Alien Knights

Chapter 125: The Defense of Muxi (4)

The sky filled with fireworks, scattered limbs, and the dead everywhere.

The distraught Lev sat on the beach, as if a big bell was ringing in his mind, watching Kerwin yelling at him, but he couldn't hear anything.

"Stand up! Get out of here!"

The roar of the barbarian warrior finally reached Lev's ears.

With the support of the other party, the young pirate wanted to stand up, but the severe pain from his lower body made him scream and fall to the ground again.

The two lowered their heads and saw that a shard of glass the size of a palm had penetrated deeply into Lev's thigh, and blood slowly flowed down the wound.

Kerwin looked at the depth of the wound through the flames on the beach, took out a cloth belt from his belt, tied it to Lev's thigh, and shouted at him: "Hold on!"

Before the other party reacted, Kerwin pulled out the glass shards.

The shrill screams resounded on the beach.

After one hour.

The barbarian leader and the pirate leader commanded his subordinates to set up a temporary camp by the sea. The bodies of the dead and the wounded affected by the explosion were brought into the camp one after another. However, due to limited medical conditions, the latter received only simple treatment.

Some of the wounded died slowly in pain and howling, but more people completely lost the ability to fight because of their injuries.

After counting the number of people, the leaders found sadly that an explosion directly or indirectly killed 14 people, and another 25 people completely lost their ability to move. In addition to the manpower lost at sea, the pirates and barbarians had already lost more than one-third of their combat power before entering the town.

Someone proposed to the leader to retreat, but it was immediately denied.

The leaders agreed that if this attack did not bring back any spoils, if they returned in a hurry, not only the prestige of the tribe would be greatly damaged, but it would also arouse the hostility of the enemies.

On the campfire, the North Island pirates sang battle songs next to the corpses of their comrades. In the lyrics, the souls of the war dead return to the Temple of War, and they drink happily with the gods, eat meat, drink, and enjoy themselves; while the barbarians smear ink on their bodies, burn their bodies into ashes, and put them in jars.

After resting overnight, the army from the north embarked on the journey of conquest again.

In the early morning, Muxi Town is like a ghost town, with no one to be seen. The gates of the dwellings are open to the outside, and some sundries can be vaguely seen inside; hay and dung forks can be found in the pens used to keep livestock; inside the supposedly lively tavern, broken tables and chairs can be seen everywhere.

Pirates and barbarians searched every house along the street, looking for anything of value. After some searching, nothing was found except for a few copper coins that were forgotten on the floor and in the cracks of the door.

"We were tricked by those scammers from the Silver Ring Kingdom!" Someone in the team shouted loudly: "This is not a treasure house full of wealth at all!"

The leader frowned, and continued to move forward with his soldiers, and finally came to a wide square.

Looking at the cross on a steeple building at the end of the square, the limping Lev asked Kerwin beside him, "Is that the church?"

The latter gave him a strange look: "Have you never seen a church?"

"I was on the North Island and only saw some ruins of churches. Besides, this is the first time I have gone to sea with the tribe."

The team walked to the door of the church and saw a wooden sign standing at the door, with the exact same words written on the cross on the beach.

Seeing the soldiers retreating one after another, the leader sighed and gave the order to bypass the church.

Going forward, the pirates and barbarians came to the commercial street of Muxi Town. The street became narrower and there were more and more buildings on both sides. Lev whispered, "This place must have been very prosperous before."

Kerwin nodded.

As they walked, the two leaders discussed what to do next.

At this moment, a crossbow arrow shot straight from the roof of the house not far away, and accurately shot into the head of the barbarian leader.

The chunky sneak attacker succeeded in one blow, packed up the crossbow, and quickly ran to the distance along the "bridges" on the roof that had already been erected with wooden boards.

Everyone in the team watched the barbarian leader slowly fall down with unbelievable eyes, without breathing. After a moment of silence, the barbarian warriors roared, pulled out their weapons and shields, and rushed towards the attacking direction.

"Stop! Stop!"

The loud shout of the pirate leader did not calm down these angry avengers at all. Seeing that the situation could no longer be controlled, the former had no choice but to call out to the remaining soldiers and rushed forward with the barbarians.

Further on, the commercial street was a little narrower, only for three people to walk side by side. Seeing the crossbowmen running on the roof, the barbarians quickened their pace of pursuit, but unknowingly walked into a dead end.

Just as they were looking for a way out, hundreds of archers stood up from the roof, and poured down a torrential rain of arrows at the enemies crowded in the streets.

