She didn't say to him, she said to what was behind him.

After saying this, she slowly let go of her hand, and with her movements, the surrounding scenery became the same as before, restoring the color it should have.

"Meow meow?~"

Ding Dong ran down, probably feeling something, and tilted his head at the side of the stairs to look at them.

The big eyes are full of doubts.

Song Yanqing only looked at Qiao Jin, with a calm tone: "So, why did the Raksha world find me?"

"You are different?"

Qiao Jin just casually guessed: "Except for your replacement fate, I don't see where you can be looked at by the Raksha realm for the time being."

"But they won't just follow you for no reason."

Qiao Jin looked at Song Yanqing, and his heart was already ignited with a strong interest: "Maybe your fate comes back, and I will know why."

In her long years, not much can arouse her interest.

She has no desire for everything, even rights and money are at her fingertips, but those are too much for her.

Song Yanqing saw the interest in her eyes, and she felt like she thought of what she said just now, "During the years of your existence..."

The corner of his lips sketched out an inquisitive smile: "You give me the feeling that it has existed for a long time."

"I... not too long."

If this 10,000-year history is removed, Qiao Jin's real existence will not last long.

She is the most talented array mage in that era.

But now is the modern world, which is far from her civilized world, and even now the history of mankind only goes back thousands of years.

Something must have happened back then, and everything was covered up with her disappearance.

It's just the existence of the spiritual master, which has always existed for a long time.

Song Yanqing looked down and said his thoughts: "You sometimes feel very contradictory to me, like a great kid, but with a mature side, but many things are very young."

It's like a person who is out of place, slowly blending into this world.

He didn't know where his feeling came from.

Qiao Jin was a little surprised. Song Yanqing was actually right in a sense.

Although she is now awakened, she is indeed the soul of ten thousand years ago. She is now accepting everything in the modern world.

Because her future is unfolding in this world, she must learn to accept and get used to it.

For many things, she is still exploring, but she also has exactly that period of civilization. She knows things that many people don't know, and even the existence that these people can't imagine.

Thinking of this, Qiao Jin smiled faintly: "Forget it, but I'm not going to tell you why."

She is very straightforward, Song Yan's brows and eyes overflowing with a gentle smile: "I think you will tell me one day."

Qiao Jin: "Perhaps."

Song Yanqing knew that Qiao Jin wouldn't talk about it, so he wouldn't go into this question. He just asked the topic just now: "You said that the Rakshasa world is protecting me and calculating me?"

Qiao Jin nodded: "The reason they protect you is to ensure that you will not have accidents. They have a scheme against you. Before this scheme is successful, you must protect you."

Song Yanqing's fate has not yet come back, and it is not clear what the Raksha realm is plotting.

However, the Raksha realm could not come into this world, only through their believers-the demonized spiritual master.

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