Dalang seems to have really overcome his fear of the forest. He could not move forward before, but now he strides forward.

Qin Yao looked back and saw the determined look on that dirty little face, and she felt proud. It seemed that her teaching method was quite effective.

Dalang noticed his stepmother's gaze, raised his head and gave her a 'strong' smile. Mother and son were like two wild cats, flying freely through the mountains and forests.

Qin Yao wanted to find the cave where she lived last year, but she had been delayed for two days and poked snake nests everywhere in the forest. The direction was a bit blurry. Now she had to find a new location.

This is also the second lesson Qin Yao teaches Dalang, how to identify the direction in a forest with lush vegetation and tree crowns that block the sky and sun.

And how to save yourself if you lose your way.

Qin Yao told Dalang: "No matter what the situation, we must ensure our own life safety as soon as possible. If we really can't find the direction, we will look for water."

According to Qin Yao's words, he would never die of hunger in the woods, and at worst he would become a savage.

Dalang's little heart was once again slightly shocked. The stepmother's strong core is admirable.

The mother and son walked through the overgrown area and finally reached the depths of the forest.

There are still a lot of weeds here, but because of the temperature difference, they are not dense and people can walk upright.

Qin Yao took Dalang to search for water sources and asked him to take out his slingshot and attack immediately when encountering small animals!

After two days of boring snake poking, today's activity suddenly aroused Dalang's excitement.

Which boy or girl has not dreamed that he has traveled to the end of the world with a sword?

As soon as he saw the prey, Dalang couldn't help but scream, and was slapped on the back of the head by Qin Yao, "Quiet!"

Are you here to hunt or scare animals?

Dalang said "Oh" and touched his head. This was the first time he had been beaten by his stepmother since he could remember.

But the strange thing is that not only does it not hurt, but I also feel very good in my heart. I want to hit him more times, just like his grandma did.

Qin Yao found a little squirrel and immediately pulled out her slingshot. She turned around and was about to call Dalang, but found him staring at her blankly, frowning and reminding her, look ahead, not at her!

Dalang came back to his senses, secretly exhaled a breath, braced himself, and learned how to hunt from her.

Qin Yao had taken Dalang to hunt birds before, but those birds were stupid and couldn't run away even if they made noises. They would fly back after a while and it didn't take any skill to deal with them.

Deep in the mountains, the situation is completely different.

Prey do not roam freely around the ground. They are threatened by natural enemies and prey. They hide at night and are rarely encountered during the day.

But in the evening, squatting near a water source, you can see all kinds of animals gathering together.

Dalang was holding a little squirrel in his hand that Qin Yao had captured alive and slapped him unconscious. This squirrel looked very special, with a strip of white hair on its tail and a tuft of white hair on its forehead. It was particularly cute.

That's why Qin Yao captured it alive and planned to take it back and sell it as a pet.

Da Lang felt a little sorry for the little guy. Qin Yao asked him to hold it, but he held the little squirrel in his arms.

The child has never seen real hunting, so Qin Yao did not immediately stop his compassionate behavior.

The mother and son were squatting on the top of a big tree near the water source, observing various animals that appeared near the water source.

No large beasts appeared. They usually wait until dark before going out. The biggest ones by the stream now are two sika deers.

Dalang was a little excited. He held the little squirrel in one hand and used the other hand to sign awkwardly with the sign language he had just learned with Qin Yao.

This was the hunter's code for communicating with his companions in the forest. He was asking her if he could shoot the two sika deer.

Qin Yao waved her hand, the water source area is not the best hunting ground, unless you only want to come here once.

Otherwise, it will alarm other large animals and arouse their vigilance, so they will not come to this place again for a long time.

Dalang nodded his head regretfully, indicating that he understood.

But seeing that Qin Yao had no intention of taking action, she couldn't help but gestured and asked: Are we not going to continue hunting today?

I only have this little squirrel in my arms. Isn’t it too little?

Qin Yao warned him not to forget his original intention, and practice was the main purpose of this trip to the mountains.

You haven’t learned the basics yet and you want to rush forward?

Seeing that Qin Yao had no intention of taking action, Dalang nodded regretfully again.

But the strong interest in his eyes has not diminished.

Qin Yao thought to himself that young people generally can't persuade him, so let him try it himself.

He waved to the little boy, pointed to a sika deer that was leaving alone in front of him, picked up the little squirrel in his arms, and gave it another slap to make it faint again.

Dalang's breathing became heavier, and the surprise in his eyes was about to leak out.

Qin Yao nodded, and Dalang immediately slid from the tree trunk to the ground, bent his waist, and followed the pace of the sika deer.

Dalang had learned how to track prey before, so he followed the sika deer from a distance. When he saw that the deer was not aware of his presence at all, he felt ecstatic.

Seeing the sika deer standing in front of a bush full of wild fruits and starting to eat the fruits, Dalang didn't notice his arrival at all. Dalang slowly stood up straight, took out an arrow from the quiver on his back, and nocked it on bow.

Dalang's bow-drawing posture is very standard and his movements are very skillful. It can be seen that he is not lazy at all when he practices at home.

Before shooting the arrow, Dalang looked around for Qin Yao and wanted to get some encouragement from her.

However, after walking around, no trace of her was found.

But there was a bird chirp she made up behind her, reminding him that she was behind him, so don't be afraid.

After the chirping of the birds disappeared, only the sound of the wind blowing through the leaves and the sound of sika deer gnawing were left in the forest.

Dalang was shocked to find that his stepmother had blended into the surrounding environment. If she didn't take the initiative to speak, he wouldn't be able to detect even a trace of her existence.

If he had such ability, could he also hunt a big black bear?

Dalang took a very light and slow breath, aimed at the sika deer's neck, and drew the bowstring.

An arrow shot out with a "whoosh" sound, sweeping through the leaves and making a slight sound.

How sharp is the hearing of sika deer?

It immediately turned around and ran away. The arrow it shot directly passed by the corner of its head and missed.

Just a little!

Dalang anxiously pulled out the second arrow, put on his bow and chased him out of the hiding place, and then hurriedly shot an arrow at the sika deer's butt.

There was no surprise at all, not even the skin of the sika deer was touched.

But the prey is right in front of you, how can you let it go?

Dalang took out his most skilled slingshot and ran after him.

At this moment, the sika deer that was about to run suddenly neighed and turned back.

Dalang was feeling strange when a giant brown shadow jumped up from the grass and rushed towards him!

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