After the Full Level of the Profession

After reaching the full level of all professions Chapter 621

Robb: "Oh? Your parents were killed by the Demon King? Do you want revenge?"

Golda shook her head: "You are overthinking. Xuelu is an orphan, but she has no such vulgar reason as revenge for her parents. What is her real reason..."

At this point, Golda couldn't help but become happy: "This starts from when we were young."

Robb was very interested: "Come on, come on, speak slowly."

"When I was young, Xuelu, Kike and I were all children in an orphanage." Golda said with a smile: "You know, there must be more than just us in the orphanage, there are many, many others. child."

Robb nodded: "That's inevitable!"

Golda said: "The orphanage was funded by a nobleman. His real purpose in running this orphanage was not to save us orphans, but to train us into his private soldiers. Therefore, he spent a lot of money on it. We spent a lot of money to hire people to teach us combat skills and magic, and that’s how the three of us learned our skills.”

Having said this, Golda was silent for a while, as if reminiscing about the past, and then continued: "You must have noticed that the three of us are scumbags who are not good at school. Among the many children in the orphanage, we The three are considered the most useless, the most useless, and the most rubbish. They are often bullied by a group of children with excellent grades. There is a girl who is a fire magician like Xuelu. She is very good at learning fire magic. She often bullies Xue Lu who has poor grades..."

Robb almost burst out with a "pop" sound: "I smell the plot of the college pretending to be slapped in the face. Could it be that Xuelu made a bet with this person? Whoever gets through the Demon King's City first in the future will be qualified to beat the other party. Face, trample her under your feet, ask her to lick his shoes, and even make her strip naked and parade her around?"

Golda sweated: "Godafather, where do you want to go? Although she often bullies Xuelu, the relationship between the two is not so bad. After all, we grew up in an orphanage. No matter how you bully her, you are still a family, so there is no need to make it like this. After she bullied Xuelu for a while, the two of them became good friends and even agreed to explore the Demon King's Castle together."

Robb sweated: "Huh? Isn't it like this? Most novels are written like this, so what happens next?"

Golda said quietly: "More than ten years ago, the nobles who raised us participated in a small battle to eliminate monsters."

Robb frowned...

Golda said: "All the outstanding orphans followed the nobles to the battlefield to kill monsters, but we three scum were left behind. It was useless. Xuelu's good friend also went with him. Before leaving, she told Xue Lu that when she made great achievements on the battlefield, gained the trust of the noble lord, and was allowed to go out, she would take Xue Lu to explore the Demon King's City together."

Robb: "I'll wipe it and set the Flag! I'm afraid I won't be able to come back."

Golda smiled bitterly and said: "You are indeed right. In that battle, none of the people who went to fight against the monsters came back. They were all dead. Even the noble who raised us died. There is no one in the orphanage. We lost our sponsors and had to close down. The three of us were kicked out and turned into wild children... Fortunately, we had some skills at that time, so we went to the Adventurer's Guild to take on some of the simplest and most rubbish tasks to earn some money. Living on a small amount of money.”

"You also know what happened next." Golda said: "We know that we are not strong enough, and we may never have the chance to set foot in the Demon King's Castle in this life, but Xuelu always remembers the agreement she made with her good friend, and she wants to go there. Look, that’s it, it’s not a big wish.”

Robb said oh, and couldn't help but think to himself: Okay! In fact, most people's dreams are like this. Small, inconspicuous reasons are not so earth-shattering, they are just a little mark left by the past in your heart.

Chapter 864 Such a big snake

A canyon appeared in front of the five people. The canyon was very narrow and secluded. Originally, there was only a sliver of sky at the top of the canyon. It was blocked by towering trees, and the sunlight could not reach the ground at the bottom of the canyon. Passing through this canyon, you will reach the deepest and most terrifying area in the Jinghong Mountains.

Xuelu stood at the entrance of the valley and peeked inside. Feeling the strong scent of monsters inside, she felt a little weak. However, thinking of Robb standing behind her, she became bolder again.

If Robb was not there, the three of them would not dare to enter such a dangerous place as the Jinghong Mountains, but with Robb, everything is possible.

She boldly dived into the canyon. After taking less than two steps, she felt a void beneath her feet. Then a huge spider web rose from the ground and caught her. When she lifted it up, she was hung up. On the tree.

