After a brief truce, Winter's army attacked the temple again.

Compared with the previous one, the offensive of Winter's army is more fierce this time, and the Megatron also joined this battle, firing continuously in the sky to support the Winter's army below.

Since the God of Magic has fallen, the priests of the temple found that they could not contact the God of Magic through the magic circle, and naturally there was no way to summon the huge projection of the God of Magic to block the attack of the cold winter army.

What made the mages of the temple even more unprepared was that the mages found that the magic they were used to had become difficult to use. In addition to the various restrictions above, it is not that there is no benefit at all.

That is the strictly restricted arcane energy and magic, which becomes easier to learn and master.

In other words, as long as you are willing to believe in the God of Magic, even if your spellcasting talent is slightly lower, you can still enter the door of magic and become a qualified mage.

However, after the fall of the God of Magic, the framework and restraints were all lifted. It became more difficult to mobilize arcane energy and cast magic than before. Many mages did not adapt to this change without preparation and suffered backlash.

"There are unexpected gains!"

Through the holographic image, David saw that many magicians in the temple failed to release their magic. If it was mild, it would cause the magic power in their body to run wild. It would take some time to calm down; if it was serious, it would directly blow themselves up to serious injuries or even kill them.

In the area of ​​the temple, the arcane energy in the entire area fell into chaos due to the loss of control of the magic power of a large number of mages.

In this environment, the probability of spells getting out of control has once again increased, and more and more mages have accidents, and the arcane energy has become more chaotic.

For a while, the mages on the side of the temple fell into a vicious circle, but the cold winter army was not affected in the slightest.

Although the Knights of Tiran have cultivated many rangers and hunters who use arcane energy, the arcane energy they use to cast spells is mobilized from their own bodies, and does not mobilize the energy in the surrounding environment. less affected by the environment.

Even this chaotic environment indirectly strengthened the combat power of the Tiran Knights. When a certain Tiran knight used arcane shots, the power was much greater than usual, and it would even cause a chain reaction. If you were lucky, it would not only kill Several mages will also cause spellcasting failures of nearby mages.

As a result, all knights of the Tiran Knights who knew arcane shooting began to use arcane shooting as their main means of attack. For a while, the battlefield was filled with blue-purple radiance of arcane magic, occasionally flashing golden holy light.



Bang bang bang bang!

There were explosions and gunshots one after another. Without the protection of the god of magic, other gods including the god of light and shadow did not respond.

The priests of the temple found that not only was there a problem with magic, but even the divine spells bestowed by other gods became difficult to release or even impossible to use.

It was only then that David realized that the divine spells used in the temple were all based on the spell-casting system created by the God of Magic, but outsiders didn't know this.

Now that the God of Magic has fallen, the original spell-casting system has completely collapsed, and the power most relied on by the temple has been abolished. Only the few remaining Templar knights and temple guards can't stop the attack of the Winter Legion.

Until the main hall of the temple was captured and turned into ruins under the combined indiscriminate bombardment of three Apocalypse vehicles, the archbishop of the temple still couldn't figure out how he and the temple lost?

Why? Why did the temple lose to Winter City so simply and neatly?

Why did the gods they believed in suddenly ignore devout believers like them after issuing an oracle?

Why does Winter City have these terrible powers?


The archbishop was full of doubts, but he was certain of one thing: neither he nor everyone in the temple could survive today.

Even if he hadn't met the ruler of Cold Winter City or had a half-word conversation with him, he knew that the other party couldn't tolerate himself and others to continue living in this world.

So he did not beg for mercy, surrender or intercede for countless believers.

The archbishop stood in the main temple, looking up at the tall statues that had cost countless financial resources and manpower, and had been properly maintained and maintained. Together with these statues, they were transformed into a giant under the joint bombing of the Knights of Tiran and the Megatron. dust……

Sophia watched palaces and buildings being bombed into ruins one after another. Even under the command of Sutton Stewart, she refused to leave even the ruins, and would not stop until all the buildings were blown into powder.

As for all the materials and knowledge kept in the temple, all that can be found will be destroyed immediately. Judging from this posture, Sarton wants to completely wipe out the organization of the temple physically.

Actually, Sutton didn't need to be so thorough.

With the fall of the God of Magic, the God of Light and the God of Shadow controlled Bel Ang behind the scenes, and sooner or later he would be picked out and killed by David.

