“Boss Jia, Boss Jia, I knew it was you.”

“Boss Jia, I finally found you, why are you dressed like this?”

“Boss Jia, can you sell me some of those loaches?”


Xu Jinning looked along the line of sight and saw that the man holding a large bag of what he said was loach was being held by the arm of another sixty-year-old man.

The old man has gray hair, dark skin, and is thin, with a look of hard work on his face, and his back is bowed unconsciously. The clothes on his body and the straw sandals on the ground are similar to that of the man, and they are all in tatters.


Xu Jinning finally saw the sense of disobedience in the man whom the old man called Boss Jia.

This Boss Jia also looks like a farmer.

However, the skin color on his face does not look like the kind of tan that comes from working in the sun. Instead, it looks like it has been deliberately smeared with something black.

 Because his neck, hands, and feet exposed from straw sandals were all as white as the skin on his face was abnormally white.

 Especially the feet exposed by the tattered straw sandals.

Farmers who really go to the ground have been worn by straw shoes. Then his feet must have cocoons or small wounds. It is impossible to be so pure and no traces.

There is something abnormal about this man.

 His attire was as if he had taken off other people's clothes and put them on deliberately.

 Like...a disguise.

This is Xu Jinning's guess. Since time traveling, Xu Jinning's perception has become more sensitive, his memory has become better, his logical thinking ability, and all aspects of his abilities have improved.

 Furthermore, the intuition is even more frighteningly accurate.

Of course, Xu Jinning also noticed what the old man said - why are you dressed like this!

 This means that this man was not dressed like this before.

And the old man who was obviously more like a farmer called this person boss.

 Who is called a boss and how he dresses.

 Why should he pretend?

 That’s right, this person’s outfit must be a disguise.

Thinking of this, Xu Jinning immediately became vigilant.

 This person must have a purpose.

 As to what it is, we have to look at it again.

Xu Jinning’s eyes have been falling on these two people, wanting to observe them again.

Her gaze was not unexpected, because the eyes of the people around her were also attracted to them, and their curiosity also fell on them.

“You admit it wrong, I am not the Boss Jia you were talking about.” The man denied, and tried his best to pull the old man’s hand away. If there wasn’t any free space in the aisle, the old man would have been thrown to the ground.

"I'm not wrong, Boss Jia. The loach in your bag was bought from me. You specifically asked us to catch it. I also saw you sprinkle flour into the loach. Once the flour is sprinkled, the loach will It’s dead. That’s flour. It’s such a precious thing. How can you spread it to loaches?”

 The old man's words seemed to touch on something that men cannot mention.

As soon as these words came out, the man immediately raised his head and looked at the old man. His eyes became sharp for a moment, and his whole person became tense.

 From the corner of his eye, he looked around.

 But that was only a momentary change in expression, and he recovered quickly.

Immediately, he began to look at the old man, seemingly looking at the old man carefully. After a while, he suddenly realized, "Oh, I remembered, you are Uncle Xie."

“Xie Bo, I’m sorry, I didn’t recognize him just now.”

“Yes, yes, I am Xie Rong.”

"Xie Bo, what do you want to see me for? How about we find another place to talk." Noticing that the eyes around them were all on them, with vague curiosity, the man's brows furrowed, seeming a little displeased. He didn't seem to want to receive so much attention. He seemed to be eager to leave this place where everyone was paying attention.

"Yes, yes, you can do it anywhere." Seeing that the conversation was just in a different place, Xie Rong did not refuse.

 “Then let’s go, go over there.”

 The two of them immediately walked to the other side of the aisle.

Just as the two of them passed Xu Jinning's side, Xu Jinning heard the old man talking to the man.

“Boss Jia, I’m here just because I hope you can give me some lump flour. I, I can buy it from you.”

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect that my grandson would secretly eat your flour before..." The old man rambled on about his grandson's reaction after eating the flour.

"Stop talking! We'll talk later." The man scolded in a low voice.

“Oh, okay, he banged his head against the wall, and he must eat you...”


 Xu Jinning couldn't hear the rest of the words clearly because the two of them had already walked some distance away.

 But Xu Jinning's heart was filled with turmoil.

 She knows, she finally knows!

 Why did she feel as if she had forgotten a certain plot in the book just now?

 It was because I saw the man with the loach.

Now, the conversation between the two, especially the last words of the old man, suddenly reminded Xu Jinning of a certain plot in the book.

 Flour, dead loaches, the abnormal reaction of the old man and his grandson...

 This is only written later in the book, that is, ten years later.

 It is to create opportunities for the heroine Lin Wangshu.

Later in the book, the man with the loach was discovered by Lin Wangshu and was arrested.

 But this man has been traveling on the train for nearly ten years.

 Ten years are enough for this gang to develop and grow!

 That’s right!

This man is not selling loaches at all.

 But poison!

 An addictive poison!

It is written in the book that this man pretended to be a boss and asked country people from various places to catch loaches.

 Why loach? Because although loach can be eaten, it is still less valuable than other fish, but it is not completely worthless.

  And it is something that farmers can catch relatively easily.

 But the loach is just a carrying tool.

 The thing seemed to be moist flour, and the moist flour was just lumps.

 That’s why the old man and his grandson admitted their mistake.

 In fact, they may not know what it is.

The old man’s grandson would steal it and eat it, and he really thought it was flour.

The old man’s grandson is now in a state of addiction and cannot control himself.

 So I can’t help it, and will clamor to continue eating “flour”, otherwise I will go crazy.

Of course, this is Xu Jinning’s guess.

 In the book, it is only written about the man disguised as a loach, and the old man is not mentioned.

 She thought about it, it was 1982 now, and in the plot of the book, Lin Wangshu discovered this matter 10 years later.

She remembered that the book said that the man's gang had been developing for 10 or almost 11 years at that time.

 From a small gang, it developed into a huge and amazing organization 10 years later.

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