"Okay, you're right." Robb smiled: "Of course it's good to save trouble. Besides, once my identity is discovered, don't try to learn magic tool making techniques. I have no objection to dyeing hair, but ...Can we change the color? I can't have a greenish color on my head."

"Green is so beautiful." Sofa said: "If you can see a little green in the desert, what a happy color it is."

"I admit green is great in the desert," Robb said. "But when it's on top of my head, it's not great."

Sofa knows that this guy Robb is talking weird again, that's all, let's redeploy.

After a while, the hair dye in the basin was mixed into black.

Robb liked the color when he saw it, and hurriedly lay down on his back and dipped his hair in the basin.

During the time he was dipping in and dyeing his hair, Sofa took out some messy disguise and smeared it on his face. After a while, when Robb looked in the mirror again, he found himself turned into a black hair. The handsome guy, his black and beautiful hair seems to have been washed by Rejoice.

Thicken the eyebrows, heightened the nose, added a bit of stubble, and the contours of the face were shaded by Sofa with the disguise medicine, which made his face look as deep and domineering as a hero who has experienced the vicissitudes of life.

However, Robb was delighted with his new look when he heard Sofa mutter: "The trial painting feels good, I haven't forgotten my disguise, okay, now I can erase it and start over. ."

"Erase?" Robb said, "Hey, I really like this kind of heroic atmosphere. It's very good, so don't need to erase it."

Sofa squinted: "You are pretending to be the illegitimate son of an exterminated nobleman. Because he is an illegitimate son, he has been living in the countryside and was raised by his mother, so he escaped the tragic destruction of the Smith family. Do you think... like you With such an identity, is it suitable for makeup to look like a hero?"

Robb: "Okay, so what are you going to draw me like?"

Sofa said: "Flimsy, shallow, short-sighted, a typical picture of a poor country boy growing up and being told that your grandfather is a billionaire, and then the feeling of a nouveau riche floating away."

Robb: "I'm Fake! I don't want it, I protest! I don't want this second-rate upstart, I want to disguise as a handsome guy, the kind that everyone loves."

Sofa: "That would just reveal the identity."

After a heated discussion between the two, they frantically fought each other, and in the end, both sides took a step back. Robb's request for a mature, stable and handsome guy and Sofa's request for a frivolous and shallow upstart were all rejected. The final result of the discussion between the two is that of an ordinary, ordinary, ordinary boy who is not very stupid but not very smart.

After all, this character inherits the bloodline of the wind-type archmage John Roland Smith, and his IQ should not be too low, otherwise people will suspect that there is a problem with his bloodline. But he was set as an illegitimate child and grew up in the countryside, so his vision and knowledge should not be too high, otherwise he would be ganged up.

In the end, Robb became an ordinary black-haired boy who inherited the excellent blood of the Smith family. With the family tree, seal, and family crest of the Smith family in his arms, he reported his dream of reviving the family, and was ready to enter the Magic Academy to learn magic for the sake of Playing for the country, compose an epic history of the decline of aristocrats.

Sofa took out a set of noble servants that had been washed white on purpose, and handed it to Robb: "Put it on."

Robb took a look at the clothes, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "Is it necessary to wash it white on purpose?"

Sofa said: "You are a declining noble, you must remember that you are so poor that your clothes can only be washed and worn repeatedly. The tuition fee of one hundred gold coins for you to attend the Magic Academy was watched by your grandfather Baron Noren. Sponsored in face."

Robb: "Hey!"

Sofa: "Or, are you going to wear stockings like a rich nobleman?"

Without saying a word, Robb hurriedly put the white clothes on his body.

Sofa immediately took out another wooden staff and handed it to him.

Robb recognized at a glance that this staff was the one Xiao Yi had brought when he first arrived in West Wind Town. (For those who have forgotten, please read Chapter 31)

Robb protested: "Hey! Xiao Yi's staff is too shabby, at least let me set an amethyst on it."

Sofa didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, and she got back into the room herself, and when she came out again after a while, she was dressed as a poor maid in patched sackcloth.

The poor master is matched with a maid in patched linen, and the cross-dressing is complete!

Chapter 277

It’s been two days in a row, and tomorrow is Monday again. In theory, there will be a change tomorrow, so I’m really happy to have a day off today. For the rare day off, Robb looked at his new look, speechless. Pharynx, but after thinking about it, this is to learn a new profession, then forget it! Anyway, in order to learn certain skills in the game, the requirements are extremely abnormal. For example, there is a profession called "Blue Mage", which can learn the skills of monsters, and the requirement for learning these skills is to be beaten by monsters.

What skills can be learned without being hit by any skills.

