After the Full Level of the Profession

After reaching the full level of all professions Chapter 525

Turning around, the black cloak rotated as she turned, as if a black flower bloomed. She loudly said to the ministers around her: "Dig the thorium ore vigorously, and let the craftsmen accompanying the army make large quantities of thorium. If the silver bomb is not enough, the Manticore troops will return to the City of Light immediately and bring in more craftsmen."

The queen continued: "As of now, our army is sure of victory. From the 10th to the 20th, you will lead an army of undead to move north of Mundra's lair and control the northern area of ​​the city. From the 20th to On the 30th, you will lead an army of undead to control the southern area of ​​the city. I will personally lead the main army to suppress outside the west city, leaving the east to Mundra..."

Conte poked his head out of the Storm Knights and asked weakly: "Why should we leave the west side alone? Isn't it good to surround them all and beat them to death?"

All the generals laughed: "Go away, you new recruit knows nothing."

"Hey!" Counter shouted: "My opinion is correct, there is something wrong with your fighting style. Surrounding the enemy and annihilating them all is the right way. Why do you want to leave a way for the enemy to escape? With your tactics like this It’s definitely wrong, and you can’t stick to wrong tactics just because I’m a new recruit.”

The queen glanced at him and said, "Where did this guy come from? What nonsense are you talking about?"

Barry said awkwardly: "He is from West Wind City. Baron Nolen's personal...ahem...nephew. He has just joined the army and doesn't know how to fight. I will take care of him."

When the queen heard the words "Xifeng City", she was stunned and sighed: "Forget it, there is no need to blame him. That ghost man in Xifeng City is indeed qualified to surround the enemy and beat him to death at will. It's just because we are not strong enough. It will just leak out a way."

Chapter 733 This battle is not so easy to end

A huge battle officially began after the arrival of the Queen.

The first to start the fight was the Northern Route Army!

A reinforcement army came from the Tower of Fire to reinforce the City of Saints. As a result, they fought with the undead army ten miles north of the city. The Knights of Fire who were stationed in the City of Saints also fought their way out from the north city gate and fought with them. The reinforcements outside were attacking from both sides, desperately trying to eliminate the Northern Route Army.

Ordinary armies will often panic and lose morale when they are attacked from two sides, but the undead army is guarding outside the North City. The undead army will never have its morale wavered. For them, a two-sided attack is the same as a one-sided attack. Fighting makes no difference.

They fought with all their might against the Fire Knights! Of course, they won't die either.

The Fire Knights attacked two or three times, but failed to break through the blockade of the Undead Army. They quickly called the Temple Knights to help, because sacred magic can only defeat the undead.

However, when the Archbishop led the Temple Knights to fight out, Madeleine also led the Black Earth Knights to reinforce them. The members of the Black Earth Knights are all humans, so they are not afraid of any sacred magic.

The two sides fought fiercely for four days about twenty miles away from the city. In the end, the Mundra army was forced back to the city.

Two days later, Mondella was unwilling to be trapped in the city, and sent the Ice Knights to open the south gate for a raid. The two sides had another fierce battle in the mountain forest twenty miles south of the city. The Werewolf Legion and the Leopard Man Legion fought fiercely. After a jungle ambush, the main force of the Ice Knights collided with the undead army.

Suddenly, a large area was filled with skeleton soldiers frozen into popsicles, which was a strange sight.

Then reinforcements from the Storm Knights arrived and joined forces with the undead army and the Leopard Man Army to finally repel the Ice Knights. Then, each person took a hammer and chisel and chipped away the ice on the skeleton soldiers, and the skeleton soldiers were alive and kicking again. .

Mondella did not take any advantage in his two attacks, and could not even effectively reduce the number of the undead army. He couldn't help but feel irritated. If one of his men died, one of his men would be missing, but the undead army would not die. The skeleton soldiers were beaten to pieces. It can also come back to life, giving him a huge headache.

Although the Knights of the Temple can purify the undead, the Knights of the Temple have no time to play purification, and they are pushed back by the opponent's superior force.

If they cannot completely gain the upper hand in a battle, it is impossible for them to purify these undead troops.

Then, the main force led by the queen suppressed the west city gate frontally.

The composition of the main force is extremely complex, including an undead army led by the queen and the necromancers, a palace magic group, Madeleine's Black Earth Knights, Barry's Storm Knights, as well as bearmen, A demihuman legion composed of cat people, tiger people, leopard people, etc.

The army did not attack the city immediately, but advanced slowly. First, they had to build some simple and basic defenses under the city, such as setting up a very simple camp in front of the formation, building wooden shelves, building high platforms, and using wood to build an attack. City towers, making trebuchets and other messy things.

Of course, the people in the city would not allow the enemy to build fortifications under their city walls so easily.

Mundra was not an idiot. He knew that the defenders had to put pressure on the siege forces. From time to time, he would open the city gates and send out a group of knights to charge, preventing Siglan's army from approaching his city.

