The slap in the face came so quickly that Liu Carpenter's face was a little confused, "Well, then she is a woman."

"Are we going to do some shady work? In broad daylight, everything is clear. What's wrong with women? What's wrong with men? We are recruiting workers, as long as they can do the work."

Qin Yao raised her pen and said, "Qiao Yun has been selected. You can continue to choose. There are seven left."

Carpenter Liu had no objections and continued to choose seven people, focusing on a bowl of water, one from each family.

Over at Qin Yao, the quarrying team hired Uncle Jiu. He not only knew how to build houses, but also had experience in quarrying. The team was full of young people who were too frivolous, so they had to have an old man to hold them down.

After all, quarrying involves great risks, and accidentally killing someone is no joke.

In the polishing team, Shunzi was the designated quota, and the remaining two were from the uncle's family, one for each family.

After the personnel list came out, Carpenter Liu continued to do his carpentry work, while Qin Yao went from door to door to inform them that they would gather at the factory site tomorrow morning.

They were also asked to bring their own dishes and cutlery.

As promised, Mr. He came to Qin Yao's house after dinner to count the number of people eating and determine the dishes.

There was also a big pot. He said she could help Qin Yao borrow one first and then return it to the factory after it was bought.

"We need two pots, one for cooking and one for cooking. We also need to prepare a few large clay pots to hold the dishes."

"As for the dishes, in the morning white rice porridge, millet porridge, vegetable porridge, just go with multi-grain steamed buns."

"At noon, I'll have some oil and water, add shredded egg soup, and on the tenth day I'll have meatloaf stew. That's almost it."

This food made her even greedy, it was already very good.

Qin Yao could go home and have white rice and meat for dinner at night. Knowing that He was experienced, she nodded, "Then just follow what you said, sister-in-law."

"Okay, then look at the money for food and groceries. Should I pay you every day and I buy it, or should we get it once every ten and a half days? This will save us all the trouble."

Qin Yao went into the house to get some change, and first gave He one tael. "According to the standard we just mentioned, you can use it first and see how many days it lasts. Then we can calculate the average and we will talk about it."

Mr. He readily agreed, carefully put away the money, and asked Qin Yao if there was anything special to say. She was sure it was correct, and went home happily.

Only one person in the second family's family worked. She and her husband received a total of 660 taels of silver every month. After three months of saving, my God, it was almost 2 taels of silver!

Besides, after finishing work in the afternoon, she could still go home to weave and take care of the housework, which was really beautiful to think about.

Being able to make money is really different. He just feels like he is walking with wind and his waist is straight.

Qiu was naturally envious, but unfortunately she was pregnant, so she could only wait for the next opportunity.

Early in the morning, before it was even bright, there were already various noises coming from the grassland at the entrance of the village.

Carpenter Liu led the carpenters to build the factory, while Qin Yao led the quarrying team into the mountains to quarry stone.

The remaining four members of the polishing team went from house to house in the village to collect wood. After collecting it, they went up the mountain to cut wood.

The wood was bought by Carpenter Liu, and he could cut it by himself for twenty cents cheaper. I thought that since there were many people, I would cut it by myself, which would save a lot of cost.

Because of the construction of the factory, the entire Liujia Village was filled with unprecedented vitality. The old people in the village looked at the young people working enthusiastically, sitting under the old trees in the village well, smiling and their eyes were red.

After so many years of troubled times, today, we have finally gotten through it.

There was a thunder in the clear sky.

The villagers who were drying millet next to the village well shivered in unison.

Sanlang and Siniang, who were playing with the children in the village, were also shocked. They ran to the corner to pick up the Cuju. When they turned around, they found that the big guy suddenly started running.

"It's going to rain, Sanlang, go and ask your mother to go home and harvest the grains!"

There was a shout from behind, and the twins turned around and saw that it was Aunt Zhou.

Their family has mats for drying, and they use a wooden shovel to push the grains toward the middle, close the mats and cover them up, and they are no longer afraid.

Qin Yao didn't have any at home. They were all spread out to dry on the ground. It was just the last day before the last batch of millet was about to be dried. If it rained, it would be troublesome.

Sanlang was still confused, but Siniang rolled her eyes, gave the Cuju to her younger brother, and asked him to go home and tell his elder brother and second brother, and then she ran out of the village.

Although he is not a big man, he runs very fast. He is well nourished and his steps are very steady. In addition, he often exercises with his two brothers. Passersby can only feel a gust of wind blowing by them.

Siniang ran all the way to the wasteland of the water mill. She searched everywhere but couldn't find her, so she shouted anxiously:

"Mom, it's raining! Let's go home and harvest the grains!"

Liu Fei raised his head when he heard the sound and saw the anxious look on the little girl. He strode over and said, "Let's go! Your mother-in-law went into the mountains to quarry stones and is not here."

"Is Dalang Erlang here?"

Siniang nodded, and instead of calling her grandma, she could have called her uncle, and led Liu Fei home.

This day is really changing, and in just a short while, the big dark clouds have drifted over, and the thin raindrops have fallen, scaring the uncle and nephew to speed up their pace.

Liu Fei didn't even care about his little niece and told her to take her time while he ran away first.

Dalang and Erlang and Sanlang were already gathering the sun-dried grains, but the children were weak and couldn't move faster than the rain. They were so anxious that they called their mothers and cried at the same time.

Mainly because Sanlang was crying. Dalang and Erlang were almost annoyed to death by his crying, but they themselves were also very anxious.

The stepmother entrusted them with such an important task. If they didn't handle it well, I don't know how she would be angry.

The moment Liu Fei rushed into the courtyard, Dalang and Erlang only felt that they saw light.

The rain has already fallen, and there are so many grains drying in front and behind that it is impossible to harvest them all. I can only grab a little bit.

Just after harvesting the grains in the backyard, the rain started pouring down. Siniang had just run to the door and saw the grains in the front yard were soaked by the rain. Her mouth shrank and she wanted to cry.

This rain is really hateful. It comes quickly and urgently. It rains for a while and then goes away. It has harmed countless farmers.

The village lamented helplessly.

In the small courtyard on the hillside, Sanlang's cries became weaker and weaker - Erlang covered his mouth.

"Stop crying, crying makes me have a headache! Who knew it would rain!"

Erlang pointed angrily at the bright sun above his head. Does it look like it just rained?

Liu Fei looked at the four in front of him and couldn't imagine what the third sister-in-law would look like when she went crazy, but it shouldn't be more scary than when she killed the gang leader, right?

Leaving the four little guys with a wishful look, Liu Fei twisted his clothes full of water and left.

A gust of wind blew, and Saburo couldn't hold it in anymore. He grabbed the second brother's hand covering his mouth, said "sneeze", and sneezed hard!

The rapid sound of horse hooves came from down the mountain, and the four brothers and sisters all raised their heads with panic in their eyes.

Qin Yao dismounted her horse and strode into the courtyard. She saw four little guys who were wet from the rain, sitting on the same wet grain pile, looking over in panic, as if they had done something wrong.

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