Walking two kilometers further from Nanlou Pass, you will arrive at the Longquan Inn recommended by Qin Feng.

This place is like a small town, very lively with people coming and going, there are several restaurants and inns, and there is a long street.

Not far from this small town, there is a military camp. This camp is called Nanlou Camp. It is specially set up to guard the South Road to Beijing and is under the jurisdiction of the Jingfu Yamen.

This town, called both Nanlouying Town and Nanjiao Town, mainly serves large caravans.

Because the procedures for large teams to enter Beijing are cumbersome, some businessmen will simply negotiate the business here to save trouble, and then directly leave Beijing and return.

Even if you want to enter Beijing, you have to wait until a specific time before you can load goods into Beijing. Therefore, this small town in the southern suburbs has gradually become a gathering place for caravans from all over the country. Merchants can get first-hand news here, and it is easier to do business than in the city.

Each inn not only provides food and accommodation, but also warehouses for rent. Qin Yao looked at the arrangement and it looked like a large logistics city on the edge of a modern city.

Qin Feng was so busy that Qin Yao and his family had finished their dinner before he saw anyone.

As soon as he arrived at the inn, before he had time to say hello to Qin Yao, he was pulled into a private room by an acquaintance and socialized until late at night before he was able to get out.

Most merchants are like this, and Qin Yao, who directly takes over a counter shop in the capital without much social interaction, is actually an exception.

After all, it is still the word "power". Among scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, class barriers were stubborn, and merchants were the lowest class. Although the Sheng Kingdom had just issued a decree to encourage commerce, the scholar class still looked down on merchants.

However, those who looked down on them were interested in their money. Therefore, traders in the capital often had to visit a dock to find a backer.

He had previously revealed that Qin Feng's backer was an adult named Guo from the Ministry of Household Affairs. Qin Yao did not ask about his specific position, but judging from the respect Qin Feng had among these merchants, his official position must be quite high.

When Qin Feng knocked on the door in the middle of the night, Qin Yao opened the door immediately, as if she expected him to come.

"Have you drank?" Qin Yao poured him a cup of tea while holding back her disgust.

The Longquan Inn has three floors and hundreds of rooms, but there were only a few left when they came. Sanlang and Siniang both slept with Qin Yao.

Qin Feng glanced at the bed and lowered his voice, "I can drink well and everything is fine."

After drinking a cup of tea she handed him, Qin Feng motioned for her to sit down and tell her something.

"I won't go to the city with you tomorrow. After this batch of goods is processed, I will go to the city to find you. This is the key to the house I bought in Yongtongfang, Nancheng. The yard is not big, but your family lives there. That’s enough, don’t refuse in a hurry.”

Qin Feng glanced at Qin Yao who was about to return the key angrily. Seeing her stop, he continued to explain:

"Although you and your brother-in-law didn't say it, I can see that your coming to the capital here is not just about preparing for spring. The water in this capital is very deep. You are new to the capital and you have no one to rely on. So be careful and don't get involved in things that happen in the capital. Go inside.”

Having said this, Qin Feng took out another note written in advance and handed it to Qin Yao: "If you encounter difficulties and I am not here, you can take this note and go to Guo's house in Xiuwenfang to find Mr. Guo. He owes me a favor. , will definitely help you.”

Qin Feng seemed to be ten million worried because he had long noticed the undercurrent between Bai He and Qin Yao at Yunlai Inn that day.

He later found out who that person was. He was from the Prince of the East Palace. He was frightened by the good guy.

"Mei Yao, the other brothers don't ask you, but I just want to remind you and your brother-in-law that when you enter the city, you must not have anything to do with the two people who are fighting fiercely. Remember, you can't get involved at all! "

Qin Yao looked at Qin Feng's serious face and thought to herself, brother, you explained it a bit late, sister, I have already touched both sides.

Qin Yao's silence made Qin Feng's heart sink. He suddenly remembered what Liu Ji said in his mind. Both the lady's box and the magical book box were produced by Qin Yao's factory.

When Lady Box first entered the capital, the eldest princess was full of praise for her.

This shows what?

"Are you talking to the princess's house!" Qin Feng looked in disbelief.

Qin Yao sighed softly, "How can you do business without a backer?" He should also understand.

You have to find a backer anyway, so why not find the strongest one!

But she accepted Qin Feng's kindness.

Qin Yao accepted the key to the house and said to the dull Qin Feng: "It's just a temporary stay. I will find a house and move out as soon as possible after I settle down."

When Qin Feng wanted to say something else, Qin Yao stopped him with "Then I can't help it anymore."

"Don't worry about me and worry more about yourself. We'll go into the city and clean the yard and wait for you."

Just in case, Qin Yao also collected that post. What if it comes in use?

Qin Feng had nothing to say, and tapped Qin Yao with his finger in the air. He was so worried that he wanted to hit the wall by her confession.

A princess's palace and a prince of the Eastern Palace, two of the two most undesirable things, she got them all!

In this regard, Qin Yao said calmly: "High returns are accompanied by high risks. There is no low-risk, high-yield business in this world. If there is, it must be a clumsy scam."

What else could Qin Feng say? She had finished everything.

Then he wishes her good luck along the way!

The two brothers and sisters separated. One stayed in Nanjiao Town to do business, while the other led his family who were full of expectations for the capital into this Los Angeles city, which is known as the most prosperous city in the country.

Depart from Longquan Inn in the morning and arrive at the city at noon.

The prosperity of Kyoto starts with the queue to enter the city.

For the first time in Shengguo, Qin Yao saw a flow of people comparable to the major cities of later generations.

There are eight entrances to Kyoto, usually four from the east, west, and north. They entered the city from the Dingbei Gate, which is considered the main gate. The queue at the bottom of the city was so long that they could not even see the end.

There were carriages, mules, donkeys, adults, children and the elderly, and it was very crowded.

The climate here is also hotter than that of Zijin Mansion. The Dalang brother and sister's faces were red from suppressing their emotions, but they couldn't hide their novelty. They sat in the car and looked around.

The gates of the capital city are so high that it hurts my neck to even see the top.

Entering the corridor, a cold air hit him, which made Sanlang sneeze hard, and snot bubbles came out of his nose, making Erlang and Si Niang laugh.

There are actually women among the city guards! Si Niang’s little mouth opened into an O shape.

Those young girls who entered the city on horseback were only wearing a pair of trousers, with both arms exposed! Dalang and Erlang were so frightened that they quickly closed their eyes and blushed.

They need to be inspected when entering the city, especially when they are entering Beijing for the first time. Men and women are divided into two lines, and they are touched from head to toe. They are also checked to see if they have any tattoos on their bodies. It is very strict.

Qin Yao said silently in her heart: Isn't this just a security check?

Wouldn't it be troublesome if Awang was covered with sword wounds?

However, being able to pass Nanlou Pass means that there is no problem. The soldiers guarding the city added another inspection. Everyone knew what it was for.

When the men and women entered the accounts separately for inspection, Qin Yao gave Liu Ji a bag of loose silver for management.

As long as the benefits are in place and there is Liu Ji as a guarantor for Awang, it is estimated that the inspection soldiers will not check very seriously, and it will be enough.

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