After the Full Level of the Profession

After reaching the full level of all professions Chapter 619

The three people suddenly jumped into the nearby portal.

Xue Lu fully thought that if she jumped over, she would see Robb waiting for them with a smile. Little did she know that as soon as she jumped over the portal, she saw a scene of two armies confronting each other.

On his side were the troops from West Wind City and the Desert Kingdom army led by Modara. On the opposite side were a large number of Desert Kingdom troops, and there was also the Nantian Knights of the Noma Kingdom who had just arrived.

Anyway, the West Wind warriors have blatantly intervened in the civil war of the Desert Kingdom, and the Noma Kingdom no longer provides covert rear support, but directly transferred the Nantian Knights located in Zhennan Gubao.

A Noma man was laughing in front of the battle: "You scumbag soldiers in West Wind City, as long as that man is not here, you are useless."

Baron Nolen stood in front of the formation, with a gentlemanly demeanor: "Sir, good evening! Although your Excellency seems arrogant now, soon I will hang you on the five-speed ceiling fan to let you fully understand the west wind. It tastes like a torture instrument specially designed for the city. If this offends me, I have no choice but to forgive you."

The Noma man froze: "Who is this? I mean, who is leading this army of yours? One moment, Madara stood at the front, the next moment, Elsie ran out, and the next moment, another inexplicable guy came out? Aren’t you going to direct chaos like this?”

"Of course not." Modola, Elsie, and Baron Nolen laughed together: "To deal with a scum like you, there is no need for command, and what about chaos?"

As soon as the three of them said this, Xuelu came out from the side: "What's going on here? Godafather obviously picked me up to clear the Demon King's City, why did I come here? Can someone explain to me?"

Everyone: "..."

The Noma people on the opposite side laughed loudly: "You still have such idiots over there? You have come to the battlefield and you still don't know what happened? Go to hell... King Sand, come and deal with these guys."

As soon as the Noma man's voice fell, a sand dune moved quickly from far to near.

The West Wind warriors knew at a glance that it was the big scorpion from last time, and couldn't help but become nervous.

Snow, Golda, and Kike are adventurers and have the deepest understanding of monsters. When the three of them saw this scene, they also shouted: "There is a big monster coming from the ground. Find a way quickly."

Baron Nolen snorted: "Don't panic! We have already prepared."

Chapter 861 They are fine

The sand dune saw the elven druids who had just arrived from West Wind City for reinforcements at the feet of the West Wind warriors. At the same time, they pointed to the ground and saw "roots growing thickly". Many tree roots immediately sprouted densely in the sand. Spreading crazily underground.

The Sand King was coming from the ground at this time, and he was having fun digging the sand. Suddenly he felt countless tree roots appearing in the surrounding sand, and they were not ordinary branches that would break upon impact, but were condensed by magic. Tree roots, it took a lot of effort every time it broke a root. After breaking hundreds of roots in a row, it actually felt a little weak.

Then, more roots surrounded it, making it feel like a large network of dense tree roots.

The Sand King was startled and quickly wanted to dig upwards, get out of the ground, and then find a place to burrow again.

But a group of human mages on the ground were already ready, and they pointed at the ground at the same time: "Spring Technique".

Magic spring water rushed to the ground, and instantly penetrated into the sand, spreading underground. The sand wetted by the water was obviously much stronger than the dry sand, and the Sand King was unable to break out of the ground.

Then, another group of mages stood up and faced the ground: "Freezing Technique!"

The cold breath swept over the ground, and the ground quickly froze at a speed visible to the naked eye. As soon as the Sand King's two large pincers and head emerged from the ground, the ground was completely frozen, and its huge body and tail were all frozen. Underground.

The sand king was now panicked! It shook its head desperately and shook its two large pliers, trying to get out of the ice, but it was of no use. It suddenly remembered that it had earthquake skills. Maybe it could use earthquakes to crack the frozen ground. As soon as you can run out, start casting spells. But it suddenly discovered that in order to release this seismic wave, it needed to wag its tail first, but its tail was now frozen and could not wag at all.

"Go! Kill it."

Baron Nolen was the first to throw out a wind blade technique, and the mages next to him were also firing on all cylinders.

At this time, Xuelu finally figured out what was going on and laughed: "Fighting monsters with the army is also very interesting, hahaha! The army's tactics are really powerful. Such a powerful monster was controlled by the army in an instant. Come on, if we fight, I really don’t know what to do. Golda, Kick, let’s go too.”