Unexpectedly and without a leader, the barbarians suffered a fatal blow in just a few tens of seconds, and pieces of soldiers fell down like mowing grass. It was not until the appearance of the pirate leader that this one-sided situation was effectively contained.

"Raise the shield! Squat down! Cling to the wall! Get out! Get out!"

After paying the price of more than dozens of lives, the furious barbarians finally walked out of this "street of death".

The number of pirates and barbarians in combat has dropped from 500 when they first went to sea to less than 250.


"Master Shengzi, we have repelled the enemy!"

Seeing the militia happily holding up their weapons and cheering loudly, Todd breathed a sigh of relief.

Compared with the buildings in other places in Muxi Town, when the commercial street was planned and built, there were still less than half of the old shops and houses that hadn't had time to be renovated. These wooden houses gathered together form an excellent ambush location due to the narrow streets, wide roofs and high density.

Of course, Walton's excellent "Crossbow" skill combined with the "Eagle Eye" ability is also an indispensable condition for the success of this ambush.

Todd touched the bridge of his nose and thought to himself: Maybe this battle, relying only on the militia and terrain advantages, can hold off pirates and barbarians, and Rachel's supernatural team may not need to appear...

A scout for alien species hurriedly came to him and reported: "Master Chief, the enemy has begun to move!"

Todd asked hurriedly.

"The enemy divided the remaining troops into multiple squads and began to circle the area."

"Give up the attack and go around?

Todd pondered for a moment, a flash of inspiration, his mind tightened, and he suddenly understood the enemy's intentions.

"Alfonso! Inform all militiamen, evacuate immediately! Retreat to the second line of defense!"

Soon after receiving the order, the militia group, led by Todd and Alfonso, quickly withdrew from the commercial street and rushed to the second line of defense in Muxi Town - the guard camp. When they just entered the camp, straight black smoke appeared in the direction of the commercial street. The enemies used the method of fire attack, turning that hiding place into a field of fire.

Todd wiped the sweat from his forehead, and let out a low sigh in his heart.

However, after counting the number of people, the head of the militia group suddenly said loudly: "Master, four people have not returned yet!"


Todd turned his head away in surprise.

"It's a group of young people in the town. I heard people say that they wanted to find some spoils from the enemy's corpses in order to brag about their achievements, so they sneaked back..."

"Nonsense! A bunch of bastards! You actually caused me trouble at this juncture!" Todd waved his arms angrily, and swears in a rare way.

Knight Alfonso picked up the iron helmet, put it on his head again, and strode towards the main entrance of the camp: "I'll go find them."

Todd shouted several times, but the knight finally disappeared at the door, followed by his followers, Leslie, Walton, and Adelina.

Rachel walked up to Todd, looked at Todd's serious expression, and whispered, "He's going to die."

"I know……"

The woman said again: "Do you need to send some people to help him?"

Todd looked up at the black smoke that was getting thicker and thicker in the distance, then looked back at the people in the camp, and gritted his teeth: "No, we have more important things to do... Strengthen the defense of the camp and get the alien squads ready, there will be a tough battle..."


Alfonso supported the big sword with both hands, blocked the slashing of a long axe, pushed upwards, kicked the ground with his feet, pushed forward, crashed into the arms of the enemy, and hit the opponent's abdomen with the hilt of the sword, forcing him to kneel on the ground.

As soon as his arm was cold, he looked down and saw an arrow pierced into the gauntlet. Fortunately, the force was not strong, and it only scratched some skin. Lifting the sword again, just about to take a step forward, rushing towards the last of the three enemies, a crossbow bolt ended the life of the pirate archer.

Holding the crossbow, Walton stood out from the shadow of the building with a smug smile on his face.

When Leslie walked past him, he glanced at him, and said eccentrically, "Not bad, not bad. You're really good at making cold shots."

Passing by the two who were fighting together, Adelina was the last to come out, looking at the knight worriedly.

Alfonso froze.

Later, he shouted to his followers: "Go back to the camp!"

No one moved.

He raised the volume by another three points: "I said, go back!"

Still no one moved.

Alfonso closed his eyes and turned away helplessly.

The commercial street has turned into a sea of ​​flames, the flaming flames are devouring the fragile wooden buildings, and the ear-piercing sound of collapse can be heard every moment.

Leslie took off his shirt and used the ability of "flame breath" to walk in the forefront, clearing the road.

Walton jumped to avoid the falling sparks, and shouted urgently: "We have to find a way to find those guys!"

