After the Full Level of the Profession

After reaching the full level of all professions Chapter 697

This army is no longer the bunny army, but the serious black-haired, yellow-skinned Tang army. The soldiers are no longer just guardsmen who can only grow radishes, but soldiers who are resolute, courageous and extremely brave.

Moreover, the imperial court has now recruited Shibabu and borrowed the maritime power of Shibabu to attack ghost bandits in all directions from the sea to coastal land.

Robb knew that when the Eastern Tang Dynasty really made up its mind to go to war with someone, it was never weak! Defeating the ghost bandits should be effortless. Datang has nothing to worry about.

He also began to pack his things and prepare to return to the Western World.

In fact, there are not many things to pack, just a big bag of Xuanyuan Black Iron. By the way, once we return to the west, this thing should be renamed "Xingyuan Penetrating Gold".

The ten swords that had been forged, plus the ore ingots that were not used yet, were all put into a large bag, and Robb carried the big bag easily.

There was a group of people behind him who came to see him off, and they saluted together: "Thank you, the foreign hero, for your help to me, the Eastern Tang Dynasty. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. If you can be of use to us in the future, just ask."

This group of people includes famous sects and masters of evil sects. It is rare for both good and evil sects to respect a person so much at the same time.

Robb smiled and waved, having nothing to say. He was about to use the Return to the City spell when he suddenly saw a pretty woman with a backpack standing next to him, looking like she wanted to go with him.

This woman is none other than Shi Su, the Qiantang Sect’s Snowflake Wave Sword! The most beautiful woman in Sudong and Hangzhou.

Robb Daqi: "Miss Shi, what are you doing?"

Shi Su said: "I want to go to the Western World with you."

"Watt?" Robb asked, "What are you going to do? If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, and if you marry a dog, follow the dog. Is this the relationship we have already?"

Shi Su rolled her beautiful eyes. When she was a rabbit-headed woman, Robb couldn't even understand her expression, but now that she's a human, her expression is easy to understand. She rolled her eyes just now and made her scream. There are all kinds of amorous feelings, like anger and resentment, the reason is unclear, and they are all feminine feelings.

After rolling his eyes, Shi Su said seriously: "Listen to you, the Western world has begun to prepare to deal with the black dragon, and although the black dragon's lair is in the west, it often comes to our Eastern land, the Tang Dynasty, to cause harm to the people. I represent the Eastern world. The noble and decent people of the Tang Dynasty will go with you to the Western World to see if they are really preparing to deal with the Black Dragon and if there is really a possibility of defeating the Black Dragon. If so, I will come back to inform everyone, and then we will go east. People from the Tang Dynasty must also help when dealing with the black dragon."

Robb nodded: "Okay, the reason is very good, then let's go together."

Respect every force that is willing to deal with the black dragon, because the black dragon is the common enemy of this world!

I originally planned to use the Return to the City spell, but now I have to take one more person back, so I had to use the portal instead.

A purple portal was thrown out by Robb and stood in front of everyone.

Everyone looked confused. There is no such weird stuff in the Eastern world, and it is still very difficult for them to understand this kind of thing. Robb didn't bother to explain to them. He threw the Shisu into the door, and then got in after him.

On this side of the door is the long-lost West Wind City.

As soon as he got through the door, the big loli Lars's cry immediately rang out on the hillside: "Ah! Godafather is back, and he also brought back a yellow woman from the East."

It turned out that the big Loli was practicing swordplay on the hillside, so she saw the portal immediately.

After she shouted, Lilian, Xiaoyi, the two little nuns of light, Sofa and others in the church all ran out. Seeing Robb return, the girls were overjoyed and gathered around them.

Shi Su was startled by this scene, sighed, and quickly stepped away, thinking: Why don't these Western women know how to be reserved?

She didn't want to see Robb making out and chatting with a group of women, so she turned her eyes around the scenery around her. At this glance, she really didn't know what to look at, and she was shocked at the sight.

