pointed at Sorin to prevent him from violently attacking.

This made both Gandalf and Bilbo very nervous. Gandalf scolded in his heart, the old man managed to get close, can't he see the situation clearly, can you stop the other party from doing what he wants? If you have any purpose, people will definitely say, what are you, a prisoner, provoking them to do...

Ai Qi looked at Thorin who was looking arrogant in front of him, and waved his hand back indifferently, and the guards put away their weapons neatly.

Archie said:

"This Mister Thorin Dwarf.

The conflict between us and you happened when you attacked first.

At that time, you shot the arrows first, and we attacked.

Attacking passers-by without reason is not an act of justice. "

Thorin blushed and responded:

"We are also defensive!

Surrounded by three dragons, of course we must attack first! "

Gandalf also hurried out to make a rescue:

"Your Majesty Aiqi, please forgive the excessive behavior of the dwarves at that time.

You don't know the pain the dragon left in the hearts of the dwarves.

It was a giant dragon that took their kingdom from the dwarves.

So, after seeing the dragon again, the dwarves reacted a bit violently, please forgive me. "

Ai Qi looked like he just knew:

"So this is ah!

Well, I will graciously forgive them this time. "

Thorin wanted to speak angrily, but Gandalf pulled him from behind, and he reluctantly shut up.

Next, Ai Qi showed that he was very interested in the giant dragon that seized the land of the dwarves, and the topic was gradually brought to this trip.

Thorin repeatedly tried to conceal the purpose of this trip, but unfortunately, during the previous body search, in addition to weapons, the contract Bilbo signed when he joined the team was also searched.

When the guard presented the contract, Thorin could not deny that the goal of their trip was to steal the Heart of the Mountains.

For others, the Heart of the Mountains is just a beautiful gem, but among the dwarves it is equivalent to the Jade Seal of the Kingdom.

Ai Qi is a little interested. This luminous gem may have some magical properties.

Ai Qi smiled and returned the contract directly to Bilbo, and then said to Thorin:

"That is to say, you are going to steal the hearts of the mountains this time.

So how sure are you?

And, are you satisfied with just getting the Heart of the Mountain?

Or do you want to take back even the Lonely Mountain? "

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