Adelina looked at the rats running around on the ground, knelt down and picked one up with her hands. Then she pointed in a direction and said to the others, "Go there."

Under the guidance of the woman, the team came to the cellar of a tavern and successfully found the four militiamen who had left the team. But the way out was far more difficult than when it came, and the fire had already set the whole street ablaze. Under the high temperature, Alfonso even had to take off his armor. In the end, they used the well water behind the yard to wet the sackcloth piled up in the cellar of the tavern, covered their bodies and broke the burning wall with weapons, and finally managed to find a way out in the flames of hell.

However, when the eight escaped from the dead, they encountered a group of pirates hurrying on their way just outside the commercial street.

The two groups of people met unexpectedly, each drew out their weapons and stood facing each other.

Walton wound the crossbow and pulled Adelina behind him.

Leslie pulled out his slingshot, and the four militiamen pulled out their daggers tremblingly.

Alfonso clenched the big sword in his hand, observed the situation on the battlefield with his eyes, and counted the number of pirates in a low voice.

Seven enemies.

With the roar of the pirates, the battle began.

Walton pressed the button of the crossbow machine, and a crossbow bolt with huge kinetic energy penetrated the wooden shield and inserted into the enemy's eye socket. But he didn't have time to load it again. Looking at the enemy rushing in front of him, the short and fat man dropped the crossbow, drew out the dagger in his arms, and began to fight the enemy hand-to-hand.

Leslie's "flame breath" ability is no longer effective due to overuse. He took out the tinder stick from his arms, blew it up and bit it between his teeth, took out the small ball in the ammunition bag at his waist, lit it on the tinder, and shot it out with the slingshot.

Alfonso fought three enemies alone. Although the knight who lost his armor had increased in agility, he lacked any protective measures, causing him to be constantly adding large and small wounds.

At this critical juncture, a group of mice rushed to the battlefield from behind Adelina. They climbed onto the pirates' bodies, gnawed at their bare skin, and even penetrated into their armor, biting the enemy's abdominal cavity.

The enemy screamed and rolled in pain, trying to get rid of these little devils on his body, but nothing helped. They eventually lost their strength and lost their voice.

Seeing the rats all over the place recede slowly, everyone after the war finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Alfonso, who was exhausted, fell to the ground, wearing rough clothes, but he didn't notice a bloody pirate standing up behind him.


The long sword slashed down, blood splattered everywhere.

Alfonso looked back, but what he saw was Adelina's fallen body.


In a rage, Walton picked up the crossbow from the ground, rushed behind the crumbling pirate, and hit the opponent hard on the back of the head. Facing the enemy who fell to the ground, he used the crossbow machine as a war hammer, and smashed the murderer's head madly. Brains and blood splattered everywhere, and the iron crossbow was smashed and deformed, but the short and fat man was still attacking mechanically like a madman.

"Enough! Walton! Enough!"

Lesley lifted Walton with his arms and pulled him back.

Alfonso hugged Adelina with trembling hands, and the warm liquid slowly dripped down his arms onto the ground. The knight's throat seemed to be blocked by a stone, and he could only make a choking sound.

Throwing away the great sword, he put the woman on his back and rushed towards the guard camp.


The whisper of the person on the back lifted the spirit of the knight: "Adelina! Don't talk, the camp is ahead, hold on!"

"Boss, please talk to me for a while, please..." Adelina moved her head closer to Alfonso's ear: "I remember you once asked, why do you want to live... When I lost my husband, I felt that I was a superfluous decoration in this world, and I lived with the desire to die... But, during the subsequent journey, I met many people who cared about me, and they made me regain the courage to live..."

The woman spoke every word with all her strength: "When parting from the dead, we only remember the pain of parting, but always forget the feelings of the living... Can you understand what I mean?"

Alfonso's eyes were red, and he nodded heavily.

"Great, I can help you in the end, great..." Adelina slowly put her head on the knight's shoulder, and whispered, "Alfonso..."


Alfonso De Cavo, covered in blood, held Adelina's cold hand, watching Todd slowly shook his head at him.

The din of killing outside the camp was getting farther and farther away from his ears.

The knight stood up slowly and walked to the door of the camp warehouse. He opened the door, passed many alchemy equipment and medicine bottles, and stopped in front of a glass culture tank, lifted the white cloth covering it, stretched out his hands to the objects in the liquid, and seemed to hear Todd's words in the past.

"The duty of a knight is to protect the old, the weak, women and children, and to fight for justice against injustice and evil. However, there is no such thing as right or wrong with the abilities of different species. 』

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