It wasn't until dawn the next day, when everyone had rested and set off again, that the other grain transport teams arrived at the inn in a state of embarrassment.

When the two sides passed each other, Liu Ji couldn't help it and asked the civilian husband in the team behind him why he was in such a mess.

The farmer said that the leader of their group was kind-hearted and stopped on the side of the road to take shelter when the rain fell. He thought that the rain would stop after half an hour at most.

Who would have thought that half an hour later, the rain not only stopped, but got heavier.

The oilcloth covering the grain truck was blown by the strong wind. Only then did their leader realize that something was wrong and ordered them to move forward in the rain immediately.

But the road had long been smashed by Liu Ji and his team, and the grain transport team following them was miserable.

If someone is not careful, he will fall over.

Seeing how difficult it was for the team to move forward, the leader ordered the team to stop again in order to ensure that the rations would not get wet by the rain. Raincloths, raincoats, and even people were all placed on the ration bags to protect them.

So many people were exposed to the rain all night.

The rain had already wetted my clothes, and since there was no shelter and no fire to keep warm, I had to stay up all night in the cold.

The rain stopped today, and the firewood had already been wet. I couldn't make a fire even if I wanted to, so I rushed to the inn hungry and feeling worse than death.

After listening to this man's cry, Liu Ji felt as if he was feeling the same and took a deep breath.

Then he looked up at the fierce leader riding on a black horse in front of him, and suddenly felt that his figure looked taller and majestic.

Between suffering all the time and suffering briefly, everyone knows to choose the latter.

A smart leader, as fierce as he can be, is better than being followed by a fool.

Before leaving, Liu Ji gave the man a sympathetic look and handed him half a piece of pancake they had made on the fire this morning. It was still warm and warmed his heart.

The citizen was greatly moved and said, "Little brother, you are quite a nice person."

Liu Ji patted him on the shoulder, turned his head, followed his large army, and continued to move towards the destination.

The heavy rain brought serious sequelae, the road surface was slippery and difficult to travel on, and the mud on the ruts was covered in mud soon after the plowing was done.

The leader of the team, Mr. Shangguan, also became more and more irritable. No matter how cautious Liu Ji was, he was whipped on the buttocks. The pain was so painful that he almost went to heaven.

The strange thing is that when the team stopped to rest at night, he asked his companion to help him see if his hot butt was bleeding. His companion actually told him that no, it was just a bruise.

"How is that possible?" He was in burning pain, and it felt like his skin was cracking!

The companion nodded, "Really, the skin is fine."

After that, he impatiently pulled up Liu Ji's pants for him. Who wants to look at a man's buttocks?

Liu Ji covered his buttocks, wanting to rub it but not daring to touch it. He secretly thought that none of the soldiers were normal, and they were actually trained as thugs.

Just when I was about to sit down and be lazy for a while, the messenger came again.

Liu Ji was so frightened that he hurriedly stood up straight, just like Qin Yao's posture when he occasionally trained Dalang Erlang to stand in a military posture. Against the backdrop of a group of crooked companions, the standard was too high.

The soldier who ordered the order reminded loudly: "After tonight, we will leave Xuanyue Pass. After leaving Xuanyue Pass, we will arrive at the place where our Sheng Kingdom is fighting the enemy. The enemy may appear at any time to plunder our food and grass. Tens of millions of Don’t take it lightly!”

"Now, polish the weapons you prepared. As soon as you leave Xuanyue Pass tomorrow, if you encounter enemies, kill them!"

"Anyone who dares to flee due to fear will be summoned by the entire team and dealt with by military orders. Three clans will be summoned together!"

After passing on Lord Shangguan's words, the ten soldiers took out the roster and conducted the last roll call before entering the customs.

It is also a deterrent.

With the roster in hand, the place of birth, the number of people in the family, and the number of households in the clan are all recorded in detail. No one should take any chances.

There are six people in one car, and one hundred and twenty civilians in twenty cars.

Liu Ji couldn't help but shudder when he thought of the large troops that had passed by along the way. Many civilians fell down and never got up again. There were also scenes where they were caught and beheaded on the spot because they couldn't bear the suffering and tried to run away.

But overall, the evil woman in his family is more scary.

After the roll call was completed, one hundred and twenty people were present.

Liu Ji and his teammates looked at each other in confusion. The team behind them screamed so loudly in the past few days, but no one died?

That night, Liu Ji slept with his homemade knife in his arms.

In the dream, their food delivery team encountered an enemy attack. Seeing that the barbarian was about to hack him to death with a bloody sword, he was so frightened that he woke up.

It turned out to be a dream. The old man, the second son, the third son, and the fourth mother all stood in front of the bed and looked at him worriedly.

Behind the four brothers and sisters, Qin Yao crossed her arms and laughed coldly: "Are you having a nightmare again?"

Liu Ji nodded hurriedly and looked at the warm candlelight in the room. Although he knew that the food transportation trip was over, he was still afraid and said hurriedly:

"Madam, I was wrong. I really know that I was wrong. I will study hard in the future. Madam, please don't be angry."

"Liu Ji!" suddenly shouted.

The warm home and family in front of me instantly turned into smoke and disappeared.

Liu Ji shouted, "Madam, I was so wrong!" He woke up with a start, and a dark face appeared in front of him.

It turned out that he had a dream within a dream.

"Get up quickly, we are about to leave Xuanyue Pass." The companion reminded.

After saying that, she looked at him up and down again, "Did you dream about your wife?"

Liu Ji wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, hummed, and looked up again. The fortress of Xuanyue Pass was not far away.

He really didn't want to wake up. Everything in the dream was over. Who would have thought that in reality it had just begun.

Liu Ji was in a state of mental distress and didn't want to talk. He just did what he should do. After eating the dry food, the food transport team set off again.

This time, Lord Shangguan rarely asked them to slow down, and he beat them all the way without urging them.

As soon as a group of people passed through Xuanyue Pass, the situation was not good.

Not even half an hour after leaving, the master asked everyone to stop, and then sent two soldiers to investigate.

An hour later, the soldier came back and whispered a few words into the adult's ear. He was too far away and no one could hear him clearly. All they knew was that the adult's face didn't look good.

Then, they were allowed to rest for another hour before the team got back on the road.

A series of strange behaviors left Liu Ji and his fellow citizens baffled.

Two hours later, they encountered a grain transport team that had left customs first.

The carts were still there, as were the provisions and fodder, but most of the people were dead and a dozen horses were down.

The ground was littered with traces of a fierce battle.

Only then did Liu Ji and the others react belatedly, and they avoided a surprise attack launched by the enemy.

When the leader of the other team saw Lord Shangguan, he immediately rushed over.

He was hit by an arrow in his arm, and he only cut off the tail of the arrow hastily, without caring about himself. When he saw Shangguan Lie, he begged him to allocate manpower to help complete the task of transporting grain.

The two of them negotiated some terms in private, and Shangguan Lie agreed to help.

But the other team is only allowed to follow, forget about people and horses, and find a way to transport the grain truck away.

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