Both sides come and go,

In short, both sides fought this war with extreme caution, because no one could afford to lose.

Robb did not follow the front line of the battle. These days, he has been supervising the magic item making experts to make thorium bombs. The craftsmen in the army are working hard, constantly processing thorium ore as quickly as possible. Thorium ingots are then made into bombs, and then given to the magicians, who fill them with the most powerful explosives they can unleash.

The craftsmen in West Wind City are also stepping up their efforts to make mortars, and cylinders are being manufactured one after another.

When there were not many of them, Miss Queen did not intend to expose them. Instead, she planned to accumulate a lot of them and bomb them wildly during the final battle to catch Mondella by surprise. Robb thought this idea was very reliable, so he didn't raise any objections and just quietly did his job.

While Mondella and the Queen were fighting in the city of the Saint, a group of bunny people were walking in the vast mountains.

This mountain is the boundary mountain that separates the Desert Kingdom and the Grand Kingdom. There is a rugged and difficult path in the mountain, which has been walked out by countless rabbits and people with the sweat of their lives. Its name is called the Ancient Tea Horse Road.

The leader of this group of rabbit people is none other than Shang Yang!

He led his own caravan, carrying a large amount of Western goods purchased in Xifeng City, and trudged on the Tea Horse Road. He planned to transport these goods back to Dongtu Datang, make a lot of money, and then return from Dongtu Datang. Ship a large amount of tea, silk, and ceramics, and make a lot of money.

Hard-working rabbit people will risk their lives in making money.

Shang Yang was walking on a steep cliff. This cliff is the highest cliff on Jie Mountain. It has an excellent view. Looking to the left, one can see the desert stretching to the horizon. Looking to the right, it is a green forest. It is magical. The boundary mountain seems to separate the two worlds.

He took out the map, looked at it, and said to another rabbit next to him: "We are going to Gem Canyon soon. We have a close relationship with Sigland, so we don't want to enter Gem Canyon. We can take the path around the cliff. Let’s get through it…”

Gem Canyon is an important pass between Eastland and the Desert Kingdom, just as important as Westland's Crystal Canyon.

Image: "Map around Gem Canyon", location: "Images/1559379804-100089784-103232824.jpg"

While talking, the caravan turned a corner, and under the cliff ahead, the Gemstone Canyon could be seen in the distance.

The rabbit man walking at the front suddenly made a "shh" gesture, and then pointed to the canyon below.

Shang Yang was so surprised that he quickly signaled everyone to be silent. Then, he quietly walked to the edge of the canyon and looked down.

I didn’t know it until I saw it, but I was shocked when I saw it…

There is a large army below, silently passing through the Gemstone Canyon. The number of this army is probably more than 5,000, and the army is powerful. The front army is still passing through the canyon, while the rear army is dragged far into the desert. The army carried the flags of the Kingdom of Noma and the Holy See of Light. A large number of people wearing the attire of bishops and priests can be seen in the team, and some even wear clothes of higher rank.

A rabbit man came close to Shang Yang and whispered: "Master, this is the army of the Noma Kingdom and the Holy See of Light. They... are actually entering Eastland."

Chapter 734 The siege begins

It’s another holy Monday, so without further ado, let’s go for it!

Shang Yang whispered: "These damn guys, they are all hooked together. You see there is a group of Mamluks in the desert in the distance. It is obvious that these Mamluks led the army of the Noma Kingdom through In the desert, East Grand opened the border and let them in. This is to officially join forces to deal with West Grand. The war that took place under the capital of the saints may not end so easily."

The so-called country is about to perish, and evildoers are everywhere.

Shang Yang shook his head and sighed: "Donglan is completely shameless. In the civil war in Glen, he actually opened the border to attract the troops of the Noma Kingdom. Even if he wins this battle in the end, he will become a puppet of the Noma Kingdom. Bar."

The rabbits next to them shook their heads together. They really didn't know what to say about this kind of thing.

However, countless similar things like this have happened in the history of Dongtu and Tang Dynasty. They are actually not surprised and have nothing to complain about.

A rabbit whispered: "Master, do we need to send someone to inform Mr. Godfather?"

"It's not necessary!" Shang Yang said: "Mr. Godfather has been blessed by heaven and earth and has entered the realm of transcendence and sainthood. No matter how many conspiracies and tricks these mortals play, it will be in vain in front of Mr. Godfather. We only need to do our best. That's enough. Mr. Godfather said that if we want to eat donkeys and roll around, we should go back to the Central Plains as soon as possible to find a pastry chef who can make donkeys and roll them over. This is the best way to repay him for saving his life. We can't go back to the war and report the news. We are in charge, but you must remember what Mr. Godfather said, who does what, and don’t mess around with other work, so that you can achieve the highest efficiency."

The rabbits learned humbly, then ignored the army passing through the canyon and continued on their Tea Horse Road, heading towards the ancient east.

The capital of saints, below the city!

The day of the final battle has finally arrived...

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