It hissed and fell straight down from in the sky, with a thud, and splashed countless dust.

Golda, Jake, and Sara were stunned and forgot to speak.

After a long time, until the dust cleared, Sara cried out: “Oh my God! The bipedal wyvern is dead, it is dead…a blow! And it’s still using the Holy Nova Technique, My God.”

“My God, what Holy Nova Technique is this?” Golda also exclaimed: “As far as I know, the Holy Nova Technique is too sacred because of its large scope. The mana is dispersed, so the formidable power is very weak, and it is usually only used to deal with very weak and low-level monsters, or to dispel undead creatures, why can your holy nova knock down a bipedal wyvern with one hit?”

Of course, Robb can’t say that he has already reached the full proficiency level of all the sacred professions. Even the top profession of the holy department, the “Pope”, has been completely full. It took two months to refresh the holy nova in the monster pile like a robot. Can the formidable power be strong?

He can only spread his hands and say: “Maybe my belief is very religious.”

Chapter 4 My name is Robert

In the game world , The formidable power of magic mainly depends on the player’s level, equipment, and occupational proficiency.

In the real world, the formidable power of magic mainly comes from belief, cultivation, and meditation. The stronger the formidable power.

Robb just killed the bipedal wyvern with a holy nova just now, which is enough to show that his holy magic formidable power is extremely powerful, so of course he must be a very pious priest.

The three adventurers couldn’t help being awe-inspiring, especially the red-haired female magician Sara, she couldn’t help sighing: “Oh my God! Your devotion to God of Light really amazes me, I am I haven’t seen a more powerful priest than you, your holy nova formidable power is even higher than my fire bird…I’m starting to wonder if I have magician talent…”

This is really embarrassing, and Robb also thought to himself: In our game, the mage who has not yet had the highest output is going to be kicked out of the team, you know? Well! Forget it, the magician at the middle and low levels cannot be compared with the priest who teaches the Sovereign level.

He pointed to the corpse of the biped wyvern: “What are you going to do with this thing?”

After he knocked down the biped wyvern just now, he almost habitually ran over to want to. “Touch the corpse”, I suddenly remembered, this is a real world, not in the game, only when you hit the monster in the game can you touch the corpse. In the real world, you can’t touch anything from this monster. of.

The stupid thing like taking out a few Silver Coins from animals is only possible in games. Devil beasts in the real world don’t have the habit of running around with money.

In addition, monsters are also impossible to find something like “pork” and “rabbit hair”. If you want these things, you can only take a butcher’s knife and slowly dissection , very annoying.

However, the dragon skin seems to be able to be peeled off with the skinning skill… 2 points of skinning skill proficiency, ah, no, I’m already full.

Thinking of this, he gave up on dealing with the dead body of the bipedal wyvern and left it to these natives.

He pointed to the two-legged wyvern corpse and said this, and the three adventurers remembered to do business. Looking at the body of the two-legged wyvern, I couldn’t help cheering: “Haha, I finally beat it! You can take it back to the mayor for a bounty.”

Golda faced the archer instructed: “Jake , you go and peel off the skin of the two-legged wyvern, and you can sell it for a lot of money when you take it back.” At this point, he actually turned to Robb and said with a smile: “Of course, the bounty and the money for selling dragon skins will be There’s Mr. Priest’s share.”

Robb thought to himself: This guy is a good person, no wonder he can be the Captain of this team.

Golda asked: “What’s the name of Mr. Priest?”

Robb thought to himself: My current shape is the character shape in the game, so just report the name in the game, in the future Living in this world, Dongfang’s name can’t be used anymore, it’s better to use the ID in the game, so I opened the mouth and said: “My name is Vishmo.

“Oh, what a long name.” Golda said with a smile: “Then we’ll call you Vishmo from now on.”

Robb shrugged: “Uh, forget it , this name looks fine in the game, I don’t know why it feels weird to be called by you, you should call me Robert.”

At this time, Jake was taking out a With a skinning knife, crouched beside him to peel the skin of the bipedal wyvern. p>”Well, yes.” Robb said, “I want to ask how to get to the nearest town.”

“Aren’t you from this neighborhood? Not familiar with this place at all. It looks like it.”

“It’s not.” Robb had to lie casually: “I’m from the far east, I’ve traveled a long way, I’m tired of wandering and adventurous life, now I just want to find a human town, settle down well, and don’t have to run around.”

“Oh, that’s a pity.” Golda said, “Our team just happens to be missing a priest, and we want to invite You joined, and it turns out that you are so powerful that it seems that a squid like us can’t hold it, and you are tired of taking risks, which is really regrettable.”

The red-haired magician Sara interfaced: “Robert, if you want to go to the nearest town, just act with us temporarily, we will go to Westwind Town at the foot of the mountain next, and report this bipedal wyvern to the mayor there, in exchange for a generous amount of money. The reward, sell the dragon skin, there is still your share in it, before you get the reward, it is better for you to act with us.”

“Okay, let’s go together.” Robb didn’t have much to pursue, he just wanted to mess around, it didn’t really matter where he went. As for the reward, he is a little interested. Money, whether in the game or in the real world, is extremely useful, and he doesn’t have a penny right now.

