"If it's true, I'll do it."

"Me too!"

"Isn't it just exerting strength? I have the most strength."

A large group of people gathered around, Uncle Jonny didn't talk nonsense, took out a lot of copper coins, put them in the hands of Captain Elsie, and said loudly: "This general, do you always believe it?"

Elsie's face was holy and kind, and she played the trick of being abducted as a bishop: "Villagers, don't worry, I will stand up and give you a guarantee, the money will be placed with me, after you work Come to me to lead it, and you won't be afraid of being deceived by people who don't know the details."

Elsie's smile had a religious deceptive effect, instantly making more than 200 villagers obedient, men and women, young and old, going into battle together to help the mine with the work.

And of course, Robb doesn't need to worry about these things. He is just a rule maker. Once he teaches the villagers the thoughts, concepts, rules, and operating procedures of the modern era, he will no longer do stupid things.

At this time, he was accompanying Lilian as he slowly walked towards the church behind the village.

There is a dilapidated church there. It was originally the Church of Light. During the Army of the Dead incident, it was changed to the Church of Darkness. After all the residents of the original stone canyon were evacuated, it was no longer the Church of Light, nor was it any more. The dark church, it's just a run-down house.

There is no special feeling given to it by human beings, it is just a pile of stones, wood, glass, etc., and does not represent any meaning.

Lillian drilled into the cemetery behind the church, stood in front of an unnamed tomb, placed a few wild flowers picked in advance in front of the tomb, and then quietly mourned towards the tomb.

Robb understood immediately that her parents were buried here.

It's not popular for Westerners to kowtow to a grave or something, so Lillian just stood quietly for a while before she turned around and said, "Sorry, master, for bringing you to such a place."

"There's nothing to be sorry about." Robb smiled: "Even if you don't bring me, I have to come once."

Every time Robb goes to a new city, he has to go around the cemetery to light up the "Teleportation Point". This is the game setting of "Dark Blade".

Lillian didn't know that he was telling the truth, and thought that Robb was just saying it on purpose so that she wouldn't care, so she couldn't help showing a smile: "Master is so kind to me."

Robb asked, "Do you have any special thoughts about going back to this place? Or something special you want to do?"

Lillian looked left, right, front, back, and looked around at the surrounding buildings, cliffs, and trees, and then withdrew her eyes and whispered, "I've been away from here for a year, I'm used to seeing the bustling things. Xifeng Town, when I came back here, I found out that this place is really a poor and backward place. If I want to say what I hope most now, it is... I hope this place can become rich and become as rich as Xifeng Town. "

Robb smiled and said, "Even if the residents here are no longer the same group as before, do you still think so?"

"Well!" Lilian nodded: "This is my hometown after all, and I hope it is rich here."

Robb gave her a thumbs up: "That's good! In the future, we will often go back and forth between here and West Wind Town, and build this place into a prosperous canyon city with our own hands."

"Hey? How can my stupid wish bother the master?"

"Fool, this is my territory!" Robb laughed: "It is my responsibility to make this place rich."

PS: The chapter posted yesterday has 8,000 people subscribed today. This shows that even if there are no complaints or comments, there are still 8,000 people who are supporting the father-in-law and love you! As long as you don't give up on me, I won't be alone.

Chapter 450 The Oil Caravan of the Desert Kingdom

Workers and soldiers stayed in the rough rock canyon, desperately engaged in construction and security.

And Robb accompanied Lillian in a big circle, and after the nobles who came to travel also circled in this dilapidated canyon, everyone was ready to return to West Wind Town.

A group of people returned to the train and sat down gracefully, the nobles held their tea cups again, and the train driver was planning to restart the train.

At this moment, Elsie's big tank suddenly moved, the barrel swiveled and aimed in the direction of the north of the canyon, and the soldiers around him suddenly became vigilant.

Someone shouted: "There are people from the north, there are a lot of people, it's a big team!"

"Send a few people over to take a look!"

"I used reconnaissance to see, ah, it's not an enemy, it's a caravan."

"It's a caravan from the desert kingdom, from the Madara family."

When he heard this, Robb was happy, but he was in the shape of Robert Smith now, and it was inconvenient to go out to talk, so he had to wink at the Baron Nuonen next to him, the latter understood, and swiped from the train He jumped down and said loudly, "The military affairs are handled by Captain Elsie, but for the commercial affairs, I will do my part. This caravan will be greeted by me."

After speaking, he turned around and beckoned to the train: "Conte, Robert, come with you and learn to do business."

Robb knew that he was actually going to ask himself to secretly host with the past, but he was afraid that doing so would attract people's attention and expose Robb's identity, so he also called Conte the second guy. Everyone knows that this guy Conte has muscles in his skull, and he has no brains at all.

