Elsie said: "The officer will definitely stop them before they enter the desert kingdom."

At the same time, in the western mountain range, a troop was rushing across the mountains and forests towards the desert kingdom in the north at a fast speed.

This unit is the special operations unit sent by the Noma Kingdom to the holy city of West Wind to capture steam engine technology.

There were fifty people in the team, one of them was captured by mistake, and now he died in the holy city of West Wind, so there were forty-nine people left, nine of them were assassins who were very skilled in stealth and stealth, and the other forty It is a pure combat system. Knights, paladins, warriors, mages, priests, everything is available.

When this team was organized, it was organized with the strength "enough to fight against heroes". When the famous Godafather, has the power to fight.

The Kingdom of Noma is still very confident in its special team.

Because the most ferocious monster in the world, the black dragon Avisos, and the demon city, the home of the demon clan, are all located in the Jinghong Mountain Range, which is also within the territory of the Noma Kingdom.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the people of the Norma Kingdom have a wealth of experience in "fighting against powerful monsters".

The best adventurers in the world always come from the Noma Kingdom, and since the history of the Fengmo Continent was recorded, the Noma Kingdom has produced the most heroes, and there are only so many heroes in the Gran Kingdom and the Desert Kingdom. There are only a few.

In the thousands of years of history of the Noma Kingdom in the Fengmo Continent, there have been many heroes and figures, which can be said to be innumerable.

Of course, the Rabbit Country in the East is too mysterious and has little communication with the West, so it is not listed for statistics.

The fifty-member team of the Noma Kingdom, apart from the ten assassins responsible for stealing things and kidnapping artisans, the other forty-member team is so powerful that they even dared to swipe Castlevania!

At this time, the team of forty people, with nine assassins and two artisans who were tied up, was heading north at high speed.

The first person, wearing a magnificent full-body armor, looks majestic and mighty, with a proud and confident expression.

Beside him, a man wearing a priest's clothes whispered: "Captain, as long as we go north out of this mountain range, we will go out of the border of the Kingdom of Gran, and the army of the Desert Kingdom has promised to protect us. The soldiers can only go back obediently."

"Well, of course I know what you said." The person known as the leader turned his head and snorted coldly: "The people above really like to instigate people, and they let such a powerful team like us steal a Escort them home. According to me, with the combat power of our team, there is no need to be so careful. West Wind City doesn’t even have a wall, and its defenses are sparse and full of loopholes. As long as we find a time when no one is paying attention, we can attack the church. Wouldn't it be enough to kill that guy named Godafather before the army in West Wind City reacts?"

PS: The word "God's father" is too embarrassing, and it has been complained by book friends. I found that Godafather will not be screened, so let's use this.

Chapter 649 Heiwa of the Desert Kingdom

My daughter did a math problem today, 42+26!

Smart friends must have discovered it, and I have found a reason to add updates. Let me tell you, it is really a tragedy in life that I want to add updates but can’t find a reason to add updates. Therefore, once I find the reason, I will hurry catch.

The man in the priest's clothes couldn't laugh or cry, and said in a low voice: "Commander, you are a little arrogant for thinking like this. That guy named Godafather once defeated the army of the desert kingdom by himself..."

The group leader snorted coldly and said, "It's just fake news!"

"This is really not fake news." The man in the priest's clothes whispered: "Our spies have repeatedly confirmed that the news is absolutely true, that is, in this battle, the desert kingdom's new magic item 'Thunder God's Roar' fell In the hands of the Gran Kingdom, the main gun on the Gran Kingdom's new battleship a few days ago is the Desert Kingdom's 'Thunder God's Roar'."

The head of the team is still a bit unimpressed by this news. The team of forty people he leads is really strong. He once fought against an extremely powerful glacier monster in the Jinghong Mountains, and he also once defeated Huo Nuoma The great demon of the kingdom, and fought against the bone dragon of the dark church.

To put it bluntly, apart from the black dragon Avisos, what were they afraid of? Could it be that the guy who calls himself Godafather is stronger than the black dragon Avisos?

The head of the group snorted coldly: "It's not that he is so strong, it's just that those black babies in the desert kingdom are too incompetent. If we encounter him, we will brush him as a monster."

The man in the priest's clothes was embarrassed and thought: Forget it, let's not persuade him. Anyway, although this guy is arrogant, he still has skills, and he is not the kind of fool who has no skills and is simply arrogant. Since he is so confident, it is also a good thing, it is better than a person who is trembling with fear when facing a strong enemy.

However, you call the people of the Desert Kingdom Hei Wa? Wouldn't it be embarrassing if their people heard about it, became angry, stopped forming an alliance with us, and even cut off our way back home? Fortunately, no one in the desert kingdom heard it.

