Sometimes Mo Jiang's righteousness makes people admire it. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

Qiao Jin didn't plan to waste too much time on her work, and asked some of Mo Jiang's recent events in the Imperial City.

She is also a member of the spirit group, and she has dealt with it.

Things didn't happen in the imperial capital, but came from other places.

Many people died.

"Do you know the corpse pit?"

Mo Jiang’s voice was very calm: “Several such burial pits have been dug elsewhere recently. There are no less than hundreds of people in each pit. There are in major cities. The year of death is different, but their The methods of death are all unified, all tied to the formation and bitten to death by things."

So even in different places, this matter was unified by the spirit group.

Perhaps because the killing was too serious, when the corpse was first discovered, many people died accidentally.

"Now the spirit group has sent a lot of people to investigate information, but I think they can't investigate anything. The pit is something decades ago, and it is obviously abandoned long ago."

"So many people died."

Qiao Jin's brows wrinkled fiercely. The formation killed so many people, which was obviously a substitute.

"Where is the nearest grave?"

"In Luohe City."

Luohe City.

Qiao Jin was a little surprised to hear this place, because this was a city she had been to, where Xu Rong and Ming Chu disappeared.

This is Xu Rong's hometown.

But Xu Rong has disappeared for too long, Qiao Jin just remembered it accidentally, and she said: "I will go over and take a look the day after tomorrow."

Tomorrow, I will find Fan Zhaoyao first, and then deal with this matter, to see if we can directly investigate who is behind the array mage.

Mo Jiang said: "Yes, there is someone named Zhi Mengmeng, you should know it too, she is in Luohe City now, you can ask her if you have any information."

Qiao Jin got some information from Mo Jiang, and soon called Zhong Li Panying. He originally asked the other party to come out to meet him, but Zhong Li Panying didn't have much time, so he simply said something on the phone.

The most important thing about recent events is that it belongs to this burial pit.

The corpse pit was first discovered in another city, and gradually appeared in the back.

It's as if something deliberately hidden can't be hidden, when a variety of accidents happen at a suitable opportunity, people find it, and then dig along the way.

One of the burial pits was not kept secret for the first time. It was posted on the local city news, and a wave of hot searches on Weibo also blew up.

The corpse was something decades ago. Too many people died and I don't know how they died.

If it weren't for the group of people outside who didn't know anything, some people said that they died in the war years and it didn't make much trouble.

But this matter involves a different formation.

The nature is really too bad, because I never thought that someone would have such a cruel hand. Hundreds of people were tortured to death in a pit, even without bones.

During this period, other things happened. There was a residual influence in the formation of the corpse pit, so the accident happened. It was this thing that Mo Jiang solved at the time.

Qiao Jin heard what Zhong Li Panying said, and the news he got was similar to what Mo Jiang said. The spirit team couldn't find out who did these formations.

Only let Qiao Jin go.

Qiao Jin's original plan was the day after tomorrow, but now that he thought about it, he simply handed over the matters of Fan Zhao to Mo Jiang and Meng Chengyu.

She decided to go to Luohe City tomorrow.

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