The prosperity of this West Wind City really opened her eyes. Large trains filled with goods roared from a distance, and there were diesel cars running on the highway carrying people. Equality streets, standard cement houses, and clean streets Neat and tidy, not a single dirty ditch in sight.

This city makes people feel prosperous and full of vitality.

Turning her eyes to the mountains behind the city, she suddenly discovered that there was actually a huge painting carved on the mountain peak as the background of the city. The painting occupied an entire mountain wall. It was so spectacular that it was a wonder.

In the middle of the painting, it is the black dragon that has brought trouble to the people for thousands of years. In front of it, there is a hero fighting with it. The hero is carved vividly and the details are lifelike. Isn't it none other than Robb? On both sides of the black dragon, There are countless warriors, attacking desperately.

Shi Su looked at the painting with her eyes, and couldn't help but turn the picture into imagination in her mind. For a moment, she seemed to be standing in the scene where all the members of Xifeng City worked together to fight the black dragon.

"Ah, this painting!"

She wanted to turn around and ask Robb, but at this time, Robb was reunited with the girls after a long absence, chatting happily, so he only had time to care about her.

She wanted to ask someone, but she couldn't understand the language and was a little embarrassed.

At this time, a middle-aged man with yellow skin and black hair wearing a long gown walked up to her, clasped his fists and said: "Hello, this heroine! I am Shang Yang, a tea horse. Ancient Road, the Eastern Tang Dynasty people doing business with Xifeng City."

Shi Su was overjoyed. It was like meeting an old friend in a foreign land. She quickly asked: "Mr. Shang, I would like to ask, is this painting real?"

Shang Yang smiled and said: "Of course it's true! This is the battle scene when the black dragon attacked four years ago. At that time, I was pulling my daughter to escape from Xifeng City. Unexpectedly, the black dragon arrived. Godafather used his own strength to escape. , forcefully withstood all the attacks of the black dragon, allowing others to attack it from the side, and we finally worked together to drive the black dragon away. This painting records the scene at that time."

Shi Su said: "He can really handle the black dragon?"

Shang Yang said: "What is true cannot be false, and what is false cannot be true. Now all the countries here are making every effort to prepare to kill the black dragon before the next year of flying black dragons arrives. Look, the train over there, What was pulled back were all materials prepared for killing the black dragon."

Shi Su was really surprised to get to know Robb again, and now she couldn't help but get excited: "It seems that killing the black dragon is really not a dream."

She took out a paper crane from her pocket, which was a paper crane given to her by the Wudang Taoist priest. She said a few words to the paper crane, waved her hand, and the paper crane flew toward the eastern world...

Chapter 970 Don’t cut off contact

Miss Queen's phone call came. When Robb was wandering around in the Eastern world, the Queen didn't call him. It wasn't that she didn't want to, it was just that she couldn't get through. The distance is too far, the size of the crystal ball is not big enough, the magic power contained is not enough, and the communication distance cannot be reached. The last time Robb went to the New World, there was a 4-hour time difference, and the Crystal Ball could still contact him. But this time when he went to the Eastern Tang Dynasty, the time difference was twice as high as in the New World. The distance was so far that the Crystal Ball couldn't reach it. . Now, as soon as Robb came back, the phone calls came like a shadow.

Robb answered the phone with a smile, and the young lady's face immediately appeared over there. Her face was always full of majesty, and she didn't look anxious at all. She said calmly: "You're back."

Robb said:

"Oh!" the queen said, "Then my call came at the right time." Robb squinted: "It can't be that I call every few minutes, so it's so timely."

"How is that possible?" the Queen snorted, "Don't think I miss you so much, I didn't think about it at all. As soon as she finished speaking, the No. 1 Palace Mage ran out from behind and reported: "Your Majesty the Queen, you want us to We have prepared the large crystal balls. You see, when these two crystal balls are large, their magic power content must also be very large, and the communication distance must be very far. It is guaranteed that communication with Godafather will not be cut off from any angle in the world.