Golda shrugged: "No chance to take action!"

I saw a bunch of fireballs, ice arrows, wind blades, and falling rocks, all hitting the Sand King's head. The unable to move Sand King had no room to dodge. He was hit all of a sudden and cried. He waved his two hands randomly. The big pliers hung down weakly.

In the picture of magic flying around, a Counter was actually added. He rushed forward and shouted: "Eat my Chenguang family's secret skill - whirlwind!"

Baron Nolen was overjoyed when he saw this scene: "Haha, look at my nephew, how brave he is."

Xue Luqi next to him said: "He is shouting to use the whirlwind technique, but why is he charging forward? The whirlwind technique should be a long-range magic, right?"

Baron Nolen: "Huh?" A bad feeling immediately arose in his heart.

I saw Conte rush in front of the scorpion, kick him hard on the front of the scorpion, and wanted to wait for the scorpion to turn around and then slash it on the back with his sword. However, the scorpion was frozen to the ground and could not move at all. , his kick is of no use...

Besides, even if such a big scorpion is not frozen, it is impossible to make it turn around with Conte's strength.

Counter: "Oops, my whirlwind technique can't make it spin."

Baron Nolen's gentlemanly demeanor suddenly disappeared, and he said angrily: "Fake! The whirlwind technique inherited from my Chenguang family is not like this."

Everyone: "Baron Nolen, is this the first time you have seen Conte use the whirlwind technique with your own eyes? My condolences, my condolences."

Baron Nolen fell to the ground with a thud, bending forward in frustration.

In the blink of an eye, the Sand King was taken care of by West Wind City. The Noma people and the Desert Kingdom rebels behind them did not even have time to react or even provide support. Everyone was stunned for a while, until the Sand King's The bodies were so hard that they woke up.

The leader of the Nantian Knights roared angrily: "Without the help of the Sand King, I, the Nantian Knights, will still defeat you trash, knights! Charge! Charge!"

The rebel Mamluks and scimitar warriors also rushed forward together.

The two leading generals on this side, Madara and Elsie, also waved their scimitars and scepters forward: "Attack! Clean up this group of rubbish. While Godafather is away, we cannot be underestimated. ”

The two sides rushed toward the center from two directions, intertwined in an instant.

Golda said to the excited Xue Lu: "Let's go back. This is not a place for adventurers like us. We are only good at fighting in small teams. We don't even know how to intervene in this kind of war."

Xue Lu said: "It wouldn't be a bad idea to just throw a few fireballs forward."

Golda: "Stop, you'll hit one of your own."

The two of them, Kike, stepped forward, pulled Xuelu back, and got into the portal behind the formation. They returned to West Wind City again. They looked around and found a new portal. , quickly got into this portal, and this time, it was finally right.

I saw Robb standing in front of the portal, looking at them with a smile: "Why are you coming so slowly? I thought I would see Snow Dew rushing out as soon as I opened the door, but it took me a long time for the three of you to come."

Snow laughed loudly, jumped over and hung Robb's neck: "My dear, we entered the wrong portal and ran to Elsie."

"Oh? Elsie's side also happened to have a portal opened." Robb asked with a smile, "How's the situation over there?"

Golda stepped forward and recounted the battle just now, and said with a smile: "It went well over there. When we passed by, we happened to see them taking care of the enemy's huge monsters. Our side will definitely win the next battle. "

Robb nodded after hearing this: "It seems that I have nothing to worry about there."

In the past, when he only controlled one West Wind City, Robb was able to cover everything. Now his business in West Wind City has grown, including the Grand Kingdom, the New World, and the Desert Kingdom... The world is so big, and Robb can't cover everything. , in the future it is time to let go and let the subordinates handle some things on their own.

After so many years of development, West Wind City is now capable of fighting tough battles without Robb, so there is nothing to worry about.

Robb smiled and said to the trio of adventurers: "Okay, then let's go to the Demon King's City with peace of mind. Don't tell me that you don't know where the Demon King's City is."

Chapter 862 Robb’s Team of Five

"No one knows the specific location of Demon King's City."

As soon as she heard about the Demon King's City, Xue Lu's eyes shone. She took out a general map of the Jinghong Mountains from her pocket. This was a "large area map" and Robb could not look for minerals on it. But he can't rush to find the ore now. If he doesn't solve the problem of monsters, he won't be able to find the ore with peace of mind.

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