Robb gave Conte a grin, and the two jumped off the train and followed Baron Nolen.

Soon, the caravan of the desert kingdom came to the front. This caravan had a clear desert style. All the goods were big camels, and the merchants all covered their heads and faces in turbans, so they couldn't see their faces. It can be seen from the family crests embroidered on their clothes that they belong to the Madara family.

The group didn't expect there were so many people in the rough rock canyon, and even a strange car, which wasn't the case the last time they came.

The merchants were taken aback, but they recognized Baron Noren and Captain Elsie immediately. After all, after transporting oil to Westwind Town a few times, it was difficult not to recognize these two. A middle-aged man with a shawl and a face covered jumped off the camel and bowed to Captain Elsie and Baron Noron: "You two adults! We are a team from the desert kingdom to deliver oil to Xifeng Town. "

Robb didn't need to speak, Baron Noren asked with a smile, "How much oil did you ship this time?"

"198 barrels shipped this time!"

"Huh? What is this strange number? What the hell is 198 barrels? Why not 200 barrels? And the amount is too small." Baron Noren also knows that oil is the life of a big train. If there is no oil, Godfather Diesel and gasoline cannot be rubbed out by hand, without which both diesel and gasoline engines would be doomed, leaving only the cumbersome and difficult-to-use steam engine.

Now the steam engine is still in Elsie's tank, because Godfather doesn't like to see that kind of machine. He also said that the steam engine is the tears of the times, which is very harmful to the environment. If possible, try not to use that thing.

The businessman from the desert said embarrassedly: "Uh, you know, oil is very inconvenient to transport, and all the way is to climb mountains and waters, so we only transported 200 barrels this time, and we didn't expect to encounter black and white again. There are monsters running rampant in the Pine Mountains... In fact, we were attacked by monsters on the road two days ago. Two barrels of kerosene were ignited and burned by torches thrown by the monsters. Fortunately, we kicked the burning oil barrels away in time. No other barrels were detonated, or it was all over."

"Did the monsters become so rampant?" Robb frowned. Monsters can wave, but they can't cut off their oil supply line. Do you know that you are going to be beaten for such waves?

He was thinking of this when he heard Elsie loudly say: "Did he get attacked on the way from Crystal Canyon to here? Damn monster, I'm tired of living, even Godfather dares to destroy oil, brothers, stay behind. 200 people are here to guard the rough rock canyon, others will follow me, and we will fight those monsters."

Elsie rushed out angrily and led three hundred soldiers...

The businessman from the desert glanced at the distant troops, and felt a lot more stable. If Elsie could clean up the monsters, he would be much safer on his way home.

He said to Baron Nolen: "Mr. Baron Noron, what are you doing in the rough rock canyon? And this huge iron car next to it... This is it again?"

Baron Noren smiled without saying a word, with an inscrutable expression on his face.

It wasn't until Robb glared at him that he put down the aristocratic shelf and said to the desert merchant: "Well, it's really hard for you to transport oil, this stuff is much more difficult to transport than ordinary goods, but don't worry, next The journey will be much easier, you can walk at least 150 miles less."

Oil merchant Daqi: "???"

Baron Noren smiled and said, "Put your oil onto this big train, just right, the last few carriages are empty."

When those few carriages arrived, they were transporting the materials needed to build the small track in the mine. After moving down, the carriages were already empty. Now, the oil is being moved up barrel by barrel. With 198 barrels of oil, a few The carriage was full.

Baron Noren said to the desert merchant: "Leave your camel and caravan in the rough rock canyon to rest. You can bring two followers and follow us to get on the car and go to West Wind Town to meet Madara."

"Hey, hey?" The desert merchant became more and more confused. He didn't understand what happened until Baron Noren pulled him onto the big train and pressed it on a chair, and then the train started and drove out of the rough rock canyon again and again. what. He couldn't help shouting in surprise: "Oh, this big car is amazing."

Baron Noren laughed: "This is the great invention of Godfather in West Wind Town. Of course, it is amazing. When have you seen Godfather come up with something that is not very powerful?"

The desert merchants were shocked by this great invention, but Marianne, who was sitting in the car, was thinking to herself: This big train is really powerful. For large trucks, if the caravans agree on a time and calculate every time the train picks up the goods back and forth, so that it will not run empty, it can facilitate the purchase and delivery at the same time. I feel that this way, the pricing of many products, To be recalculated.

After all, the transportation cost is a cost that cannot be underestimated, and after using this big train, the transportation cost is much smaller. After the goods are transported over long distances, the growth may not increase much, which can easily kill the competitors.

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