Robb looked through the crystal ball and saw Master No. 1 commanding several men to bring in two huge crystal balls, each of which was as big as a horse. Robb sweated and said: "You prepared this thing because you want me to carry such a big ball all over the world?" The Queen slapped her hand on the table: "Is this big for you?" If you use the Giant Transformation Technique to become a giant, you can carry a crystal ball of this level in your pocket. Keep it with you from now on, and don't cut off contact casually. "

Robb spread his hands: "Okay, this is what the woman who didn't think about me at all said." The woman raised her head and didn't bother to answer the question at all. She ignored it directly and cut to the point: "Before you go to the Eastern World, these things will happen." "Tianli, our work of eradicating the monsters in the Jinghong Mountains went very smoothly. The vanguard has set up camp under the Black Dragon Peak and sent a suicide force up the mountain to try to draw the teleportation magic circle." Robb laughed when he heard this. "I asked you to build the road, but you ended up painting the teleportation array. Needless to say, it must have failed."

The Queen said: "How do you know you will fail?"

Robb said: "Boss area! The black dragon enjoys many special rules. If it stays on that mountain peak, that mountain peak will become a dungeon. I know you don't understand what a dungeon is. In short, it is a very special area. Just like the 'anti-space barrier' you drew, players cannot go directly to the depths of the dungeon through the portal, they can only teleport to the door of the dungeon and then walk in with both feet."

The Queen said: "No wonder! I wanted to ask you last time, why don't you put a portal on Black Dragon Peak so that our troops can go up the mountain through the portal without too much trouble, but now I understand. It turns out that there The portal cannot be drawn on the mountain peak..."

Robb said: "Is the person who went up to draw the teleportation array okay? Do you want me to resurrect him?"

"It's okay." Queen said, taking the initiative to attack. Even if she sees my death squad from a distance, she will not take the initiative to attack. This thing is really strange. Robb smiled and said: "This is called the 'active attack area'. Each boss has an active attack area. It will not be activated outside this area, but once it enters, it will be alive immediately. So, as long as you do not enter this area, No matter how much you tease it, it will be fine. Even if you set up a cannon in front of it, as long as the cannonballs don't fall on it, it won't react."

The queen couldn't help but asked curiously: "Where on earth did you know these rules related to black dragons? It took us people on Fengmo Continent more than a thousand years to understand them, but you understood them all as soon as you came. Robb smiled and said, "This is hard to explain. Just think of me as a god who knows everything."

The Queen squinted: "Stop bluffing here. Don't you hate it the most when people use the name of God to bluff? If you really know everything, I would like to ask you, do you know what I did last night?"

Robb said: "How come you dreamed of me last night and were intimate with me in your dream? Moreover, you insisted on being on top. I tried to turn over to top, but you refused and pressed me hard. My chest won't turn up." The queen's face changed drastically: "You know this too? Are you really a god?"

"No, I just guessed. I didn't expect that I guessed it right." Robb chuckled and said, "Don't rely on dreams for this kind of thing. You can come to Windy City through Teleport I and find me, and I will make your dream come true right away. .Also, I promise not to try to climb up."

"Go to hell!" The Queen snapped and hung up the phone. Robb Dale: "Geez, this woman is so interesting." As soon as he finished sighing, he saw a huge crystal ball rolling out of the portal leading to the Black Tower from West Wind City. It was given by the Queen. The new communication tool he prepared is powerful enough to ensure that anyone in the world can receive a signal.

Robb smiled and shook his head. He ducked to the crystal ball, stretched out his hand to touch the crystal ball, and then "shrinked" the crystal ball. The crystal ball shrunk with his people and turned into an ordinary crystal ball. Robb then let go. With his hand, he released his shrinking spell and returned to normal size, but the crystal ball still remained in a reduced state. Then he reached out to pick up the crystal ball and put it in his pocket. It was a good thing to stay connected. In fact, when Robb was in the Eastern World, he really missed the Queen. It would be great to have a high-power phone.

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