Adorable Villain: Male God, I am not Trying to Rob You.

Chapter 849 849: The seventh day after death (4)

There were only three family members of the female patient standing outside the operating room. They looked calmer than Xia Beibei.

Xia Beibei recalled that in Su Li's memory, the patient's family members did not seem to have a too violent reaction to the death of the female patient. Judging from their clothes, they were ordinary people, or their relatives had stayed in the hospital for too long. The family members were tortured to the extreme, both mentally and physically.

Moreover, the medical expenses in this hospital are ridiculously expensive. For a patient with such a serious condition, the expenses required are definitely not something that an ordinary family can afford.

In short, having money is not everything, but being without money is absolutely impossible.

Xia Beibei just sighed a little and quietly sat on a chair not far away.

Now that Jiao Nanshi has gone in, he has no choice but to wait here for him to come out. Even if he can't change this medical accident, at least he can see him as soon as possible and comfort him. As long as he is here, Su Li and Jiao Nanshi would never end up like that.


Time passed by, the operation lasted for more than three hours, and the family members on the side had already gone out to have a meal and returned.

Xia Beibei was still sitting on the chair nearby, looking at the door of the operating room with an indifferent expression.

It seems that this patient's condition is really bad. Perhaps the family has already prepared for the worst, right?

At half past six in the evening, the lights in the operating room finally went out.

After a while, nurses came out pushing surgical equipment, and the three family members immediately surrounded him.

"how's it going?"

"Doctor, has my daughter been rescued?"

Hearing the nervous inquiries from the family members, several doctors couldn't help but turn around, all their eyes focused on Jiao Nanshi's face.

Naturally, it would be impossible for this operation to have one doctor for such a long time. Jiao Nanshi was the chief surgeon, but there were also two very good doctors who completed the operation with him, and the result of the operation -


Jiao Nanshi's face was pale and he looked very depressed.

"We really tried our best."

The other doctors didn't say anything, but looked at Jiao Nanshi with complicated eyes.

Because during the rescue inside, all the patient's physical signs had gradually returned to normal, but Jiao Nanshi suddenly proposed to directly use the wound to perform brain surgery on the patient. Several others thought this was too risky. It's not worth a try. After all, everyone knows in their hearts that this patient won't live much longer, and such illegal operations will only get them into trouble.

But in the end, Jiao Nanshi still insisted on having his own way, and as a result... the patient died on the operating table, and this final brain surgery was performed without the signed consent of the family!

A patient died on the operating table. According to normal procedures, such a matter must be recorded in the operation record. This matter cannot be hidden at all.

"My daughter!"

At this time, the patient's body had been pushed out, and the patient's family immediately rushed over. Several other doctors went to change clothes, but Jiao Nanshi still stood there blankly.

"A Shi."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Jiao Nanshi was startled when he heard the voice. He raised his head and saw Xia Beibei's calm and gentle expression.

"A Shi, I know this is not your fault. Don't blame yourself. Your family will forgive you."

"you know?"

Hearing Xia Beibei's words, Jiao Nanshi suddenly looked at her deeply: "You don't know, you don't know anything! Su Li, you always think you know me very well, but in fact you... have never really understood me. I."

After saying this, Jiao Nanshi turned around coldly, leaving Xia Beibei with an indifferent back.


Xia Beibei was really speechless.

Isn't this man changing too quickly?

Could it be that he showed up at the wrong time?

Or is there something wrong with Jiao Nanshi's character?

In the past, this man was very gentle and would never say a harsh word to Su Li, but now...

It seems that those things and quarrels in Su Li's memory may happen again.

If you think about it carefully, Jiao Nanshi's life has always been smooth sailing. He has never experienced any big storms. He has a higher starting point than others.

When he was in medical school, he was the top student and the school idol. After graduation, he quickly obtained the medical qualification certificate and became the youngest and most outstanding neurosurgeon in the hospital. These auras and achievements have impressed many people. You will never get it in your lifetime.

Maybe he couldn't afford to lose like this, so that's why his personality suddenly changed?

Xia Beibei simply returned to the doctor's office and waited for Jiao Nanshi. He came back about half an hour later. At this time, Jiao Nanshi, who was wearing a white coat, still smelled of clean soap.

"I’m off duty."

Jiao Nanshi returned to his desk and tidied it up, then took off his white coat and hung it on a hanger nearby. Then he turned to look at Xia Beibei: "Let's go back."


Xia Beibei nodded and left the office with Jiao Nanshi.

After coming out of the hospital, Xia Beibei couldn't help but keep observing Jiao Nanshi's reaction. He seemed much quieter than usual, and his face seemed paler than when he just came out of the operating room.

"A Shi."

Xia Beibei couldn't help shouting. At this time, Jiao Nanshi, who had been silent all the time, suddenly stopped, turned around, and looked at Xia Beibei closely: "Su Li, why are you in the hospital?"

"I...I came to find you!"

Xia Beibei blinked, looked at Jiao Nanshi's face, and replied slowly: "They told me that you were rescuing patients. I happened to be fine and was waiting for you in the hospital. Didn't your mother call you back today?" Do you want to go home for dinner? If you don’t go back, it will be too late.”

"I won't go back to eat, I'm not in the mood."

Jiao Nanshi lowered his head, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and put it on silent mode.

"Then...shall I go out to eat with you?"

Xia Beibei asked tentatively. Su Li was a young lady who never touched the spring water. When the two of them were together, it was Jiao Nanshi who cooked, although the great doctor's cooking skills were also average.

"Go back and do something casually, I'm very tired."

As he spoke, Jiao Nanshi raised his arm and took Xia Beibei's hand, leading her towards the apartment.

Xia Beibei didn't dare to break away. In fact, she was also keenly aware of Jiao Nanshi's fatigue. He had undergone such a major operation, nearly five hours of intense concentration and difficult surgery, but in the end he still failed.

This kind of mood, this kind of exhaustion, maybe as he said, others will not understand or experience it.

The two returned to the apartment together. Jiao Nanshi changed his clothes and went directly to the kitchen. There were always some commonly used ingredients in the refrigerator at home, such as eggs or seasonal vegetables.

Jiao Nanshi cracked a few eggs to make egg soup.

"Can you help me?"

Xia Beibei suddenly stood at the door of the kitchen wearing an apron and smiling. If she wanted to save the relationship between Su Li and Jiao Nanshi, she had to be in the state all the time.

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