Adorable Villain: Male God, I am not Trying to Rob You.

Chapter 793 793: Villain White Lotus (14)

The call was from Nie Feng. Xia Beibei was not surprised that he would call.


Nie Feng's tone was lower than usual: "Have you... met Han Lei today?"

"Ah, yes!"

Xia Beibei immediately replied in a panic: "Mr. Nie, I... I just met her by chance. Did Han Lei say something to you? Does she mind that you and I... are you? Don’t you want to fire me? Mr. Nie, please don’t fire me!”

Nie Feng:......

He hasn't said anything yet, okay?

"Yaoyin, don't worry."

Nie Feng sighed, and in turn tried to comfort her: "I didn't want to fire you, and Han Lei didn't say anything. Leilei is a very nice person, and she won't care about this. But... I think she Nian seems to be a little prejudiced against He Zihan, so... I didn't tell her about my cooperation with He Zihan this time."

It turned out that Nie Feng made a special call to tell him this.

However, He Zihan had pursued Han Lei. Although Han Lei didn't like him and had always ignored him, she didn't dislike him that much, right?

Could it be...that something happened between those two people that Jiang Yaoyin didn't know about?

Xia Beibei thought of this and immediately spoke again: "Mr. Nie, don't worry, I know what to do, and... I also think it's better not to let Han Lei know about He Zihan's contact, because... I think He Zihan... He, he has bad intentions anyway.”


Hearing Xia Beibei's words, Nie Feng couldn't help but nodded. He actually noticed He Zihan's hostility towards him.

Even yesterday, when he deliberately poured wine on himself, Nie Feng silently endured it.

Who doesn’t have a father who is a high-ranking official and well-paid?

Nie Feng is what he is today thanks to his own efforts. He wants to do bigger and give Han Lei a better life, a more generous life than the original Han family. Therefore, he must work hard and win this Big customers.

It can be said that Nie Feng is a Phoenix man, a very successful Phoenix man.

Now, he has his own career, his own lovely wife, and everything is perfect.

However, there is no harm without comparison.

When He Zihan appeared in his and Han Lei's lives again, Nie Feng always felt uneasy or a sense of crisis when he saw Young Master He looking so dashing and unbeatable.

After calling Xia Beibei, Nie Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although He Zihan never asked about the situation at home, Nie Feng always felt that He Zihan knew about Han Lei's existence.

He must know.

Maybe this is... the feeling between love rivals?

"A Feng."

Han Lei, who was wearing pajamas, appeared behind Nie Feng at some point: "Who are you calling so late?"

"A client."

Nie Feng subconsciously lied.

Maybe she didn't want to be misunderstood by Han Lei. After all, Jiang Yaoyin had a relationship with her in the past, and now she was working as a secretary in her company. She hadn't told Han Lei about this yet.

In fact, Nie Feng didn't have a guilty conscience, he just felt it was unnecessary.

He believed in himself that he had long since lost the love between men and women for Jiang Yaoyin, so she would not be an obstacle to him and Han Lei. In his eyes, she was just an ordinary employee.

If she had to be taken out for special explanation, it would mean that there is no silver here, right?

Many men always feel that they can handle everything.

Therefore, the occasional lies are just white lies to them.

In their opinion, women are very sensitive and easily jealous, and the best way is not to tell them.

And these self-righteousness often make the two people drift apart, and he doesn't know it yet...

When Han Lei heard Nie Feng's words, she just smiled lightly: "It's very late, don't be too tired, I'm going to take a shower, you go to bed first!"

The moment she turned around, the smile on Han Lei's lips faded.

When she just came over, Nie Feng was about to hang up the phone.

She heard the words of Nie Feng and Jiang Yaoyin saying goodbye.

The person on the other end of the phone was not a customer at all, but Jiang Yaoyin.

Han Lei suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

She locked the bathroom door and immediately soaked in the bathtub. What was constantly replaying in her mind was the nightmare that had been haunting her all these years——

"Little girl, you still dare to sneak away? Believe it or not, I will beat you to death!"

"Quickly, give me all the food on the floor, otherwise, I will beat you to death!"

Some memories will never pass.

Even if you deliberately forget them, they will one day reappear in a corner of your heart.

"Leilei, our family is bankrupt! Dad is sorry for you!"

"It's dad who's useless, dad who's sorry for you!"

Bright red blood stained Han Lei's vision.

Dad committed suicide.

The feeling of falling from heaven to hell is nothing more than this.

The warm water gradually spread over Han Lei's head. She suddenly sat up and opened her eyes.

It's past, those things are past.

From the day she reunited with Nie Feng, her life has opened a new chapter.

Nie Feng.

In the memory, the man's chest and big hands are so warm.

"I'm going to make your life good."

He was not that romantic of a man and was not good at sweet-talking. But on the first day he saved enough money and opened his company, he knelt down in front of everyone and proposed to her.

That ring cost him all his belongings at the time.

At that moment, Han Lei was very moved.

She thought that she had finally found a man worthy of her life.


Nie Feng, should I believe you?

No matter what, I should believe you, unless I... see your betrayal with my own eyes.

Or, you tell me personally that you don’t want me anymore.

Han Lei raised her hands and washed her face vigorously with warm water, and the expression on her face finally calmed down.

She will try her best to maintain her hard-won happiness until... she is exhausted.


Xia Beibei went to work as usual the next day, and Nie Feng didn't tell her anything in particular. The two of them were just like usual, or it could be said that they really just had a normal relationship between a boss and a subordinate.

In fact, Xia Beibei also admired Nie Feng as a man. Most people would avoid suspicion, right?

He was so confident that he dared to put his first love in the company and serve as his personal secretary. Even if his wife found out, he still had no intention of changing his mind.

Does he believe in himself too much, or in his relationship with Han Lei?

Arrogant men usually don’t end well!

How many couples who started out loving ended up miserable in the end?

Countless bloody dramas tell us that the one who laughs to the end is the biggest winner.

As for Nie Feng or He Zihan, who is the final winner?

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