No. 32 asked, "Then how did you learn the wind magic?"

Luo Bo said: "It was taught by an uncle who claimed to be my father's subordinate. He would come to teach me a few spells every once in a while, but he seemed to be very busy, coming and going in a hurry, teaching me in a mess. I also learned in a mess, and I didn't learn anything like magic circles anyway."

At this time, everyone remembered again, this poor guy is an illegitimate child, not an orthodox academic mage, his magic seems to be that a mage of the Knights of the Storm is looking at his father's face, every time after a while Secretly came to teach him a little, and did not carry out systematic training, which led to the incompleteness of what he learned, which was miserable, miserable, miserable!

It's no wonder that this guy's character is not very good, and the title of "the king of prostitutes" is caused by the lack of aristocratic education since childhood.

A creature like a woman is born with a maternal nature, and when I heard that he was so miserable, I couldn't help feeling sympathy secretly. I thought to myself: In fact, his nature is not bad. If he had been educated by talents since he was a child, it would not be like this now, right? well! pitiful.

A girl raised her hand and said, "Master, since Robert has not learned trigger runes, let's go to class normally. Let's not leave the get out of class early, and accompany Robert to review."

A girl next to her secretly pulled her skirt and said in a low voice, "Hey! Are you actually helping that prostitute king?"

The girl who spoke earlier bowed her head and said, "He is really pitiful. I think he was a good person."

No. 32 took out the textbook: "Okay! Since there is a student who can't, I should explain it properly. This is my responsibility as a Master. Well, let's start explaining the 'trigger rune' now."

Lecture begins...

Thirty-two changes: "Blah blah blah blah blah blah... Do you understand?"

Robb listened carefully and quickly understood. Not only did I understand the "trigger rune", but even the basic drawing principles of the magic circle were all understood in this class.

It turns out that the magic circle is usually composed of several parts. The first is a large circle on the outermost periphery, which is marked with the "magic circle's influence range", and then there is a circle in the circle with some key runes painted on it. That is "the effect and power of the magic circle".

Then, in between, there are some lines, and some runes are arranged in a circle at the same time, those are "trigger runes".

Almost all magic circles use conditions such as "the enemy steps on" and "the enemy's magic flies over" as the "trigger condition". Therefore, there must be "trigger runes" on the magic circle, without exception.

There are many types of "trigger runes", such as the "enemy stepping on it" and "the enemy's magic flying over" just mentioned. These belong to different types, and different "trigger runes" need to be drawn.

And these different runes form "conditional judgments", much like the computer programming languages ​​of later generations.

Take the latter artificial intelligence (AI) as an example. In fact, all artificial intelligence is based on "conditional judgment" based on big data. As long as the data is large enough and the "conditional judgment" is accurate enough, artificial intelligence can Make the best response.

However, after listening to a class, Robb immediately discovered that the "conditional judgments" written on the magic circle by the magicians in this world are very simple, and they hardly carry out complex, intersecting, and chained conditions. Judgments, but only the most basic kinds of judgments.

For example, the wind-type acceleration magic circle, its conditional judgment is "if someone steps on it, activate it", while the conditional judgment of a magic circle like "Holy Light Sanctuary" only has the sentence "if an undead-type enemy walks in." , activate" and "anti-space magic enchantment", there is only one "if someone uses space magic within the range, stop".

Such "trigger runes" can be said to be cute and simple!

From the point of view of someone like Robb who has taken a little "computer class" in the computer class at school, his "trigger rune" is simply weak.

He couldn't help raising his hand and said: "Master, this trigger rune feels so simple, why not make some complicated designs that can judge complex conditions?"

"What? What did you say?" No. 32's brain was blocked, although he was a skeleton and had no brains: "What is a composite conditional judgment?"

Robb said: "It is to insert a lot of conditions into a judgment sentence at the same time, and make different responses according to different conditions. Let me give an example, 'When an old, ugly and fat old woman walks away When entering the magic circle, explode', but 'when a young, pretty and slender beauty enters the magic circle, lick her'."

Thirty-two: "..."

The girls in the class: "..."

For a while, the entire class was silent, it was simply a great silence technique.

After a full minute, No. 32 woke up and slammed his fist on the desk angrily. His bone fist hit the table with a crisp sound: "Shut up! Holy magic! Rune, you are not allowed to use it in such a nameless place."

"Cough!" Robb said: "I just gave an inappropriate example, this is not the point, the point is complex conditional judgment, multiple conditional judgments, and thus trigger different functions to achieve what we want, more complex and more accurate results."