In order to practice all skills in the game, Robb changed his job to "Blue Mage" and went to greet all the monsters in the whole game. Bai let all the monsters in the game beat him up.

As for disguising as pirates, disguising as skeletons, disguising into elves, disguising as Scarlet Crusaders... In order to complete tasks, learn skills, and get props, Robb doesn't need to be polite at all.

Now, in order to learn a new job, let's just reluctantly accept the new look.

"Let's go, let's go to Baron Noren." Sofa pulled Robb: "Infiltrate the team formed by his nephew and other noble children, and go to the road of light together."

In fact, Robb can find anyone who has been to the road of light, and use the portal scroll he made to open the portal to the road of light and pass easily, but it would be too much to suddenly appear in the road of light like this. Bullshit.

If you want to make your own identity more secure, it is better to walk into the road of light from the city gate with the noble children, and then use the portal to go back and forth, there is no problem.

He first asked Lilian to wait at home obediently, and he would be back in a few days. Then I told Xue Lu again, and I helped to manage the heating of the smelting furnace for a few days, so I didn't need to trouble her when I came back.

After all these arrangements were made, Robb opened the back door of the church and sneaked into Baron Nolen's villa before it was dawn.

Baron Noren had already received the news and had been waiting at the back door for a long time. He did not bring any of his subordinates, and came to meet Robb himself.

Seeing the new look of Robb's black hair, handsome but ordinary, dressed in a white washed robe, and holding a wooden staff, the baron couldn't help but feel embarrassed and said in a low voice, "Godfather, you are dressed as In this way, even I almost can't recognize you, and you have to look at your face very carefully before you can vaguely see your original appearance."

Robb said with a smile: "Cross-dressing, it's called cross-dressing so that others can't recognize it. By the way, come and see my family tree, can you see the fault."

He took out the family tree of the Smith family, and Baron Noren read it carefully and couldn't help but be amazed: "Amazing, this family tree is so flawlessly forged that even people like me, the Knights of the Storm, can't see it, let alone others. It seems that there is a little bit of a problem. Coupled with my recommendation, no one will doubt your identity. By the way, in my Chenguang family, I am the only one who knows about it, and I didn't tell anyone, not even my My nephew doesn't know either, so please don't miss out."

Robb laughed: "That's good!"

"Then let me introduce you to my nephew now." Baron Noren smiled and said, "There is also a group of children of small nobles who will go to the road of light today together. Unconsciously."

Baron Noren took Robb into the villa, waited with him in the living room, and sent a servant to call his nephew down.

Nephew Jun is dressed quite solemnly today. Instead of wearing his full body plate armor, he is wearing the silk robe that nobles like. He also wears silk stockings and breeches on the lower body. My uncle was sitting with a young man in the living room. He was stunned. He looked at Robb's white-washed clothes and poor wooden staff, and thought to himself: How can such a person sit with my uncle? Son? Uncle usually likes to pretend to be aristocratic.

With this thought in mind, he didn't dare to be rude to Robb, and asked politely, "Who is this?"

Baron Nolen said with a smile: "Come here, they are all young people, let me introduce you to them."

He first pointed to Robb and said, "This is the only survivor of the Smith family, Robert Smith."

As soon as this introduction came out, it made my nephew Jun awe-inspiring, thinking: No wonder uncle sits with him, although he looks a little down, but after all, he is a member of the Smith family. What a beautiful magician, uncle is giving face to the old boss...

He hurriedly saluted Robb: "Hello!"

Baron Noren pointed to his nephew Jun and introduced: "This is my nephew, Conte Chenguang, my nephew is very stupid, he can't learn magic if he learns from me, I think, maybe it's me I'm not very good at teaching people, so I want him to try it in the magic academy, maybe he can learn something."

Robb is not a Godfather now, he is pretending to be a young man, so he can no longer be lazy in the chair like before, stood up and said to his nephew Jun: "Hello!"

Baron Noren said to his nephew: "Conte, today Robert will go to the road of light with you and sign up to study at the Magic Academy. You will learn more with Robert along the way."

"Hey? Are you going to the Magic Academy to learn magic too?" Conte laughed.

Baron Noren said: "Do you think everyone is like you? You can't learn magic from the family, so you have to go to the Magic Academy? Robert has mastered wind magic from the beginning. This time he went to the road of light to sign up. I'm studying magic tools."

"Wow! Specialized in Magic Items." Conte exclaimed: "This is not an easy class to learn. You have to have a considerable degree of practice in magic and have a deep understanding of how magic works before you can participate in the production of magic items. Why do you want to report that? Your wind magic must be very powerful, right?"

Robb had to smile: "I understand a little, I understand a little."

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