Murong Qiao never thought that there would be resources delivered to her door.

She had heard a little about the magazine Song Simo mentioned, it was a high-end magazine, and she usually had a high opinion. Murong Qiao never expected the possibility of taking the initiative to come to the door.

"Our magazine's shooting time is quite flexible. If there is any intention to cooperate, we can discuss it." Song Simo is obviously a very talkative type.

Or it should be facing Murong Qiao, she seemed extraordinarily soft.

It seemed to be a little different from the high-sightedness that everyone in the industry said they looked down upon. Murong Qiao secretly had some changes in his heart, and he felt that the situation in front of him seemed to have the final say.

"This way—" Murong Qiao raised his voice.

She made a thoughtful look, and then calculated the time and the other party's request in her heart.

In the end, Song Simo thought this was a bit embarrassing and was still under consideration, so Song Simo added another sentence.

"I remember that "Three Thousands of the Floating World", which was filmed by CG, is about to be reviewed and broadcast, right?"

She mentioned the drama that Murong Qiao is currently filming, "If we cooperate, we can also help promote it by the way."

This kind of thing is naturally not in the content of cooperation.

By the way, the promotion or something, in the final analysis, is out of Song Simo's selfishness.

After seeing Murong Qiao on a variety show a few days ago, Song Simo fell in love with Murong Qiao out of control, as if he wanted to become a fanatical fan of the other party.

This press conference learned that Murong Qiao was also coming back, she was still very excited when she came, and looked around to see if she would meet him.

"It's not a big problem to shoot magazines." Murong Qiao agreed without hesitation.

The other party showed such sincerity, so if she procrastinated and hesitated, it would be unreasonable.

She got a vaccination first, "However, let's make an appointment to discuss the detailed shooting, and we can make an appointment to discuss it another day."

"Of course!" Song Simo nodded quickly.

Judging from the popularity of THE ONE, they will not lose no matter what. On the contrary, they can take this opportunity to move towards a higher vision, and by the way, they can also increase the status of artists.

"Three Thousands of the Floating World" will indeed enter the stage of publicity and release recently, and it will be great to save a lot of publicity expenses by then.

The abacus in Murong Qiao's heart was crackling, as if he was very conscious of a company boss.

But when it came to "Three Thousand Thousands of Floating Worlds", the director Liu Cheng did send her a document after she came back, but Murong Qiao hadn't had time to read it yet.

Regarding the magazine shooting, Murong Qiao and Song Simo happily reached a consensus, and Murong Qiao directly decided to hand over the remaining matters to Jiang Chi, and be the boss of fishing with peace of mind.

Here, Song Simo and Murong Qiao talked well, and the atmosphere of the press conference was similar. They began to prepare to introduce the new products developed by the brand this season and so on.

At any rate, he is also a future partner, and Murong Qiao sat in the audience and listened carefully.

"The research and development team has also made corresponding adjustments in response to feedback. The new products we launched this time pay great attention to the irritation to the skin. In addition to today's press conference, this set will meet with you one after another in a week, and it will also be available at that time. Please support me a lot..."

The corresponding live broadcast room was also opened for the press conference. After the photographer set up the equipment at the designated location and debugged it, he recorded the situation on the field.

As a result, as soon as the live broadcast room opened, many netizens poured in one after another, much faster than the official expected.

——Come here especially for the name, who is five in January, let me be healthy

——I just watched the jokes at the press conference. There were rumors that the brand and Zhengguang would cooperate.

——The vice president didn't run away and was caught by his wife and went home right?

——More than that, I saw a passer-by photographed his wife directly mentioning the divorce.

After being disturbed by Ke Run, a large number of people who came in lost their focus.

But the good news is that the popularity has increased a lot. Seeing that the netizens didn't do anything wrong, the brand acquiesced to the atmosphere in the live broadcast room, and by the way, they promoted a lot of their new products at the press conference.

Kevin stepped off the stage when he finished speaking just now, and turned to Murong Qiao to talk about cooperation.

"If the endorsement in this quarter works well, we can directly sign a contract for the next year..." Kevin roughly picked out some key points and said.

The key point is the cooperation in the next year, so if the stepping stone of the quarterly endorsement is done well, it will be a blood profit for CG.

"We require two artists, one male and one female. We prefer An Nuo for female artists. As for male artists, you can choose."

An Nuo's popularity is recognized by the public. He has attracted much attention since his debut, and he can be regarded as one of the best CG artists now.

It was Murong Qiao's expectation that Kevin appointed the other party.

"I don't need to say more about reputation. In addition, the image requirements require male artists to cooperate with our products. It should be no problem for those who are not Yanggang." Kevin finally made a patch.

Anyway, their brand also focuses on skin care and cosmetics, so it's hard to find a masculine man to endorse their products.

Several candidates flashed through Murong Qiao's mind, for example, Shi Yang, Xu Xiuzhu and Qu Xiu all met the other party's requirements.

However, Kevin's words also indirectly reminded Murong Qiao that since the last plagiarism incident, a group of artists have left, and the company has not had time to replenish fresh blood, so he went to participate in the show.

If she has time, Jiang Chi should ask Jiang Chi to recruit more artists. Maybe the resources will be more than the number of artists. She is not a black-hearted boss who will oppress employees.

During the conversation, Kevin mostly made explanations, and then Murong Qiao added a few sentences from time to time, and the two sides talked happily throughout the whole process.

After the chat was over, Murong Qiao came out of the press conference and was about to take out his mobile phone to take a taxi, when he saw An Nuo standing at the door of the press conference and waving at him.

"Joe! This way!" An Nuo was wearing a two-piece mask and sunglasses, "I just heard Jiang Chi say that you are coming to the press conference after I finished the audition, so I asked my assistant to drive you home with me."

The press conference was coming to an end, so there were no reporters outside at this moment, but An Nuo was bold enough to stand by the car, not afraid of being exposed.

Murong Qiao took two quick steps while holding her skirt, "I was talking about you just now."

"About me? Shouldn't it be the scumbag vice president who cheated on his wife?" An Nuo followed along.

Murong Qiao nodded her forehead amusedly, "You are the number one eater."

The two entered An Nuo's RV one by one. The assistant closed the door thoughtfully, then sat in the front driver's seat and started the car slowly.

"I went to the audition today and met director Liu Cheng."

An Nuo mentioned what happened to him today, "I heard from him that "Three Thousands of the Floating World" has been sent for review, and it shouldn't be long before we can meet at the prime time of the TV station."

"It's going to be announced recently, so he probably wants to bring me along." Murong Qiao nodded and admitted.

"The boss's enthusiasm is not for nothing. If I hadn't announced too much recently, I would actually like to play a guest role in the crew."

An Nuo felt a little regretful, but quickly changed the subject.

"I heard from Jiang Chi that recently there are several programs that imitate Spring Rest and Peach Fields sending you invitations, and my agent has also received quite a few. I just want to eat some cake after seeing it."

Probably because he wanted to follow the path of Xian Yu and Murong Qiao, so he also invited An Nuo who had a good relationship with Murong Qiao.

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