Ace of the Dragon Division

Chapter 1060: 1061: Establishing a foreign union

United States.

A gathering came in.

The two countries of Asia, China, and Polar Bear were secretly invited, and North America was replaced by the United States.

South America has invited the most populous Brazil.

As for Europe, because of the chassis of the old Ross family, the country over there can not shout.

In Africa, there is a respected Lord who is finally helping each other and not shouting for the time being.

Then there are a few powerful countries, and these countries are also.

However, this secret summit does not seem to have crossed the MI6 in the British side.

The British side was very angry with the British being single, so they exposed this insider.

The Asian countries and the two countries stood up and said that they were not happy.

Why is there no part of us?

Isn’t Huaguo and Laomei still in the heat of the past? How do you get together on the honeymoon?

The country and the country have not jumped for a few days, and the United States has come to a slap in the face. The two countries have no voice.

"The idiots were used by the British as a cannon fodder." The White House here, the president contemptuously despised the country and the stick.

Subsequently, other small countries in South America were not invited, such as Venezuela, Chile, Argentina, etc., and they were dissatisfied with the participation of Brazilian poor countries.

Then the United Nations directly smashed the past. These countries, which are not developed countries, have been smashed.

The British side even used the power of Europe to directly question the United States. Do you despise the meaning of Europe?

Because Europe did not have a country invited this time!

This is the red fruit that looks down.

England as the big brother of Europe! It is necessary to stand up and say two sentences.

"If someone really doesn't take Europe seriously, then don't even join the European trade. In the future, Europe will also refuse trade to those countries that are not close relatives," the British spokesman said.

The European market is still very large and is the continent with the highest population density in the world. Therefore, as long as the multinational companies are inseparable from the European market, the British stand up and dare to say so, they can only put pressure on the old US in this respect. You must say that he used militarization to put pressure on the people. Don't bird him.

A few days later, the meeting in the United States was held for a full week, and then a group of four countries was secretly established.

The countries that participated in this meeting at the same time expressed their disapproval of the British remarks. It can be seen that the content of this secret meeting is so much involved that people in the United States are not flustered by the British.

This has made the content of this group a great interest for countries all over the world.

After all, it is a meeting of the three countries of China, the polar bears, and the United States, which are jointly discussed in the most militarized countries. The content must be very explosive.

For the content inside, the intelligence agencies around the world have been forced to work overtime.

For a time, the intelligence of the conference content in the black market was fired at a high price.

The MI6 has directly used the intelligence team that has been lurking in the United States for a long time to get the content of this meeting.

The state also gave them enough support, behind the Ros family sponsorship, the Ross family in the CIA's internal staff to cooperate with MI6.

Hua Ston.

A cafe opened by a British. A middle-level officer from the CIA took a $50 bill and placed it on the table.

When he left, the boss who collected the money walked into the bathroom and unfolded the folded banknote with four words written in a pencil.

Different unions!

The owner of the coffee shop blinked, then erased the four words written by the pencil and took it into his cuffs. Then he went to the parking lot and left the coffee shop to drive to the suburbs.

There was a factory there. After the boss entered, several people saw him coming in and closed the factory door directly.

The owner of the coffee shop walked straight into the office on the second floor, and the general manager inside pulled all the glass privacy curtains down.

"how about it?"

Coffee shop owner: "This summit has set up an important organization. It is not known what it is."

Factory General Manager: "What organization?"

The coffee shop owner said four words in a word: "The foreign trade union! As for the other, there is no news yet."

"Are you sure that the four countries are organizing such a different trade union? Will it be our big problem? Maybe their four countries are just some kind of trade cooperation?" The factory owner frowned.

The coffee shop owner shook his head: "Let's see if they will hold a press conference to clarify. If you keep secret, it will not be so simple."

Later, the British side received this information.

Then, for the organization of the foreign trade union, everyone is full of curiosity.

"Tell the intelligence personnel in the United States to find some secret content at the meeting! Even use our important personnel in the CIA and tell them that even if they are sacrificed, this information is also beneficial to the country!" The layer expressed the highest secret order to the agents of the American factory.

"Yes, I understand."

The controller behind the British government is the Ross family. The old Ross who stayed in the old castle got the foreign trade union to report the Duke. This is the name of the Duke.

at all costs!

Old Rose didn't know why the Duke suddenly cared about this summit. He seemed to try to disintegrate it. The Duke’s recent appearance is no longer as indifferent as it used to be. It seems that it is easy to be emotional. He has never seen a doubt in the face of the Duke.

The duke stood in front of his old castle window, his eyes staring deep into the river.

"Want to use the most powerful countries to promote the technical benefits to bind them, to deal with me? It is a good flag, you even exposed the sharing of genetic technology, but what is the use? Even if the country creates one after another Gene master, who can beat me? My blood poison is to restrain the gene, no matter how you play, I will let you fail!"

Thinking of this, the Duke pushed open the door of his bedroom and told the housekeeper standing at the door: "Tell the four killers and immediately dismantle the mandala!"

Mandala may be the key drug guide.

Must be eradicated!

The game that received the order has appeared in the mercenary.

Returning to this territory again, he is very embarrassed and remembered.

But this time, he came here not to fight for it, but to stand on the opposite side.

It is peaceful here, and a country has been established in the true sense. It is called the Republic of the Republic.

Perhaps the reason why there was some resentment to this place, Di赛 came this time, more is to think about it.

At the beginning, for the country, how much blood their brothers had flowed, but in the end, they were driven out like a dog.

After exhausting a cigarette, Desai finally got into the car and went to the underground base of the mandala.

Only the original brothers of the original knew where the mandala headquarters was located, which is why the Duke did not want to consume the power of blowing and wanted to use their four hands to destroy the mandala.

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