Jake peeled the skin of the biped wyvern, rolled it up on Golda’s shoulders, the biped wyvern’s dragon skin was thick and heavy, a big roll, like a thick bed. The quilt, Golda carried it without much effort, said with a smile: “Robert, Jake, Sara! Let’s go! Let’s go down the mountain.”

Robb followed behind the three, slowly Tumbling away.

Sara seemed to be very interested in him, and walked up to Robb within two steps: “Robert, many thanks, you helped us today, without you, we would be extremely unlucky today. Especially me, it is very likely that I will die, my life can be said to be saved by you.”

Robb spread his hands and counseled his shoulders: “Why don’t you even bring milk? Only T and D came to play the little BOSS?”

After finishing a sentence, Sara’s face was full of confusion, with a picture on her beautiful face “You can understand every word you say, But together, I don’t know what it means.”

Robb had no choice but to change his oral habits and sighed: “You guys came out to destroy monsters, why didn’t you bring the priority?”

Sara embarrassedly laughed, Golda turned around in front , embarrassedly said: “We wrongly estimated the strength of this bipedal wyvern…cough…I thought it was a very ordinary bipedal wyvern, we were enough to deal with it, didn’t expect it to be in the bipedal wyvern as well. It’s an elite level, but it ended up in such a hard fight, and almost lost all of your life, but it makes you laugh.”

“Oh!” Robb muttered in his heart: So is this dragon considered an elite level? It seems that the monster intensity in this world is weaker than the intensity in the “Dark Blade” I played. The elite monsters in there, I can’t use a holy nova to settle them, at least I have to change to a serious output occupation, and use real attack magic to defeat them in one blow.

Chapter 5 Are you a hero?

We will send you a map of the world. The map may be a bit small on mobile phones, but it will be clearer on the computer. In addition, there are source maps in the group file of the readership group. Friendly reminder, Westwind Town can be found in the lower left corner of the map.

Picture: “The world map is presented”, Location: “Images/1546529791-100089784-102748762.jpg”

On the way, Sara pestered Robb chirp chirp twitter twitter In other words, like all magicians, she is full of curiosity about everything in the world. Of course, she is also very interested in Robb’s “mysterious” priest, and asked Robb a lot of messy questions, such as his hometown. Where, how long has he practiced sacred magic, where he has been, what style he has seen, and a small mouth can hardly stop.

However, Robb couldn’t tell, this world was a black eye to him, and he didn’t know anything. He didn’t say anything at all, just kept silent, answering Sara once in a while.

This kind of silent and indifferent attitude, change to an ordinary person, I am afraid that the girl will be so angry that she will not care about him. But he showed a very strong side just now. A strong man with cherish words like gold is called “stable” and “mature”. The girl doesn’t hate this type, but will show admiration to this type of man…

So she continued to talk, Robb, on the contrary, from her words, expressed her admiration for this world again. Added more understanding.

This world is called “Fengma continent”. There are three huge countries on the continent, namely “Norma”, the kingdom of Knight in the northwest, “Gran” in the southwest, and the rabbit people in the east continent. The kingdom “Great Tang”, on the border between these three big countries, there are many small countries the size of sesame and mung bean, it is not worth mentioning.

And the mountain range where they are now, called Black Pine Mountain Range, belongs to the territory of the Magic Kingdom “Gran”. It is located in the northwest of the capital “Saint City” of the Gran country. The mountain range covers the ground To the east of the mountain range is a vast plain, and “Saint City” is located on the plain, and to the west of the mountain range is a barbaric land where monsters are rampant, with only a few sidehammer towns. .

The Westwind Town they are going to now is just west of the mountain range, a place surrounded by monsters.

The four of them walked down the hillside, often seeing goblin stick one’s head around to look for on the side of the road, and also saw a single ogre, who glanced at them from a distance , seeing that there are four of them, ogre did not dare to come close…

It was not until the sun went down and the sky was starting to darken that Westwind Town was finally in sight.

This is a small town built on the Black Pine Mountain Range. The town is full of stone buildings and square-shaped, which is not beautiful at all. At this time, it was getting dark, lights were lit everywhere in the town, militiamen stood on the town wall, and a torch was lit at intervals on the wall, which illuminated the distance within a few meters outside the town wall very clearly.

Robb saw several mines open next to the town, and several mine carts were leaning over the door. It seems that this is a town built for mining, but I don’t know what kind of things are produced here. ore.

He felt that his mining and forging skills were beginning to stir again, so he had to warn himself again: You have already practiced, and you are no longer interested in mining and forging.

The four walked to the front of the town, and the guards at the town gate saw Golda and the dragon skin on his shoulders, and immediately cheered: “Ah, Mr. Golda is back, still carrying two Wyvern’s skin! Oh my God! They made it.”

Several guards gathered around, and someone rushed into the town, shouting as they ran, “Mr Golda is back, the damned one. Two-footed wyvern was killed by them, everyone cheers.”

There are many households in the town whose doors were opened, and people kept running out of them, men and women, old and young, They were all gathering towards the city gate, and after a while there were hundreds of people.

Golda flattened the bipedal wyvern’s leather to the ground and stomped on it with one foot.

The onlookers began to talk everyone at once: “I recognize the mark on the back, it’s the wyvern with two feet, it can’t be wrong, it must be it.”

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