The desert kingdom army shouted in unison: "Kill kill kill kill!"

The skeleton soldiers shouted in unison: "Kacha! Kacha!"

Baron Noren, who was sitting in the chair on the town wall, threw a potato chip into his mouth and said worriedly: "This battle seems to be unwinnable, our skeleton soldiers feel very weak, and the opponent Mamluk is famous for being a powerful force in the Demon Continent. Legion, how do you fight this battle? I... I'm still ready for the rush of the wind, ready to run."

A townsman next to him also threw a piece of potato chips into his mouth. While chewing it, he said in a vague voice: "What are you afraid of, we have a Father here!"

"Come on!"


The armies on both sides began to move forward, the skeleton soldiers ran forward in a mess, and there was no organization and discipline at all, while the Mamluk and Scimitar warriors on the other side assembled a neat charge formation, looking murderous. ,aggressive.

Before the two armies rushed together, they saw a Mamluk cavalryman on the back of a camel took off two small flying axes from his back, and slammed them forward, the two axes flew out in two beautiful arcs in mid-air. The line was accurately cut on the throats of the two skeleton soldiers.

The two skeleton soldiers were headed in different places at the same time, and the skeleton heads fell to the ground with a bang, rolling around on the ground.

However, the skeleton soldiers will not die because of this. The two skeleton soldiers without their heads hurriedly bent over to pick up their heads, but at this time the army charged, and the skeleton soldiers behind rushed up and kicked at On their heads, the two skulls rolled to one side immediately.

The two skeleton soldiers hurried to chase their own head, but the other end was constantly kicked over and over, and the two headless skeleton soldiers chased and chased, they looked so hard.

General Jinhuan couldn't help laughing: "Haha! Wuhezhi."

He didn't laugh twice, when he heard the West Wind townspeople laugh out loud: "Haha! What a stupid skeleton soldier, I'm dying of laughter."

General Jinhuan: "Huh? They can still laugh?"

The townspeople could laugh, but Baron Noren couldn't laugh. The potato chips in his mouth didn't taste like it, and he began to think about escaping again.

At this time, the fastest rushing vanguard of the two armies had already collided.

The skeleton soldier hit the camel, and the result is predictable.

In just an instant, the Mamluk troops cut into the middle of the army of skeletons like a sharp knife, causing the skeleton soldiers to flip over, and broken bones and broken bones were everywhere.

The machete flashed, and a skeleton soldier lowered his head again to find his head.

The machete flashed again, and a skeleton soldier stopped at the waist and broke into two halves. The two halves of the body were crawling on the ground, trying to regroup, but the camel from behind immediately stepped on it mercilessly, and instantly stepped into a pile. Broken bones.

In less than five minutes, the skeleton soldiers lost more than five hundred!

There were almost no casualties on the Mamluk side.

Robb gently waved the goose feather fan on the town wall, and sighed leisurely: "Oh, are the skeleton soldiers really too low-level? The combat power is so weak."

Xue Lu next to him said with a smile: "It's not your fault, you used summoned beasts in a different position. The last time you beat the skeleton soldiers, you directly summoned the elements. But this time you attacked the regular army of the desert kingdom and you called the skeleton soldiers. This is simply chaos. Well! There is a serious misallocation of resources."

Xiao Yi couldn't help but said, "Yeah! This is too wrong, I'm afraid I have to call something else out."

The mayor of West Wind jumped out next to him: "Father, it's not good to continue like this, you see, our army has lost more than 500. If we do this, our army will be wiped out in no time. You have to watch, chips and seats can't be sold."

Robb tilted his head: "You are all right! It's too fast to go on like this, I have to slow down this war a little bit, and I can't finish it too quickly."

He grabbed a wooden stool from the side and rubbed his hands together, turning it into a harp...

Chapter 172 In the Three Kingdoms era, there was a wonderful dance

As soon as Robb took out the harp, the two bright nuns were shocked. The last time Robb took out the harp and played a "Song of Enchantment" for the two of them, the two nuns were almost cleared of innocence. Not guaranteed.