As soon as he thought of this, he heard a cold snort from behind a big tree next to him: "Heiwa? This adjective is very fresh!"

Then, a dark-skinned middle-aged man came out from behind the tree.

This was Robb who had just accepted the leader of the assassins.

The man in the priest's clothes thought: It's over, and the people of the desert kingdom heard it. But fortunately, this person is now from West Wind City, not from the Desert Kingdom, so it won't cause us to have a stalemate with the Desert Kingdom.

The leader of the assassins pointed at the two dwarf craftsmen who were tied up in a row: "Bring them back, my holy city, Westwind, may be able to treat you leniently."

"Hmph!" The head of the group snorted coldly: "Hei Wa, you have a big tone! I also advise you, just get out of here. My Norma Kingdom can also be lenient to the stupid things you did before."

"So there's nothing to talk about?" The assassin leader pulled out his dagger.

On this side, the regiment leader waved his hand, and the dozens of regiment members under him also drew their weapons, while the nine assassins who were not in their formation retreated to the side, dragging two dwarf craftsmen.

The two dwarf craftsmen couldn't help being overjoyed when they saw the rescuers coming, but they didn't yell nonsense like "help me" or "help me", because they also knew that the pursuers came to save themselves Yep, yelling and yelling are superfluous, but it upsets the rescue team.

The assassin leader looked at the elite troops in front of him, feeling a little guilty.

He could tell that the combat power of this troop was extraordinary. It was not an ordinary miscellaneous troop, but an extremely powerful elite troop, and each member had a strong combat power.

He can't fight these people alone.

In fact, he really chased him alone, because the chasing troops are now all scattered in the mountains and forests to search like a carpet, and everyone is scattered widely. With his rich experience, he found some traces, and then he was the first to find these people, but if he really wanted to fight, he couldn't do it alone.

The assassin leader touched the scroll of the portal in his arms and thought: I can smash the scroll of the portal and ask Godafather to come and help, then I can definitely save people easily, but if I do this, it feels a bit too much. too dependent on him. As his subordinate, you should try your best to share his worries, settle the matter and tell him the result, that's the way to be a subordinate.

If you can't handle everything by yourself, and call your father whenever you encounter an enemy, you will only be looked down upon by your father.

Thinking of this, he didn't intend to release the teleportation gate ring shaft. Of course, he didn't intend to fight recklessly. He put on a very fierce expression, as if he was about to pounce on him at any time, but he suddenly jumped back , "Swipe", disappeared without a trace.

"Huh? Stealth?" The leader on the opposite side was stunned: "It looked like we were going to fight to the death with us, but suddenly jumped back, left the battle circle, and then sneaked? What kind of operation is this?"

The man in the priest's clothes said: "Assassin's routine operation. These days, there are very few assassins who jump into the enemy's army to open Wushuang. It's really a decline in the world, and people's hearts are not old."

The team leader also nodded: "Yes, the current assassins are really not as good as the previous ones."

"Flare, the eye of true sight!" The leader shouted.

Four rangers from his group of elite men immediately came out and threw a few "flares" into the nearby forest. Although the name of this thing is "flares", it is not actually a shell bomb or a flash bomb. It is a modern weapon, but a skill of hunters and rangers. What is thrown is a magic light ball, which will illuminate a distance of dozens of yards nearby, and illuminate all sneaking enemies.

However, these flares were thrown at the place where the assassin leader disappeared just now, but they didn't show him.

Several mages in the team opened the Eye of True Sight. With this magic, they could see the sneaking enemies, but they didn't see anything.

The rangers and priests said to the leader: "Head, that Heiwa assassin ran away after sneaking just now, and didn't intend to attack us."

The head of the group snorted: "You lowly person!"

The man in priest's clothes leaned over: "Commander, although he dare not attack us, since he has found us, he will definitely follow us from a distance, and at the same time mobilize the pursuers to surround us, we have to hurry up."

"Well, hurry up and go."

The head of the regiment ordered: "Ranger, hunter, turn on the reconnaissance at any time, and keep a grasp of the situation within a few thousand yards around. Mage, maintain the eye of true sight, and don't allow people to sneak close at will. Warrior knight, push to the periphery, don't let The back row occupation was easily touched by the assassin. The priest is ready for quick healing..."

He commanded quite well, the team of forty people was like an arm command. And the nine extra assassins pushed two dwarf craftsmen behind them.

Chapter 650 Leaders hate incompetent subordinates the most

The assassin leader didn't follow them tightly, because it was too easy to be found.

Anyway, with such a large group of people, it is impossible to disappear in an instant. The assassin leader only needs to stare at them from a distance.

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