As for the rest of the gods, there were no specific Sakan people to control them, and they were all temporarily in charge of the staff on duty at that time. The power of several of the gods was either provided by the God of Magic, or the Sakan people used special equipment to control them. which provided.

The Sakan people in the outpost were all manipulated by David's lightforge, and Bel Ang didn't respond. Now, the temple has lost its most important support.

Even if there are still believers and priests left, it is impossible for them to return to their formerly powerful state.

But David did not stop Sutton's behavior. After all, the temple had a blood feud with Sutton and the Tilan royal family. No matter what Sutton did, it was the temple's own fault.

"After this battle, the Winter Legion will continue to sweep the entire territory of the Holy Gunter Kingdom?"


Although the Holy Gunter Kingdom is a country controlled by the Temple, there are still lords in charge of managing each region. These lords have soldiers and horses in their hands. With their devotion to the Temple, they will definitely continue to resist.

They will definitely not be the opponents of Winter's army, so the next period of time will be the best opportunity for Sylvanas-Windrunner to accumulate military exploits.

"When the war is over, let Cirvanas take over as the leader of the Tiran Knights." Sophia, who has truly seen how cruel war is, does not yearn for the battlefield, and it is meaningless to occupy the position of the leader of the Tiran Knights .

She has already "personally" avenged the royal family of Tilan, and she only needs to do things that are more interesting to her in the future.

For example, follow David to travel to other worlds, see various scenery, and taste various delicacies.

"Since you don't want to continue to be the head of the regiment, then you shouldn't be!"

David wouldn't persuade Sofia just to put up a name, and he wouldn't refuse this proposal just to deliberately suppress Cirvanas' promotion speed.

Strictly speaking, this Tiran Knights was brought up by Cirvanas himself, and the training and personal strength standards were also carried out in accordance with the standards set by Cirvanas.

In a way, Cirvanas is the most suitable person to be the leader of the Tiran Knights. Sutton Stewart is essentially a transitional commander, and Sutton himself should be aware of this!

After completely annihilating the Holy Gaunt Kingdom, the Knights of Tiran will have a period of rest. Sylvanas will definitely take advantage of this time to conduct the final stage of training, making all the Knights of Tiran become rangers. Hunters, making it the second troop with full mastery of mysterious power after the Winter Knights.

This is not only an increase in combat power, but also a status symbol.

As for fame?

After the war with the Holy Kingdom of Gunter, the names of the Tiran Knights and Sylvanas will definitely be known throughout the Brennian continent—even before the Winter Knights spread their fame to the west. On the side of the Eternal Night Empire.

Because the west side of the Holy Gaunt Kingdom is the so-called Lost Land, which is what the Eternal Night Empire calls the Fallen Land.

The Eternal Night Empire will pay attention to the dark elves in this area, and will naturally know the situation in the surrounding areas.

The neighbor who has been with him for a long time has been wiped out. The dark elves in this area will definitely pay proper attention, and the Eternal Night Empire will also receive the news.

David is not sure whether it will attract the attention of the dark elves. It is best to continue to firmly believe that his own technology leads the world and not take the barbaric and backward human kingdom to heart.

In that case, when the Winter Empire advances westward, it can send a big surprise to the Eternal Night Empire-according to David's plan, when he starts to attack the west of the mainland, all the east of the mainland has already fallen into his hands, and his own kingdom will also fall into his hands. There is a high probability that it has been renamed the Winter Empire.

"When are we going back to Winterfell?"

"Do you want to go back?"

"Hmm!" Sophia had been out for a long time, and she was a little homesick: "I heard that Fort Glamorgan was demolished?"

"Yes, although the Digger's construction speed is astonishing, it will take some time for the new home to be built."

The focus is not on the exterior structure, but on such a large new house, it takes a long time to complete the interior decoration, so even if the exterior is almost finished, it still takes a while to actually live in it.

"Aren't you homeless during this time?" Sophia didn't think there was any problem, and it didn't matter if she went to live with her parents by herself.

But David, I don't know how to spend this time? Continue to live on the Megatron?

"I have a lot of choices... Do you want to live together in another world for a while?"

Next, there is no need to follow the sweep of the entire territory of the Holy Gaunt Kingdom. Wetherby is also responsible for sending officials to take over the place. David just needs to ask about the progress from time to time.

As for which world to go to?

He had a lot of choices, and during this period of time he vaguely felt that his abilities seemed to have undergone some changes, so he could just take advantage of this period of time to test it.

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