Alien Knights

Chapter 348: Raiders of the Ancient Micheng (4)

The roar of wild beasts from the abyss was only a few at first, then a group, and finally turned into the voice of ten thousand beasts.

Everyone lay down on the ground and waited for a long time before the roaring gradually died down.

Fogar stood up, waved his hand, and signaled everyone to exit the sinkhole.

When he came to the cave hall outside, Todd frowned and asked him, "What are those?"

"In the history books of Tailuo thousands of years ago, it was recorded that this place is an active volcano, but the Ulster people like to call it the 'Gate of Hell'." Fogar moved his steps carefully, looked at the pothole behind him, and let out a long breath: "No one knows how deep it is, but judging by the sound of wild beasts, there must be countless war beasts entrenched under the abyss."

Thinking of his combat experience, Todd asked, "War beast? Like that mutated giant wolf?"

Fogar nodded first, and then shook his head: "The huge monster wolf is indeed a war beast, but it is only the least threatening war beast."

"In order to capture war beasts, the Kingdom of Ulster will look for some smaller vents around the pits and mountains. Sick or dead slaves are chopped into pieces and placed there to wait for the single war beasts to take the bait." Fogar made a fishhook shape with his hands: "It's like fishing, using flesh and blood to lure out smaller war beasts, and then capture them and raise them in captivity."

Listening to Fogal's statement, Todd frowned more and more tightly: "According to what you mean, no one knows what is under this active volcano?"

Fogal shrugged: "There used to be warriors in the kingdom who dived from the cliff to find out, but they never came back without exception."

Todd sighed in disappointment. He originally thought that the Ulster people had mastered the method of breeding war beasts, but he didn't expect that they would use the method of arrest in the end.

Perhaps because he noticed the disappointment of the other party, Fogar said quickly: "Actually, the Kingdom of Ulster still has a big discovery about the secret of war beasts."

Todd looked at him and asked, "What is it?"

Fogar led him into the underground tunnel, and continued to move forward in the winding and complicated fork roads, and finally came to a stone wall with a faint light shining in the darkness. He raised the torch, pointed at the gap in the stone wall, and said to Todd, "Look."

The latter looked at it according to his words, only to find that some black liquid was continuously flowing out of the stone wall.

"The Ulster people call this black water the 'Dead Spring'." Fogar stepped back a few steps and said in a low voice, "The black water comes from the ground and is highly poisonous. Creatures, including humans, will die immediately once they drink the water from the spring."

When Todd heard this, he seemed to think of something, and his heart moved.

Fogar continued: "But what's interesting is that if war beasts drink this spring water, they will become more ferocious and powerful."

Active volcanoes, war beasts, black water... Connecting these things together, Todd already has a rough judgment.

There must be a large number of "Sutherland bacteria" in this tiankeng that was once an active volcano. The beasts living here eat the food nearby and drink the water around them, and unknowingly transform into beasts of the successor type. The tiankeng here is close to the country of shadows, and the ocean currents on the seabed brought the tyrant virus near the crystal pinnacle to the surface, seeping out from the cracks in the rocks, and finally triggering the continuous evolution of the beasts.

After figuring out all this, Todd suddenly thought of a question: "Fogar, these war beasts you captured need flesh and blood as bait every time you release them. Haven't you tried to domesticate them?"

Fogar shook his head helplessly: "We have tried to domesticate them as mounts and combat forces, but they all failed in the end. These war beasts are relatively quiet when they get along with each other. Once they encounter creatures outside the pit, they will immediately turn into bloodthirsty monsters."

Suddenly, Todd noticed a very crucial sentence: "They are still quiet when they get along with each other? What does this sentence mean?"

Fogal scratched his head: "When we put the captured war beasts together, they will not kill each other, and even when facing foreign enemies, they will retain a certain degree of team communication and cooperation ability."

Hearing these words, Todd began to recall the scenes when he fought with the beasts.

Whether in the arena or in the barbarian camp, there is indeed some kind of invisible communication mechanism among these beasts, which allows them to identify friend and foe.

Todd crossed his arms and thought hard in his mind, what is the basis for mutual recognition between war beasts?

shape? odor? sound? Or something else?

Accompanied by the Alien Association, Todd, who was thinking hard, left the cave, and a creature appeared in his eyes, which suddenly made his eyes shine.

Henry the Griffon squatted on the ground, combing his feathers, and seeing Todd's appearance, he spread his wings and screamed into the sky.

Recalling what happened to the Kingdom of Shadows, Todd remembered that his first encounter with Griffin and Manticore also started with a fight. After that, the landmark event that really made these war beasts no longer aggressive was the completion of the soul link.

So in other words, the soul link can eliminate the aggressiveness of the beast?

Thinking of this, Todd asked Fogar: "In the ancient city, are there still war beasts in captivity?"

The latter replied: "Yes, just below the cliff, there is a war beast farm."

"Bring a war beast here."

Fogal was stunned for a moment, and when he looked at Todd again, he found that the other party's expression did not seem to be joking, so he nodded.

While waiting for the Alien Association and Fogar to pick up the war beasts, Todd contacted the troops in the city and asked about the current situation.

A total of more than 6,000 slaves have been liberated from the shackles, and the number is still growing rapidly; properties worth more than two million gold coins have been searched out from the noble mansion and the castle treasury, and shipped to the port in boxes; the North Island Knights, which maintained order in the city, prevented several massacres organized by slaves. atrocities.

In addition to the above information, there is another crucial thing that was reported to Todd.

When a tribe searched the slave trading market, they found a large number of ledgers and notes from the vault of the exchange, which recorded in detail the involvement of the Church of the Heavenly Father in the slave trade.

When Todd heard the news, it was no exaggeration to describe it as ecstatic. In his opinion, these evidences would be the best weapon to attack the church.

Todd immediately ordered the tribe to properly preserve all the evidence and send it back to the ship as a priority.

After dealing with these matters, the sun began to set, and the stars began to twinkle in the sky.

Fogar and the Alien Association also returned to the open space at the entrance of the cave with a giant pointed bone wolf at this time.

Looking at this aggressive war beast with red eyes, bloody mouth, Todd slowly walked forward.

In the exclamation of everyone, Todd put his hand on the head of the giant wolf.

After a few seconds, the fierce light in the giant wolf's eyes slowly disappeared, and he looked suspiciously at the human in front of him.

Todd touched the top of its head. This ferocious and violent war beast, like an ordinary domestic dog, lay on the ground and wagged its tail.

Todd breathed a sigh of relief, the soul link ability can indeed appease the bloodthirsty soul of the war beast and reduce its desire to attack.

However, Todd quickly frowned again, why did this happen?

Soul link, soul space, psychic heterogeneity, and the identification of friend and foe by war beasts, these seemingly unreasonable things made Todd, who is still a materialist in essence, start to think that there must be a reasonable explanation behind these things.

If we can unravel the secrets of these mysteries, maybe we can figure out the truth behind the whole world.

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