Once bitten by a snake, they were afraid of ropes for ten years. Now they are still quite vigilant about something like a harp.

The two dark nuns who were at the same table with them couldn't help but rejoice: "What are you doing?"

"Can't hear!" The two bright nuns shook their heads at them.

"We ask what are you doing? Why are you plugging your ears all of a sudden."

"can not hear!"

The two dark nuns were angry: "Why don't you block your ears and listen to people? The nun of the god of light is really rude, put your hands down."

The two dark nuns went to pull the arms of the two light nuns.

How dare the two bright nuns let them pull them down, for fear that they will hear some incredible songs and block their ears, and the four nuns twist into a ball.

At this time, Robb had already started to play, but he wouldn't use some charming song to bully the little nun at this time. He was actually playing a very oriental song, and he sang along with it. Get up: "In the era of the Three Kingdoms, there was a wonderful dance. Whenever the heart of the army was slack, this dance was indescribably comfortable... It made the tiring war end early, everyone put down their weapons and danced together..."

With the sound of the piano, the battle outside the city changed subtly immediately. The army of the desert kingdom that was charging suddenly froze for some reason.

A few seconds later, the Mamluks in the front row suddenly began to dance and dance.

They are riding on the back of camels, so the dancing movements are not very big. They twist left and right on the camel, their hands dance like flowers, and the scimitars also fly left and right with the dancing movements. , is really beautiful.

The most bizarre thing is that the camel they stepped on is actually dancing, flicking its butt to the left, flicking its butt to the right, and following the rhythm of the music!

The soldiers in the back row were immediately blinded, and one of the lieutenants couldn't help roaring: "What are the front guys doing... eh? Huh? Why are my hands and feet not obeying orders? Not good!"

After saying this, the lieutenant also joined the dance queue.

Except for General Golden Ring and a group of shamans and witch doctors standing behind the battle, the entire army of the Desert Kingdom began to dance strangely.

The townspeople of Xifeng Town burst into laughter: "Hahaha! Dancing, dancing!"

Baron Noren looked bewildered: "What happened? Why did the enemy suddenly start dancing?"

He suddenly thought of something, turned his head to look at Robb, then looked at the harp in his hand, and heard the unreliable song he sang: "Everyone put down their weapons and dance together."

For a moment, Baron Noren seemed to understand something: "It's the bard's stunt, the song of harmony."

The song of harmony is one of the bard's many stunts, it soothes people's hearts, dispels anger, and makes people can't help but jump into the beat of the music and dance to the music.

However, this trick is not so easy to use.

It has very high requirements for users. It must be a poet who loves peace, sunshine, and life very much. Only with his best singing voice can he sing songs that touch people's hearts.

However, how could Robb's broken voice and songs with strange lyrics and strange melody have such an effect?

Besides, "Song of Harmony" also has high requirements for the caster. Only those with weak willpower, weak spirit, and easily influenced will be controlled by "Song of Harmony" and dance with the music. And those who are firm-willed, strong in spirit, and can implement themselves wholeheartedly, are almost impossible to be influenced by "Song of Harmony".

Looking at the army of the desert kingdom on the opposite side, these soldiers were all born and raised in the desert. From the moment they were born, they were fighting against nature. Their willpower is far greater than those who grew up in green mountains and green waters. It is much stronger, and the Mamluk troops are one of the ace legions of the desert kingdom. Every cavalry is carefully selected and has seen the fierce soldiers of iron blood and war.

How could these people be controlled by a mere "Song of Harmony" and dance in the audience? Didn't miss a single one?

The most bizarre thing is that even the camels are dancing. What the hell is going on?

The situation on the battlefield suddenly changed.

The skeleton soldiers who had been cut in half, had their heads cut off, their arms cut off, and even broke apart just now took this opportunity to quickly reassemble themselves.

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