The sunny weather for several days could not last long. Foreboding that a heavy rain was coming, Qin Yao and his party sped up on their way.

But it still couldn't keep up with the arrival of heavy rain.

They originally wanted to take advantage of the afternoon to rush to the next city, but the clear sky suddenly turned cloudy, so the group had to quickly find a place to stop and hide from the rain.

There is a big post here, and there are several inns surrounding the big post. It is the same inn that Qin Feng and Liu Ji talked about when they were chatting by the river yesterday evening.

Originally, Qin Feng planned to stop here for a night's rest in advance, so that everyone could relax and replenish supplies.

The point is, he wants Qin Yao to have a good and appetizing meal here.

But the situation changed. Qin Feng thought that he and Qin Yao had an unpleasant encounter last night. He remembered that Liu Ji said that Qin Yao was in charge of their family, and he had given up hope that he would be able to stay at this inn for repairs today.

And seeing that Qin Yao's family only stopped for two quarters of an hour to eat before continuing on their journey at noon, Qin Feng was almost certain that she was angry and no longer wanted to talk to him.

Unexpectedly, things took a turn for the better.

As soon as everyone passed near Dayi, dark clouds filled the sky, and the wind brought dust and water vapor closer and closer. With no other choice, everyone immediately changed their route and rushed towards Dayi to take shelter from the rain.

Qin Yao, who didn't know what Qin Feng was thinking, said that she just had a premonition that it would rain today and wanted to buy more time to rush, so she didn't take much rest at noon.

As for being angry, if she was so easily disturbed by external objects and outsiders, Liu Ji would have pissed her off long ago.

Next to the official post, there is Yunlai Inn.

As soon as everyone ran in with their luggage, it rained heavily in seconds, and the whole sky seemed to be leaking. The rain was astonishing.

The rain was strong and the wind was strong, and the wind blew over the thatched roof of the tea stall at the entrance of the inn.

Liu Ji quickly rushed the four Dalang brothers and sisters, who were still standing at the door to watch the rain, into the lobby. He also ordered Awang and Yin Le to go to the stable to see the horses and carriages.

The wind was so strong that he was afraid that the stable would be overturned.

The situation on Qin Feng's side was even worse. It was windy and rainy, and there was no time to unload the goods. The driver and the guards had to put on raincoats and lead the horses in the shelter behind the inn, covered with tarps.

But the wind and rain were so strong that the wide and heavy oilcloth was as heavy as a piece of iron under the influence of wind and rain. Without paying attention, the person and the cloth were blown off the car.

Fortunately, the surrounding area was flat, otherwise we don't know what would have happened if the person was rolled around several times by the strong wind.

As soon as Qin Yao escorted her family into the lobby, she heard a burst of exclamations from outside. She gave Liu Ji a look that looked after the children, and immediately rushed out with her hat on.

Before Liu Ji even had time to say a word of caution from his wife, he was already gone.

The wind was so strong that the innkeeper and the waiters didn't care about the tea shed that was blown away outside. They hurriedly drove all the guests into the lobby, and a few strong waiters worked together to close the door.

As soon as the door was closed, the wind and rain were immediately blocked out, and everyone in the house breathed a sigh of relief.

The shopkeeper was still frightened and sighed: "I haven't seen such heavy rain in several years, but you don't have to panic. Storms in our world come and go quickly. It will be fine after a while."

The shopkeeper's words had a certain soothing effect, and the tourists from out of town were no longer so panicked.

Just listening to the whistling sound of wind leaking through the windows, guests with their families outside couldn't help but feel nervous.

Dalang saw his father looking around and pacing and rubbing his hands. Although he was also worried about his mother and Uncle Awang, he also knew that he could not help at this moment.

Instead of being anxious, it is better to do what you can do first.

"Dad, let's book the guest room first, and then prepare dry clothes and hot water for food, so they can be used when grandma and the others come back." Dalang reached out and tugged on his father, reminding him.

Liu Ji patted his head and said, "Looking at my memory, I need you to remind me. Dalang Erlang, please watch your younger brothers and sisters and take your luggage with you. Dad will open the guest room."

"There are also Dadong Qin's and his family!" Erlang reminded, fearing that his father would forget.

A Niang said that the two of them were traveling together and had to look after each other along the way.

Liu Ji nodded, how could he forget his uncle? He came to the counter, waved his hand, and booked all the remaining guest rooms in the inn in Qin Feng's name.

The shopkeeper smiled in surprise, "It's Dad Qin's family who is here!"

Liu Ji took a look and realized that they knew each other, so that would be easier. He sent someone to straighten things out, and asked for whatever was good, and first made arrangements with his own family.

"If there is anything delicious and delicious to drink, prepare it immediately. It will be used immediately when people come in. Oh, by the way, boil a few more pots of hot water. The owner and the others are guarding the goods outside. They must have gotten wet. The inn If there is ginger and brown sugar, then boil the brown sugar ginger tea.”

Outside the inn, the rain came and went just as quickly as the shopkeeper said. It came one after another, with no sign of stopping in a short time.

Yin Le and A Wang arranged their own carriages and horses. Seeing Qin Yao in Qin Feng's team, they also followed. With three people joining in, things that made Qin Feng feel embarrassed suddenly became like eating and drinking. Just as easy.

Qin Yao vigorously broke through the wind and rain, and the heavy oilcloth seemed to be weightless in her hands. She swung it and covered the car. Then Awang and Yin Le cooperated tacitly, crossing the four corners and tying them together to complete a car.

The three people circulated in this way at an extremely fast speed, and finished building more than half of the truck in less than a quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour later, while the guards were still staggering and unable to stand still, the three of them had already covered all the trucks with raincloths.

There is no need to worry about the horses. The coachmen are all experienced veterans. They hold the horses' heads close to each other and keep making soothing movements with their hands.

After the work was done, Qin Yao led Awang and Yin Le to Qin Feng. The rain was so heavy that the bamboo hats and coir raincoats were useless, and the three of them were all wet.

Qin Feng was even worse. His neck was scratched by a flying branch. His hair was messy and wet and stuck to his face. He looked much more embarrassed than Qin Yao and the other three.

He had just seen Qin Yao and the others coming over, and the situation had changed. He had no time to be polite, so he immediately went to Guanyi and two surrounding inns, trying to find cheap empty houses to use as temporary warehouses.

But just when Qin Feng was about to say something, Qin Yao had already spoken before him.

"This rain won't stop for a while. I looked at the sky. There may be continuous heavy rain tonight and tomorrow. When the rain stops, all the goods will have to be moved indoors."

As Qin Yao spoke, she lowered her head and looked at her feet. The terrain of Yunlai Inn was quite high, and the rain did not leave much water behind. "If it cannot be moved indoors, it is also possible to build a temporary warehouse at a high place outside." OK."

She saw that all Qin Feng's goods were packed very carefully. There was oil paper in the wooden box, and there was oil cloth outside the wooden box. As long as the rain cloth was stable, there was no need to worry about water getting in.

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