The four siblings were happily busy in the small corner of the kitchen, completely unaware of Qin Yao standing outside the house with a smile on her face.

She watched them quietly for a while, resisting the urge to have a late-night snack, not wanting to break the warm scene, and turned back to the room.

It was late at night and the kitchen became quiet.

The elder man put the fried pancakes into the wooden lunch boxes of his younger brothers and sisters, opened the lid and let it dry, covered it with a cover, extinguished the fire in the stove, checked the doors and windows to make sure there were no safety hazards, and led his younger brother My sister washed up and then went back to her room to sleep.

The chickens raised at home crow on time, and the quiet yard becomes lively again.

It did rain today, but not heavily. It was as thin as hair and blowing in the air. An umbrella was enough.

Qin Yao continued to drive the carriage to send the children to Xiahe Village, watching the coachman pick them up before returning to the village.

When she put the box of fifteen magical books brought back by Erlang in front of Carpenter Liu, he jumped up while squatting on the ground.

"Oh my God! Has your Erlang become a spirit?" Liu Carpenter asked in disbelief.

Qin Yao glanced at him and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Liu Erlang just has a relatively high financial intelligence."

However, she does not advocate selling her bookcase in order to make money.

Carpenter Liu calculated the cost and time. He could make two book boxes a day by himself, but this was only if the wood had been processed in advance.

The cost of wood is actually not much. The box body is not made of high-quality materials, but common fir wood in Jinshi Town.

Only the tie rods and small wooden wheels are made of harder wood, and the price is slightly higher.

Calculating it this way, the cost is only 1,890 yuan.

If it were him selling it, he wouldn't dare to ask for five cents of silver.

Having said this, Liu Carpenter sighed again: "Your boy Erlang has learned his father's ability to deceive people."

Qin Yao twitched her lips and said, "I'll just assume you are praising them as father and son."

Carpenter Liu said: "If someone buys it for five cents of silver, how about we set this price?"

Qin Yao: "I think we can add more, how about 588?"

Liu Mujiang thought that you are still more clever, but he couldn't bear it in his conscience, "It's a bit expensive, let's make a compromise, 568."

Qin Yao nodded: "That's okay!"

The two reached an agreement and started working immediately.

Qin Yao can't do detailed carpentry, but she can still saw the wood into panels. With Carpenter Liu's guidance, the two of them can produce the raw materials one by one, make the mechanism levers and wheels by the other, and finally paint them and assemble them together.

There was still one painting process to go, so Qin Yao went to call Yun Niang over.

At first Yun Niang didn't want to come. The wheat harvest at home was about to be harvested. She had to weave, cook and take care of the children, and look after the vegetable plot, so she had no time at all.

Qin Yao asked her to come and help first. It would not be a waste if she helped for four or five days. Moreover, the labor was calculated on a piece-by-piece basis, and she would be given fifteen cents for each piece.

These fifteen orders amount to 225 Wen, which is a lot of money.

As expected, money can make the world go round. After struggling for half an hour, Yun Niang put the baby on her back and came to the factory.

There are few people in the factory now, so the children are allowed to play with wooden blocks in the yard without fear of getting hurt.

Yun Niang quickly got back to work. The three people in the factory seemed to be working like a group of people.

There is still a lot of time left for the order, but Qin Yao wants to make a dozen more magical book boxes so that they can be taken to the county to test the water.

Moreover, in the past few days, the city has begun to prepare for the preliminary examination of the imperial examination, which will start in two days.

She finished this batch just in time for the preliminary examination to end. Candidates from all over the country were still in the county and had not had time to leave, so there was already a customer base.

It was agreed that it would only be done for four or five days, but when Yun Niang saw that the sheets Qin Yao had made were piled higher and higher, her heart skipped a beat and she had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, on the fifth day of work, there was still half of the work left. For the sake of money, he gritted his teeth and took out fifty cents and hired a man in the village who had little land to work as a day laborer for five days before he got back into work. At work.

On February 10th, Yun Niang, who was so tired that her hands were so tired, finally finished painting all the wood that needed to be painted.

Qin Yao counted the quantity and found that it was a bit more than expected. A total of forty book boxes were made.

Yun Niang rubbed her sore wrist, fearing that Qin Yao still had materials to paint, so she quickly said:

"I have to go home. My mother-in-law will scold me for not being able to deliver food to my father-in-law and his family for so many days."

She also said that when she was working on the water tanker, she was not as busy as she is now, and she didn’t know what she was busy with. She didn’t see anyone from morning to night all day long, let alone doing any messy things.

It was during the slack time after the autumn harvest. The family was not busy, and she could get her wages home on time from the factory. The work at home was not heavy, and her mother-in-law did a good job, so naturally she would not say anything about her.

But this time it was different. All the scattered chores at home fell on my mother-in-law alone, so it was inevitable to complain a few times.

When Qin Yao heard what Yun Niang said, she quickly gave her her wages, a five-cent silver dime and a sling of copper plates.

Forty wooden boxes, each worth fifteen cents, is exactly six hundred cents.

It had only been eight days of work, and she could get the previous two months' wages at once. The sadness on Yun Niang's face disappeared instantly and she smiled.

"Ms. Qin, please call me next time you have such a job!" Before leaving, Yun Niang told her son cheerfully, as if the soreness in her wrist had healed.

Carpenter Liu laughed, "You are so greedy for money."

Qin Yao shrugged, it was the same, no one could stop the charm of money.

After the materials were left to dry for two days, Qin Yao finished her work and accompanied Carpenter Liu to assemble all the wooden boxes.

Forty book boxes painted with black paint and pink and white patterns were neatly placed on the shelves in the warehouse, which looked a little shocking.

On the 12th, Qin Yao took the children home. After dinner, she asked Erlang to go to school tomorrow and remember to inform his classmates and prepare the balance in advance. Pay the money and deliver the goods.

"Erlang, tell them this, saying that my mother-in-law gave you a discount because we are classmates. The original price of the divine book box was 668, but now it only costs you 568."

Qin Yao raised her eyebrows, "Do you remember?"

Erlang chuckled and nodded repeatedly, "Don't worry, Mom, I'll tell them verbatim and let them remember us as a small favor."

Qin Yao patted his little shoulder happily, "You can teach a boy."

"But this kind of small favor is of no use. You should just do what you should do normally. Under the premise of unequal strength, it will only look flattering."

Dalang Erlang put away his smile, listened carefully, and learned something about the world.

Sanlang and Si Niang were still confused because they were not in the same classroom as Dalang Erlang, and even their masters were different.

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