Xuelu shouted in the spider web: "Fake, what the hell?"

A spider as big as an elephant climbed down from the big tree next to it, stood on the branch where the snow dew was hung, and made a hissing sound from its mouth.

Kick quickly nocked his bow and arrow, and shot an arrow at the big spider. The big spider was extremely agile, jumped to the side, dodged the arrow, and then roared at the remaining four, revealing its mouth. Bai Sensen's fangs.

Robb said: "Wow, it's threatening us. Let's get out of here and don't try to save Snow Dew."

Golda said: "I'm so scared. Let's leave Xuelu and run away."

Robb said: "I think so too."

Xuelu: "Hey!"

Sofa silently pulled out two daggers: "Don't make such vulgar jokes and rescue the people quickly."

Golda rushed forward, and the spider bit into his Titan steel shield, unable to bite him at all. Golda slashed forward with the one-handed sword in her right hand, but the spider easily dodged it with a sideways thrust.

On the other side, Sofa swiped the dagger in his hand twice, cutting open the spider web wrapped in snow dew.

Xue Lu fell to the ground and tore off the sticky spider web from her body. While tearing it off, she cursed: "Damn it, you're going to give me a blow as soon as you come to this rotten place."

Golda laughed from the front and said: "Who told you, a mage, to go to the front? In a place like this, either I go in front, or a hunter who is good at finding traps goes in front, and it won't be your turn anyway."

"Tch!" Xuelu curled her lips, then stretched out her hand to point at the big spider. A powerful fireball flew over and hit the spider with a bang. The magical flames instantly engulfed the big spider, and the spider let out a After a hissing sound, it turned into a pile of black ashes.

At this time, Robb came up from behind with a staff and kept saying: "Wow, the deepest part of the Jinghong Mountains is so scary, so scary. There is a big spider plotting just after entering the door."

"Pretend, just pretend as hard as you can." Xue Lu pouted.

"You told me not to take action." Robb imitated Xuelu's tone and said in a cooing voice: "If you push it all the way across, they won't have anything to play with."

Xue Lu protested: "That's why I didn't speak so eloquently."

Golda said: "Huh? I think they are very similar."

Kick: "Agree +1!"

Xue Lu: "..."

She hummed twice and decided not to walk in the front. She stood next to Robb, one to the left and one to the right of Sofa. She looked like Robb's two female bodyguards. This position was safe and secure. You should not fall into the spider web again.

Golda and Kike shook their heads with a smile and walked into the canyon first.

Xuelu held Robb's arm tightly, like a woman holding her boyfriend when going shopping, and said with a smile: "Come on, let's go in too."

Robb said: "If you hold my arm tightly like this and don't get into a fighting stance, you won't be able to take action in any emergency."

Xue Lu smiled and said, "I don't care. Anyway, it will be safe if I stick to you."

Robb: "..."

Sofa on the other side flattened his mouth and whispered: "No wonder the Queen always hates you."

Xuelu: "Huh? What are you talking about? I didn't hear clearly."

Sofa: "I didn't say anything."

Although Sofa didn't say anything, she deliberately walked closer to Robb. She was usually a relatively reserved woman and always deliberately stayed away from Robb, but with Xuelu's interference, she wanted to leave. It was not enough to be far away, but she had to be symmetrical with Xuelu, so she simply stood shoulder to shoulder with Robb. Although she was embarrassed to hold Robb's arm, she was still very close.

Robb was secretly happy in his heart: If women don’t fight for the chance to be jealous, how can men take advantage of them? Very good, come on, keep it up!

Golda and Kick, who were leading the way, glanced back, then shrugged dumbfounded, and continued to lead the way, not bothering to pay attention to the three lunatics behind them.

The three people walked tightly into the canyon. This kind of barren mountains and wilderness is not as good as in the city. There are no smooth roads here, and there are rocks and big trees everywhere. It is very difficult for three people to walk in a row. Either it was blocked by rocks or trees, which was embarrassing.

Xuelu suddenly saw a path between trees nearby. It was quite open. It would be no problem to walk side by side there. She quickly pulled Robb and said, "Go that way. It's not crowded there."

Sofa said warily: "Golda and Kike didn't check that road."

Xue Lu said: "It's okay, my dear, we are walking together, what else is there to be afraid of?"

Sofa thought about it carefully and realized that this was true.

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