On July 28, through the efforts of Carpenter Liu and the workers, a courtyard-style wooden structure factory was built on the grassland.

The plaque of Liujiacun Water Mill Manufacturing Factory is officially hung on the door made of a few simple pieces of wood.

The villagers borrowed red cloth from someone unknown, and the skillful women rolled it into big red flowers and hung them on both sides of the factory gate, adding a lot of joy.

Qin Yao bought two rolls of firecrackers and came back, crackling and bustling for half a quarter of an hour. Together with Carpenter Liu and all the workers, they announced that the Liujiacun Water Mill Manufacturing Factory was officially established!

Although the factory building was very simple, what the villagers saw were neat and bright sheds, in which the workers performed their duties and were busy but not chaotic.

People like Liu Dafu, who have gone out and seen the world, can easily see that there are secrets hidden in these small shacks.

From now on, if you want to go to Liujia Village, you must first pass through this place.

After the simple opening ceremony, Qin Yao and Carpenter Liu led the workers and officially put into production.

Heavy boulders were hauled into the factory one by one and piled up in the central courtyard.

The wood was transported down from the mountain one by one, repaired neatly in the open space specially left on the side of the factory, and then placed on the set tripod to dry for a month before being put into use.

The first batch of ready-made wood has been turned into planks of uniform thickness under the cutting of carpenters.

Some people are responsible for cutting these wooden boards into waterwheel fan blades, others are responsible for cutting long strips of the rotating shaft, and then some are responsible for assembling them, and finally entering the painting and drying process.

Yun Niang is one of the painters. Because of her experience, she became the leader of the painter team on the first day of work.

At first, Carpenter Liu thought it was inconvenient to have a female worker, but after using it, he realized that men and women are nothing. The key is to be able to do the work well and quickly.

Moreover, they did not cause him any trouble. His mother-in-law helped take care of the children at home.

Mr. Liu comes to pick up his wife every evening, and occasionally brings them some snacks, asking him to take good care of her.

What reassures Carpenter Liu the most is that Yun Niang is very careful and has sharp eyes. She can find any fallen piece of wood and have a team of workers repaint it to fix the problem before shipment.

The waterwheel department is making good progress, but Qin Yao's stone mill department is a bit troublesome.

A group of big men fight every day, and there will be a quarrel every now and then.

Either this one's hand got that one's hand, or that one's forehead accidentally knocked away a stone fragment and seriously injured this one's forehead.

Fortunately, Qin Yao didn't trust them and kept working with them for the first few days, otherwise there would have been a fight.

Just trying to deter them by force every day is not a long-term solution. Qin Yao thought to herself that she had to find a way to solve it once and for all.

Establish rules, you must establish rules!

This was the idea given by the old patriarch after Qin Yao consulted with him.

A bunch of idiots who haven't read a book, their basic qualities are just like that. It's useless to try to restrain them by etiquette, because they don't know what etiquette is.

They are more suitable for a simple and clear reward and punishment system. The patriarch asked Qin Yao to write down the rules and read them to these gangsters, and asked them to memorize them by rote. Then he used two new ones to scare the monkeys, and they all became compliant.

Of course, Qin Yao didn't need to do this when she was present. If she stood there and roared, all the men in Liujia Village would tremble.

These reward and punishment systems are mainly used when Qin Yao is not present to facilitate the management of the team leader Jiu Shu.

Qin Yao gave the clan leader a thumbs up. Sure enough, Jiang is still hotter than ever!

After returning home, he stayed up late to formulate a punishment system and construction precautions, requiring the workers to recite them collectively before starting work every day.

Qin Yao called it, "This is our corporate culture!"

Liu Bai and others nodded excitedly, now they are also literate people!

Qin Yao looked at the excited faces and guessed that they might have misunderstood something, but that was not important. What was important was that she could finally let these big men go quarrying alone.

The autumn harvest in Liujia Village has come to an end. During this period, Qin Yao, who was free, went to Jinshi Town to get more orders.

You can’t say that after completing the fifty sets of Bai Shan, the manufacturing plant will be shut down, right?

The water mill that used to be owned by Shopkeeper Wu is now experiencing booming business during the autumn harvest. Loads of rice used to be lined up are all lined up from the river bank to the official road.

It was a market day, and there were many vendors selling gadgets and snacks on the official road outside Jinshi Town.

Qin Yao stopped in front of a snack stall, tied Lao Huang to a tree stump on the roadside, took out three pennies, and ordered a bowl of cold drink.

The wine-fermented glutinous rice ball soup cooled with well water can quench your thirst and fill your stomach.

Qin Yao pointed to the water mill not far away, "Boss, I will carry the bowl over there and return it to you later."

The stall owners, a young couple, responded with a sigh, saying it was okay. There was no business anyway, and there were still extra bowls in the basket.

So, Qin Yao ate a cold drink and walked leisurely to shopkeeper Wu who was very busy and sweaty.

Three water mills were running continuously, and one of them was overloaded and had a problem. Shopkeeper Wu had just repaired it and was sweating profusely.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw Qin Yao eating a cold drink and blowing the breeze by the river. It was so relaxing.

"Oh, Madam Qin, why did you, a rare visitor, come to my shabby mill? Shopkeeper Wu fanned the wind with one hand, put down the repair tools with the other, pointed to the deserted place next to him, and Qin Yao stepped up to follow.

"Look, I told you that these three water mills were definitely not enough. You still didn't believe it. Now the queue has reached the official road. People from all the villages in the ten miles and eighty miles have come here, right?" Qin Yao said with a smile.

Shopkeeper Wu was still a little proud, and responded: "Not only that, the old lady at Ding's Village asked someone to ask me, and she plans to rent out my water mill for a month!"

That's all he said. I won't mention whether he refused or agreed later.

Qin Yao didn't need to ask, she knew that Shopkeeper Wu would definitely not agree.

If you agree, you will offend all the ordinary people around you.

A big family like the Ding family would only use it once. Their village also had slaves who specialized in pounding rice. With or without him, the water mill would not have much impact.

But the other people couldn't afford to support the rice-pounding slaves, so they had to use his water mill every day. If the business wanted to last for a long time, they had to make choices.

Qin Yao saw the pity in his eyes and reminded: "If it doesn't happen this year, will we also miss the spring wave?"

She was talking about the wheat harvest. Flour is what needs to be ground the most. It takes twice as long as rice to shell and grind it.

Shopkeeper Wu knew that Qin Yao's sudden appearance was definitely not a coincidence, so he asked her helplessly:

"I heard that your village has received a big order. Other bulk orders cannot be shipped before November. I need it urgently now, and you can't deliver it. By November, the day lilies will be cold."

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