"Kouhu! This is absolutely unnecessary." No. 32 said: "Since the birth of the Demon Continent and the magicians began to study the magic circle, the trigger runes have always been like this, and they are perfect enough to do it. Everything, there is no need for this kind of meaningless and meaningless multiple judgments as you said."

Chapter 327 Let me try multiple judgments

As soon as Robb heard this guy speak, he understood, this is a damn old school.

No matter in any world, in any era, in any social environment, there are always some conservatives. They always rely on their old experience to reject new things, thinking that new things are useless and rubbish.

One of the more famous ones is a government called "Qing". They think that bows, arrows, swords and spears are enough to be invincible in the world, and there is no need to play with firearms. Steam engines given to them are locked in warehouses, saying "we don't need this kind of garbage".

Then they became the tears of the times!

Such people exist not only in ancient times, but also in modern times, and there will be in the future.

For example, many people are now saying that online novels are garbage, the writing is all white, and the words of classics are more beautiful. But they don't know that since ancient times, writing has been developing towards oral language, and the process of oral language has never stopped.

Pushing forward a few decades and hundreds of years, the classics in their mouths are all small white books that were despised by scholars and scholars at that time.

Ah, far away! get the point.

When Robb heard the stubborn tone of No. 32, he knew that this guy was helpless, so it's better not to talk nonsense with him. He can completely make his own multiple conditional judgments after returning to West Wind Town. Twelve is a waste of lips.

Robb stopped talking!

No. 32 said: "Okay, this class is too simple. It didn't take much time to finish the lecture. There is still more than an hour until today's school time. You can arrange the later time yourself."

He sat in a chair behind the podium, flipping through a book of dark magic.

The students in the church also started to play their own way, but Robb was not as playful as they were. He wanted to quickly review the "trigger runes" he just learned, and also wanted to try the most basic multi-condition judgment.

However, his character in this world is a poor ghost. He has never had the materials on his body to make magic props on the spot, and he can't draw magic circles. If he wants to practice, he has no props to practice, which is very embarrassing.

He had no choice but to turn to the next tablemate, Marianne Cotton, and said with a smile: "Miss Marianne, I want to study the multiple conditional judgment I just mentioned, but you also know that I am super poor, can you sponsor me Some materials, or, help me draw a magic circle?"

"Oh?" Marianne said with a smile: "Your invention last time made me earn one hundred and fifty gold coins. Of course, earning gold coins is only a small matter. The key is that my Cotton family has been praised by Her Majesty the Queen, so, I I'm happy to help you. I didn't bring so many materials, but it's no problem to draw a magic circle for you."

Marianne is a fire magician, so what she helped Robb draw is of course a flame magic circle, the simplest and most basic, "explosion trap", this magic circle is actually a "flame explosion" Feng Hui was in the magic circle, and when someone stepped on it, it was triggered, and then with a "bang", the enemy was blasted into the sky.

It was still in class at this time, so the magic circle was directly drawn on the corridor between the two rows of desks. The students on both sides bent over to look at it. Of course, everyone recognized it as a basic "flame explosion".

Marianne smiled and said, "I've drawn it, what are you going to do with it? Step on it? Oh, better not! It'll blow up the classroom."

No. 32 also flipped through the dark magic book and said, "Remember to wipe off the magic circle later, don't really blow up the classroom."

Robb smiled and said, "I just want to change the trigger rune."

He squatted beside the magic circle and carefully looked at the trigger runes on it. Before, he couldn't understand the magic circle at all, but after today's class, he already understood a lot, and soon he found the trigger rune in the circle. A string is a long string of symbols. These symbols are similar to "programming languages", and each symbol represents a meaning.

The connection is "when, people, step on me, then, start"!

If you understand it as a programming language, it is really very simple to understand. Robb pointed to the two runes of "Someone, step on me" in this channeling condition: "Here is the key condition."

"Yes!" Marianne nodded: "This is the key to triggering."

Robb picked up the pen, dipped it in "Magic Essence Ink", and next to the position of "people", he squeezed and drew a rune representing "people", and said with a smile: "Now, does it become 'When, everyone, step on me, then, start'."

Marianne thought about it for a while: "Huh? It seems so! If you draw it like this, it means that at least two people must stand on it before it will be triggered."

Robb said with a smile: "In this way, one enemy can't trigger it, it takes two enemies to trigger it. If I draw a lot of 'people' symbols here, then it needs to stand on a large group of people to trigger, Then we can prevent the enemy scouts from triggering it, and it can be used to blow up the main enemy force."

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